5 Strategies to Help Improve Customer Experience With Speech Analytics

Call centers are constantly searching for new ways to boost their customer experience and customer service capabilities, and advanced technology, specifically speech analytics, can provide call centers more insight into their customers as well as their desires. Speech analytics is the process of analyzing recorded calls to gather customer information to improve communication and future interaction. When used correctly, such analytics can give your call center a distinct advantage and make everyone’s job that much easier. Here are five effective strategies for boosting customer experience with powerful analytics.
1. Get to the Root of Customer Displeasure
Sometimes when a customer contacts your contact center, he or she will tell you exactly what the issue is. Other times, the explanation might be vague or simply misunderstood by the employee taking the call. Analytics are designed to remove the confusion from the equation so you know exactly why a customer is unhappy. Speech analytics tools accomplish this by studying the caller’s voice to pinpoint language that indicates displeasure, raised tones and over talk. This enables employees to resolve issues faster and to the caller’s satisfaction.
2. Pinpoint and Resolve Issues That Lead to Inefficiency
We live in a world where you have quick and easy access to products and services, which means that callers expect quick resolutions, which lead to better customer experience. Leaving someone on hold for a second longer than necessary could result in a disgruntled customer. Analytics is made to examine holds and long stretches of silence to determine what’s going wrong. Whatever the problem might be, it can be better resolved with the right analytics program.
3. Target Offers to the Right Caller and Customer
One size does not fit all. Rather than taking the shotgun approach when it comes to suggesting offers to customers, speech analytics allows you to pinpoint customers who are more likely to respond favorably to specific offers. What happens is analytics can uncover purchasing habits and trends to determine which offers an individual person is most likely to respond to. Now you can better target your marketing and advertising efforts without wasting time, resources or energy.
4. Better Call Center Agents Make for Happier Customers
Analytics is just as beneficial for call center agents as it is for callers. Managers are able to listen in on agents to see how well they adhere to any mandatory scripting, company policy or standards they should follow. The data gathered through analytics can be used to better train current as well as future call center agents, making them more effective and confident in their jobs.
5. Keep Customers Coming Back
When customers feel they are not being well taken care of, they are likely to take their business elsewhere. The data gathered by analytics can be used to better satisfy customers and keep them coming back to your company, boosting overall loyalty. Something else to think about is the fact that satisfied customers are more likely to tell other people about your company, which can bring in new business and even more satisfied customers.
Speech analytics can provide a huge boost to your business. Be sure you have a solid plan of action for your software and ensure you are using the tool to its full potential.