Life in the Boardroom (Part Two)

A few weeks ago, we discussed the issue of how Life in the Boardroom has changed dramatically over the last decade. While many concerns remain the same for today’s executives, technology has ushered in a new set of challenges and concerns.
One of the biggest changes and challenges facing executives today is Social Media. Social Media’s entrance into the market place has been like a tidal wave coming so fast and so furiously it can be over-whelming. While it has opened a new avenue for reaching customers, it can also be a PR nightmare when it comes to a negative experience. Staying ahead of the PR curve has always been a concern for executives and Social Media has become a huge piece of that mix. However, when used more “proactively” Social Media can be the greatest tool in the arsenal when it comes to managing the public relations aspect of business.
What do we mean by “Proactively?” A recent article published in Ask a PR Expert sheds some light on that question.
The Gallup Blog suggested that companies could better utilize social media by being “authentic,” “responsive,” and “compelling.” In other words, ditch the sales pitch and create an “open dialogue” with consumers; listen to what customers are saying and offer a timely response to negative feedback; and finally, create compelling content – that is, content that readers find valuable and not just promotional. (This article had some pretty interesting things to say about the human connection, which you can read here.)
This was very welcomed information for us here at Etech. What this says to us is that people still need that “human connection” and Social Media can provide that when used proactively. Its very title “social” conveys interaction, connectedness and meaningful communication. So as we learn to use Social Media as a tool to build relationships, rather than just promote our business, we take a very proactive approach to this new aspect of public relations.
As we approach Social Media in a more proactive rather than reactive way, that enables us to better manage the other modern-day challenge of the impact of Smartphones. Nothing has changed the way we do business, or life for that matter, more than the advent of Smartphones. No other technological device has changed our lives more than the Smartphone. We have instant communication anytime and anywhere. The immediacy that smartphones bring to life, can certainly be the source of much angst when it comes to social media, but as stated above, if we see these tools of Social Media and Smartphones as the means of building relationships, we will find that these new technologies can become our strongest ally.
This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 3,000 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.