3 Ways Call Center Quality Improves With Artificial Intelligence

The communication that occurs between customers and agents in your call center hold incredibly valuable information. There are many industry advancements that make it easier to collect insights captured by those calls or text-based chats, but Artificial intelligence (AI) is one that has proven incredibly valuable for the call center sector. AI is an especially powerful tool regarding improving and maintaining quality levels in your customer interactions.
It Lets You Monitor How Agents Handle Customer Queries
Quality monitoring is crucial for the success of a call center, and using Artificial Intelligence to monitor the effectiveness of your customer relations can lead to better results than ever. With AI you are able to record and transcribe every call that comes in, and analyze what was said in the interaction. As a result, you can evaluate how agents deal with various types of questions and ensure they’re following best practices. If they aren’t, it’s easy to provide specific constructive feedback and keep quality levels high.
It Detects Useful Business Patterns
A powerful asset of artificial intelligence is automated quality monitoring. This gives you the ability to track trends in your customer feedback. For example, after launching a new login portal for a website, calls from users who don’t understand how to access their accounts might go up by an estimated 25%. That’s a shift worth your attention, but you might not notice the severity of the issue without an intelligent call center solution that includes automated quality monitoring. AI is able to report to you on the data that most needs your attention.
Some interfaces allow you to look at history-related metrics. These break down the total number of calls received over a chosen time period, by analyzing data and discovering the most common topics. If metrics show that over the last two weeks a higher than average number of callers were highly satisfied and said they had come to your company after leaving a competitor, then your recent practices are worth continuing.
Based on the knowledge gained from captured data, you can then determine whether there are problems that need to be fixed. The information also confirms if the business techniques you’re using are working as intended.
It Helps You Stay Compliant
Many call center managers have their staff members follow scripts. This approach ensures all customers get similar experiences and reduces your liability. Quality monitoring is an easy way to track this, and enjoy peace of mind, knowing for certain your team members are following the scripts as they’ve been trained to do. If necessary, you can intervene and give guidance to maintain compliant communications.
Artificial Intelligence is the next step to managing your call center, and maintaining the level of success that your customers have come to expect. AI-derived knowledge from all your calls combines technology with a human touch. Consider investing in one soon.
This blog is first published on LinkedIn.