Why Human Intelligence is Essential for Customer Loyalty

In recent years Artificial intelligence has come to lead many call centers. It has grown to the point that when seasoned callers reach customer service numbers and are not sure if they’re dealing with a human or a robot, they immediately try to bypass the AI and “speak to an agent.” These interactions make it clear to us that although this powerful technology been integrated throughout the call center industry, people still crave kind of service only human interactions can provide.
The human touch in a customer interaction can go a long way toward making people feel valued. Customers like to feel that the agent they are speaking with cares about solving their problems. While the human element is critical, customer loyalty has the potential to increase even more if forward-thinking call center managers introduce technology that can better understand customer needs.
Customers Want to Be Heard
One thing that many automated call centers lack is a highly personalized element of service. Some robotic solutions may be able to address customers by name, but frustrated or confused callers desire much more than that. They want an assurance that the person on the other end of the line is listening to the information provided and is working out how to solve the associated problems.
That kind of human-to-human customer service can be improved as some AI-driven platforms that record and analyze agent calls, allowing call center managers to ensure expectations are consistently met, and customers feel satisfied. Humans who care are truly the most important part of any effective call center.
Humans Take Action After Analyzing Data
Customer loyalty can weaken in just one bad interaction or failure to meet expectation. Unmet quality or service expectations can cause customers to downgrade services, or even move their business to competitors. It is crucial that call center agents are able to see where their customer interactions are successful, and where improvements need to be made to retain business.
Data analysis is an effective method of identifying problems before taking decisive action. Many automated technologies sort through data and illuminate potential issues, but they can’t solve those problems by coming up with solutions. Instead, humans must learn how to evaluate the metrics they see and create action plans that bring positive outcomes.
Humans Make Sure All Needs Are Met
Most conversations between call center agents and customers come to an end when the agent asks if more assistance is needed before the interactions cease. The human touch provided by a real person who is committed to making sure callers are as happy as possible makes a meaningful difference, causing many customers to feel comfortable enough to state what their remaining needs are. Higher customer satisfaction rates get a much-needed boost through human interaction.
Even the most powerful technologies cannot replace human interactions. Talented call center employees, aided by AI metrics, help customers feel cared for and sustains their loyalty.
This blog was first published on LinkedIn