5 Pillars of a successful team

Starting something new, taking on new challenges or implementing changes is not always easy, and there are always reasons to avoid doing so, but opportunities may not be around forever. We must focus on the things we are able to control and make a remarkable difference that our customers, our team, and our communities expect.
The key is TEAMWORK. It is said that “Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to obtain uncommon results.” Teamwork is the key component that will enable us to take tremendous strides.
Success doesn’t happen by chance. Great teams succeed because they care. They care about their goal, they stand united in the face of adversity, they challenge the conventional perception of the possibility, and they work for a purpose and prevail against all odds. A purpose they all care about with people they all care about. And that is the secret to a great team. They achieve greatness by working towards it together. Caring about each other is the fuel that allows ordinary looking people achieve not so ordinary feats.
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to be a part of both successful and unsuccessful teams. What I have observed is that there are 5 common characteristics successful teams share.
Great teams succeed because they are all driven to a common purpose. Great teams understand their goal clearly, and they know which path to take to reach there. It’s a leader’s job to ensure that each and every member of their team understands the big picture, where they fit into it, and the impact of their performance on the overall objective. Every member of that team works in tandem towards their own and in turn the company’s success because they understand it is but one single goal.
A survey from PGI (Premiere Global Services, Inc*1) states that there are 80 Million Millennial in the workforce currently, and 88% of them want workplace to be a fun place. People are more productive when they are happy. It motivates them to turn up to work every morning and work as a team. Google has revolutionized the Human Resource “People Operations” industry by simply using data to find different ways to keep their employees happy. Have you created an atmosphere where your team members can have fun together and collaborate easily?
The Ownership:
When we feel that we belong, we have a sense of ownership in the team. Great teams have member who trust in each other which in turn helps increase team’s efficiency. Transparency helps them develop trust and camaraderie. They inspire each other and commit to the team. Either your team members are committed to the team or they are not: there is no in-between.
Job satisfaction and performance skyrocket when a team understands the progress they are making. Understanding that you’re on the path to victory is the biggest motivator. It is the idea of making progress towards a common goal that shapes how we feel about the work we do. When a success is celebrated, everyone in your team is reminded that they have the ability to reach a common goal, and it builds a momentum for you and your team.
Resolve Conflicts:
Contrary to the popular belief, great teams are not the ones where the members always agree with each other. Healthy debates and heated arguments are often part of the discussions. The secret is that they are more comfortable and likely to disagree or challenge each other and reach a conclusion. They discuss issues out in open and often tend to reach an agreeable solution. They are family, and they tackle the issues as a family. They fight but the fights tend to end with a resolution, and the world outside never knows what happened.
The truth is that a great team is a lot more than just a combination of these 5 traits. It’s a sum of it all. Teamwork is one constant which transcends across the industry and all types of businesses. It does not matter if you just a start up or a billion dollar conglomerate, team work has the power to transform the way you do business. As you develop and strengthen the teams within your organization, you will be able to hear the positive impact resonate through the organization.