Why Customer’s Initiate Chat?

Chat is increasingly becoming the preferred solution for online consumers. Click-to-chat technology is gaining international momentum. Based on our experience with several Fortune 500 companies, live chat is the most effective channel in terms of customer service and satisfaction. Internationally, the next great area of customer contact is live chat.

From a customer perspective, regardless of a customer’s geographic location, a successful chat experience is a fast, contextual interaction with a knowledgeable, real person. The customer will have the opportunity to print or email a transcript, remain anonymous and save on the time and cost of placing a telephone call.

Some facts from surveys:

  • 67% of shoppers with a previous chat experience continue to actively seek chat options on merchant websites¹
  • 77% of chat users agree that this new interaction method positively influences their attitude about the retailer they consider buying from²
  • 63% of respondents reported they were more likely to return to a website after experiencing live chat³
  • 38% purchased from an e-commerce website as a direct result of the chat session itself?

Below shows several reasons why your customers would initiate chat and how you can take advantage of that opportunity.

  • Having trouble finding the right plan for them – Discover needs during conversation and help them choose the right plan.
  • To ask general questions about products – Understand the question and answer directly, further probe to discover needs and help them order.
  • If they experience an error during the navigation or check out process – Directly provide a solution to overcome the error, or as an alternative, provide them a new link to start the order process.
  • To inquire about any promotions available – Check if they qualify for the promotions. If not, show them what is in it for them if they order and what will they lose if they do not order.
  • To ask about terms and conditions – Provide the link to read or encourage them to read it carefully and ask questions, if any.
  • To inquire about the order that was placed – Provide them status or direct them to the appropriate department.
  • Compare plans of their interest – Discover needs and assist accordingly.

Benefits of Online Chat for Consumers

Online chat delivers rapid, personalized and timely communication through direct interaction, resulting in a wide range of benefits to include:

  • Reducing overall connection time, while allowing customers to quickly and easily access additional information online. This leads to happier, more satisfied customers and fewer future calls.
  • Helping consumers to connect to and be assisted by agents quickly through concurrent chat sessions handled by agents before they abandon a transaction.
  • Shortening the sales process by creating additional positive impressions that move a prospect quickly and efficiently through the sales cycle while resolving customer issues and objections immediately.

The figure below displays some facts about live chat aspects appreciated by consumers.

Jim Iyoob

Jim Iyoob

Jim Iyoob is the Chief Customer Officer for Etech Global Services. He has responsibility for Etech’s strategy, marketing, business development, IT, program implementation, operational excellence, and product development across all Etech’s existing lines of business – Etech, Etech Insights, ETS & Etech Social Media Solutions. He is passionate, driven, and an energetic business leader with a strong desire to remain ahead of the curve in outsourcing solutions and service delivery.

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