Being the Positive Influence Your Team Needs

Being a positive influence is a character commitment that every leader should be required to make. Not only will being positive have a productive impact on your company but there are personal benefits to be gained as well. There have been many studies done on the power of positive thought and the conclusions drawn show that positive thinking has been proven to reduce stress, help people live longer, improve one’s overall well-being and enable people to better cope with the anxieties of this world.
Many people understand the benefits of being positive; the real challenge is the execution! I have often been asked, “How can I remain positive especially when others around me are so negative?” I have recently read several articles and books on positive thinking. There were several common strategies that these articles contained that I wanted to share with you below. I have tried many of these in my own life and they work!
1. Admit you are negative!
The first step to overcoming any problem in life is to admit that there is a problem. Whether it is gossiping about a fellow team member, or complaining about a comp plan, or believing that you can’t achieve something … these attitudes all contribute to a non-healthy situation.
2. Avoid Negative Influences.
This includes the following:
a. “Friends” or fellow team members who are always complaining. You don’t have to look very far or hard to find these people. Fire them from your life!!
b. The news….Murder, war, rape, fiscal deficits, rising gas prices… During my recent recovery from back surgery, I had much time to watch a lot of Fox News. How discouraging! If you need your daily news fix, then turn to resources such as or
3. Surround yourself with positive people!
I love hanging around people with positive people. Why? Because after interacting with them I always feel better. Their positive nature is contagious! Their smile alone energizes me!
4. Saturate yourself with positive books, quotes, e-newsletters and music.
You can never have enough positive influence in your life! Commit to being a lifelong learner and make sure part of that learning is focused in this area.
5. Take care of yourself!
Eat healthy, eliminate soda from your diet and drink lots of water, exercise, and stop smoking! The better you feel about yourself, the more positive you will feel. The more positive you feel, the better you will take care of yourself. Try it!
6. Form a relationship with God.
Pray, meditate, have a conversation, seek Him. We live in a fallen world but God has created each of us for His purpose. The closer you draw to Him, the clearer His purpose for your life becomes. There is nothing more positive that I have experienced in my life then when I finally realized and accepted the fact that God had a purpose for me.
7. Be a positive influencer by serving others!
There is no greater reward that I have ever experienced than helping someone in need. As you incorporate the 6 strategies above into your own life, you will want to share your new found positive thinking with others. Serve them well!