Why leaders must have vision?

Etech’s 12 Character Commitments: Part – 7
Over 12 years ago we made the decision to implement a new philosophy on leadership that supports our vision to make a remarkable difference for each other, our customers, and within our communities. Our goal was to inspire Etech’s leadership team to embrace the challenge to conform our company to a servant-led organization. The pillars of Etech’s servant leadership culture are our 12 leadership commitments.
Those commitments are:
- Being a positive influence
- Valuing others
- Leading with integrity
- Leading with humility
- Leading with courage
- Being a team player
- Communicating well
- Holding yourself and others accountable
- Adapting to change
- Being a lifelong learner
- Being creative
Embracing, living, and casting our vision over the next few weeks, I will address each of the pillars and provide some examples of what they mean at Etech. I encourage each of you to read, embrace, and self-evaluate. I would be honored to hear your thoughts or feedback.
Why leadership vision is important?
Today I will address Vision. As stated above, our vision is “to make a remarkable difference for each other, our customers and within our communities.”
At Etech, we have made the commitment to building a culture where our team members are valued, listened to, and cared for.
Why are people first in our vision?
Because we believe that if create a culture where our team members feel this way, then I guarantee that our customers and communities will feel and see the impact as well!
The greatest of all strategies to drive customer satisfaction has nothing to do with customers and everything to do with employees. Top-performing companies have learned that high performance and sustainable results come from being employee-focused first and customer-focused second.
If you treat your employees well, they will treat the company and its customers well. Organizations that deliver the best service also have the best culture where employees are valued, listened to, and cared for. In turn, these employees value, care for, and serve their customers.
- Best Buy, for example, started to measure the engagement of their employees and in the process saw service and profits improve.
- T-Mobile dramatically improved and transformed its customer service when it improved the culture in its call centers by listening to its employees.
- Southwest Airlines has built its success on the foundation of an employee-first culture.
If we want our team members to understand, embrace, live, and cast our vision we MUST model what this looks like. When we are modeling it, they will follow it.
If you want your
- Team to seize opportunities, present them with opportunities to seize.
- People to embrace each day, embrace each day with them.
- Team to serve, serve them.
- People do care, care about them.
- Team to celebrate victories, celebrate them.
- People to give back to their communities, give back first.
- Team to love and trust, love and trust them.
- Employees to be their best, give them your best.
- People enjoy the journey, enjoy the journey with them.
When we take care of our people, they will live out our vision by making a remarkable difference for our customers, our communities, and each other, and when that happens my friends, it is something special to behold!
Until next time, may you continue to make a difference in the lives of the people you touch each day.