Five Steps That Can Help Leaders to Build Trust

Developing leadership qualities is essential for anyone running an organization, regardless of the business or activity. If the people with whom you work don’t trust you, it’s going to be nearly impossible to motivate them to achieve goals and accomplish the objectives you’ve set. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for employees to distrust their managers and supervisors. On the good side, if you’re one who leads others, there are some steps you can follow to gain the trust of those individuals and teams you direct.
Do What You Say You’ll Do :
Building employee trust starts with you keeping your promises and not committing to things you know you have no intention of doing of those things you know you don’t have the ability to do in the first place. Sometimes you might be tempted to accommodate an employee’s request or say yes to an idea, knowing full well the answer should have been no. Don’t be afraid to turn down an employee. The person will appreciate this more than if you say yes and then later break the promise.
Tell the Truth :
Related to the point above is the need to be completely honest. There’s no reason to mislead your employees or to beat around the bush. Sure, the truth can be hard to take sometimes, but at least your team members will know where they stand and what you expect of them. Similarly, when you’re honest, your employees will be truthful and upfront as well. This will help create an atmosphere where all parties can communicate openly without the worry that someone is holding something back.
Treat Others Fairly :
When it comes to leadership thoughts and awareness, it’s important for people in position of authority to realize there’s nothing wrong with being direct and blunt, as long as you’re fair in your remarks. Don’t point out other people’s flaws openly, and don’t do so unless the criticism is warranted and designed to help the person improve. Your employees need to know what you expect of them, but you don’t want them to resent you.
Keep Your Door Open :
Doing this figuratively and literally will build employee trust. Make sure your employees know they can approach you anytime with any concerns or problems. Listen to what they have to say and be sensitive to their needs.
Be Mindful of Your Own Actions :
From time to time, take inventory of yourself. Evaluate how you’re treating others and what your attitudes are.
Building trust is vital, but it’s not as challenging as you might think. Put these steps into practice, and you’ll notice a difference in your workplace.