Leading the Millennials: Tips

Be Straightforward
Millennials appreciate clear and concise communication. While leading them it is important to be straightforward and provide direct and specific feedback. This includes coaching as well as appreciation. Not being clear with your instructions costs them time, from their perspective. This could lead to dissatisfaction, loss of interest, and loyalty issues. Your clear and to-the-point instructions will help them understand their role and expectations often leading to positive outcomes.
Listen and Support
To become a good leader for the millennial workforce, it is essential to develop the ability to listen and support. This workforce expects leaders to understand their desires, expectations and goals. Millennials appreciate when they are heard and understood.
If they feel disconnected, they’ll choose to switch jobs, instead of speaking their mind. Most times, the millennial workforce does not ask for solutions to their problems rather they are looking for support, motivation, and acknowledgement.
Give Freedom
Millennials are most productive when they are given a free hand to choose their working style. When they approach work in their own way it improves accountability, ownership of results and puts them where their skill sets are maximized. Ensure you give them a platform to express their ideas and opinions. However, if there is something you disagree with, it should follow with constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Trust Your Team
Leading a team of millennials is easy when you demonstrate trust in them. Let the team be on their own for some time. As a leader, you do not have to micromanage their every task. Be a guide as needed and offer your support. This will pave the way to a confident and transparent working culture resulting in positive outcomes. While leading millennials, it is important to understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Be open and try to comprehend different working patterns as long as you are getting the desired results.
Flexible Working Pattern
Work-life balance is the biggest priority for millennials, and they appreciate flexible working patterns to maintain balance between personal and professional life. When this workforce is allowed to work at their convenience, they stay motivated and deliver on expectations. Flexibilities such as remote working and preferred work schedules keeps them engaged and loyal to the team as well as organization.
Give Regular Feedback
The millennial workforce values regular feedback as it helps them evaluate their performance and demonstrate improvement. Channeling clear feedback to the young workforce enhances their performance across all levels and adds to professional development. Positive feedback amplifies the confidence of team members. If you are not satisfied with the work of your team members, then be clear with them as criticism can be constructive too. The ultimate goal of feedback is to set up team members for success.
Working with the emerging millennial workforce can be tricky, but leaders must understand that this generation is going to define a lot of what the future workforce will need. If you are ready to refine your leadership methods while dealing with a young workforce, it improves talent acquisition, retention, and growth. As a leader, once you figure out how to elevate them to their full potential, this workforce delivers their best.
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