How data storytelling makes performance management easy

So, you have generated a whole bunch of data through your tech stack, but is it easy to understand? Data and its analysis through spreadsheets, mathematical equations, and lengthy algorithms can sometimes become confusing. However, if the data analysis is not communicating insights through it, then the whole purpose of data analysis is missing.
What is Data Storytelling?
Presenting data and communicating its insights through a narrative or visualization, is known as Data Storytelling. It can have a compelling impact on team members and help them develop an understanding of the strategic objectives of the organization.
Many brands fail to properly interpret data and thus the technology makes their life hard, instead of making it easy. The paramount to interpreting data and using it for performance management is to transform it into the form of a story. But how do you make data interpretation easy and prepare a compelling storyline for sharing insights? Let’s take a look.
Improve Overall Performance
Is your team of contact center agents failing to achieve the key benchmarks? Data analysis can provide an overview of the missed benchmarks. However, it needs business acumen and storytelling skills to identify the impact of missing those benchmarks and recommendations to overcome.
With the help of Data Storytelling, organizations can go in-depth in the data analysis and identify who is missing the benchmark, why are they missing it, and the approach to achieve success. Analysis, when coupled with insights and human intelligence, can drive transformation through agent performance, training, and product or service optimization.
Though data helps to identify key trends impacting performance, it takes accurate storytelling to improve overall performance.
Optimizing Internal Processes
Data can tell a lot about the impact of various trends on the business. However, to find the cause of each impact, it is crucial to analyze the data and understand the trends. Aligning data analysis with human intelligence can demonstrate the trends in a better way.
For example, a sudden inflow or reduction of calls from customers could be possible because of multiple reasons. However, without the partnership between data and trends, identifying the key performance-impacting parameters becomes nearly impossible. To understand the cause of the ups and downs in the number of calls, it is important to analyze the data. Here, human intelligence can help look at the trend from different angles and define the actual reason.
Based on the analysis, a business can come to a conclusive decision and optimize internal processes such as making self-service channels more viable.
Strengthen Communication and Engagement
For smoother functioning of any organization, communication and engagement is key, not just with the internal team members but also with the existing external stakeholders and potential customers. Using data storytelling, companies can identify the key impact of agent speech by not just analyzing what was said but also how it was said and what was the impact. This allows businesses to become strategic partners to their customers and convey market and business intelligence insights effectively.
Companies that use data storytelling as a key communication element build stronger relationships with team members and clients.
When combined, data, visualization, and storytelling can help businesses transfer an intuitive understanding of insights to team members.
Etech Insights is an innovative one-of-a-kind solution for performance management. Curated by industry experts and powered by AI, our team of Etech Insights identifies key patterns impacting performance, shows the impact of each parameter, and empowers organizations to deliver a quality experience to support all facets of the business. For more information, get in touch with us.
This Blog was earlier published on LinkedIn