The Importance of a Leader’s presence on Social Media

CEOs and other company leadership often serve as the public face of their businesses. This is increasingly true in the tech and start-up sectors, where businesses are smaller and company owners are required to do more diverse jobs. With this in mind, it may come as a surprise that so few CEOs maintain a social media presence related to their businesses. A 2012 poll conducted by IBM found that only 16 percent of CEOs use social media, and the number of CEOs who use these services for business rather than personal purposes is even smaller.
Maintaining a cultivated social media presence is an important part of building a company brand, and there are few people better qualified to do that the company CEO. Here is everything you need to know about becoming a social media leader for your company and beyond.
Use the Full Range of Social Media
Getting your name out there on Facebook is a good first step towards developing a social presence. However, there are lots of other options for those looking to get on social media. You don’t have to be on every social media network, but do make an effort to get on several that are used by many members of your customer base. Remember that there are different rules for each social network, so don’t hesitate to get a consultant to show you the ropes if you’re unsure.
Be Visible and Authentic
When you are on social media as the CEO of your company, your social presence should be professional and polished. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little fun while you’re there. In general, social media is less formal than other types of corporate communications, so you can feel free to joke around a little or let your personality shine through. If you make friends on social media, you can also chat with them, especially about industry topics. Building relationships in a public social media platform makes your business seem more friendly and approachable to potential customers.
Stay Connected to Others in the Industry
Social media is also a great place to network, without the hassle of handing out dozens of business cards. You can connect with other professionals in your field who you have heard of but haven’t had the chance to meet. Social media is also a great way to keep an eye on emerging talent and make them an offer quickly before one of your competitors does. Finally, once connected, you can more easily follow trends in your industry.
Cultivate a Public Persona
While there is a lot of room on social media to be yourself, keep in mind that you are still acting as the face of your company. Keep any jokes clean and avoid taking stands on political and social issues that aren’t directly related to your industry. If you can’t live without discussing your views on social media, consider making a separate personal account that can only be accessed by friends and family.
For help building your social media brand, contact one of our knowledgeable consultants today.
This blog was written by Jim Iyoob, EVP Customer Experience for Etech Global Services. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at