How can leaders positively influence others in the workplace?

Etech’s 12 Character Commitments: Part – 1
Over 12 years ago we made the decision to implement a new philosophy on leadership supporting our vision to make a remarkable difference for each other, our customers, and within our communities. Our goal was to inspire Etech’s leadership team to embrace the challenge to conform our company to a servant-led organization. The pillars of Etech’s servant leadership culture are our 12 leadership commitments.
Those commitments are:
- Being a positive influence
- Valuing others
- Leading with integrity
- Leading with humility
- Leading with courage
- Being a team player
- Communicate well
- Hold yourself and others accountable
- Adapt to change
- Be a lifelong learner
- Be creative
- Embrace, live, and cast our vision
Over the next 12 weeks, I will address each of the pillars and provide some examples of what that means at Etech. I encourage each of you to read, embrace, and self-evaluate. I would be honored to hear your thoughts or feedback.
What is Positive Influence?
We will start with being a positive influence at work. When I visit centers and ask, “which pillar is most important to you?”, being a positive influence is the one mentioned most frequently. So why not start here?
Being positive is more than being a cheerleader or an encourager. While those things are important, there is much more to consider. Here are some examples of what it means to be a positive influence at Etech.
- Act as a role model: Set a positive example by adhering to company core values, demonstrating a strong work ethic, not engaging in or tolerating gossip, and going the extra mile to help others.
- Maintain a positive attitude: Always look for the good in any situation or individual. Be an optimistic realist no matter how challenging the task is ahead.
- Give specific compliments often, openly, and authentically to others.
- Listen to your team member’s ideas and feedback and be open to new approaches.
- Foster a collaborative environment by encouraging and empowering team members to work together.
- Provide constructive feedback in a timely, caring, and private manner. The more your team knows you care, the more willing they will be to embrace your feedback. Praise and teach publicly, construct individuals privately.
- Show appreciation often for hard work and efforts.
- Celebrate successes publicly and frequently. Recognize individual accomplishments.
I hope this gives you some ideas to contemplate as we head full steam ahead into 2023.
Until next time, may you continue to make a difference in the lives of the people you touch each day.