Can Hybrid Intelligence help Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Coexist?

The days of mentioning artificial intelligence only in the realms of science fiction are long gone. Today, AI is all around us, though many do not even realize it is there. Still, some think that AI is going to take over in our workplaces, in our cars and in our homes. And the thought of being completely replaced by such technology is enough to make some people resistant to any new technology.
In truth, artificial intelligence can and does coexist with human intelligence each and every day, and the world is a better place because of this compatibility. Such compatibility in a work environment can be called a hybrid workforce or hybrid intelligence. In such a group, both parties work toward common, superior results which can be accomplished more easily than if each group was working on its own.
Peaceful Coexistence is Already Here
One example of just such a multiplicity or hybrid workforce can be seen in industry giants such as Facebook and Google. In each of these companies, technologies that are driven by AI recommendations combine with human input, typically generated when human device users click, like or conduct frequent searches. The result of the combined information is the ability to predict what consumers would like to see or purchase next. In the future, AI is predicted to evolve and become less dependent on human intelligence, though there will always be a need for some level of interaction.
Another entity benefiting from the combined efforts of AI and HI is Amazon Go. In this instance, the human input includes what would seem to be a very normal day in the grocery store. However, each time a customer picks up an item from the shelf and puts it in the cart, an AI system keeps track in a virtual cart. Because all items have been accounted for and tallied while the customer shops, there is no need for a stop at a cashier’s desk. Instead, customers simply walk out of the store with their selected items. AI takes care of the rest as a credit card linked to the customer’s Amazon account is charged and a receipt is sent.
Changing the Workplace
Hybrid workforces are already changing other types of work, typically done only by humans, is completed as well. For instance, one artificial intelligence system powered by IBM Watson analytics was given the challenge of being an online teaching assistant for a professor. The professor estimated that in only a year, the AI system could answer 40% of the questions students asked which allowed the human assistants to engage in other, more complex tasks. Again, nobody in this department expects that AI will begin to answer 100% of the questions and begin teaching the online course, removing the need for humans completely. Instead, they are able to see the harmonious existence and make good use of the time the AI system has managed to free up.
Benefits of AI
Some who are still resistant to the increasing use of AI ask the age old question “but do we really need it”. The answer becomes clear as benefits are discovered. Because AI is machine learning, the chance of making errors is very small. The came simply cannot be said with human counterparts. And most business owners know that human error and sometimes system error can result in a loss of capital almost every time. This is where AI can be beneficial. One new type of AI system has been installed above cashier stands in retail locations. Though it is almost unnoticeable, the system scans each transaction and sends an alert if an item fails to scan or if a cashier fails to scan something. Again, the human is necessary in this instance, the AI system stands as the failsafe for the company’s best financial interest.
Benefits of Etech Insights
Etech Global services understands that customers are the most important asset to every company and as such has committed to using all types of intelligence in the quest to improve the customer experience. One such solution, powered by AI and carried out by HI is known as Etech Insights. This innovative system provides actionable date that helps contact centers succeed by:
- Improving the customer experience
- Boost agent performance
- Increase profitability
- Increase span of influence
Contact centers using this system benefit from massive quantities of data gathered and analyzed in the background by the AI engine. Once performance enhancing behaviors and voice-of-customer insights are presented, contact center managers can work with agents to improve even the seemingly insignificant parts of a call routine. Quality monitoring, Customer satisfaction rates and benchmarking all become one step easier with the acceptance and use of Hybrid intelligence.
This blog was first published on LinkedIn