How to Identify the Best Call Center QA Program

Quality assurance is the cornerstone of call center management practices. Optimizing QA practices increase agents’ efficiency, reduce wasteful spending, and enhance the quality of the service to customers. The combined benefits of optimizing QA practices provides a competitive edge, making identifying the best call center quality monitoring program essential to overall success.
Comparing Quality Assurance Platforms
A powerful call center quality assurance program can make the difference in agents’ abilities to provide top-notch customer service if it provides customer-concentric and objective evaluations. The three main platforms of quality assurance teams include the following:
An internal quality team is ideal for businesses that want analysts to answer calls during high call volume and have total control over the quality program. There is an inherent risk of lower quality by pulling analysts to help guide call queues because the agents are not being evaluated during those peak times or given proper coaching. Because evaluations tend to be subjective, possibilities are dropped to mentor agents.
Cultural issues may arise with outsourced QA teams. There is a significant distinction between customers from the U.S. and those in the Philippines, South America, and India, for instance. A tone or word could mean the difference between losing a customer or establishing loyalty. A call center quality assurance program should provide call center managers with relevant data to properly coach agents properly alongside insight into the customers’ expectations.
Pro-sourcing quality teams are another platform to consider. An essential component of a successful pro-sourcing relationship is uncovering business intelligence to help an organization reach its goals and objectives. Most pro-sourcing quality assurance teams are located where customers reside, so they have the ability to understand the regional and local culture of the customers. Pro-sourcing quality partnerships work with the business expert to provide an unbiased, customer-centric analysis of strategies to enhance the customer experience and increase client loyalty.
Make sure that the program and quality analysts are experts in call center quality assurance. That way they can provide meaningful insight into excellent customer service for your clients.
Aligning Call Center Quality Assurance Programs with Business Needs
Over three-fourths of consumers view customer service as the real test of how much a company values them. More than half are comfortable severing their relationship with a brand over one poor customer experience. Choosing a call center quality monitoring program is essential for providing outstanding customer experiences every time agents interact with customers. However, selecting a suitable call center quality assurance platform that aligns with the business’s goals and needs is a daunting process., Here are four elements that contribute to the success of a call center quality monitoring program:
- Precise and to the point
- Clearly defined agent program
- Consistency, accuracy, fairness, and objectiveness
- Integration of managers and supervisors into the process
Following these techniques, tool, and tips will help businesses significantly improve their call center quality assurance practices. It will optimize the service their team provides to their clients. The enhanced quality and efficiency will result in a competitive edge.
This blog was first published on LinkedIN