Selecting the Right Quality Monitoring Solution Can Vastly Improve Customer Satisfaction Rates

If you’re in need of a solid strategy to boost your customer satisfaction rates, one of the best ways to do so is with a quality monitoring solution. Call center quality monitoring benefits customers, call center representatives and businesses, making it a winning situation for everyone involved. Before implementing such a solution in your business model, you should first have a solid grasp of the overall benefits of quality monitoring and why quality monitoring is so effective when it comes to improving overall customer satisfaction.
How Business Intelligence Solutions Involve Quality Monitoring
When it comes to improving customer satisfaction, you’ve got to act quickly and with automated call center technology solutions that offer immediate results. Without quick and effective solutions, you run the risk of losing customers forever. One of the absolute biggest benefits of quality monitoring solutions is they pave the way toward higher profits, mainly because satisfied customers are more willing to spend time and money on your company and the products and services you offer. Another advantage is your call center agents have a better idea of the steps necessary to take the best care of your customers, something that can go a long way in avoiding trial and error.
Rather than wait for your customers to need assistance before they ask for assistance, quality monitoring solutions offer customers prompts when they first arrive at your website. The great thing about this is that customers know exactly where to go when they do have a question, which is undoubtedly preferable to scrambling around on your site in search of a phone number or live chat link.
There’s also the fact that taking steps to boost your overall quality helps you to retain customers. Like you’re likely to continuously renew your lease on an apartment in which you enjoy living and feel like you’re well taken care of, the same applies to businesses that take great care of their customers and their needs. You have to remember that no matter the services or products you sell, your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Take great care of them, and it’s that much easier for you to grow your business and fulfill its true potential.
Saving time is another great selling point for quality assurance. Even if you make it easy for site visitors to ask for help, there are still a few more steps to complete to take full advantage of your opportunity. For instance, the information gleaned from quality monitoring can allow your call center agents to fully answer any questions customers might have and take care of them faster, saving time for the customer and your agents.
Do you have (or have you had) to reduce your number of contact agents for financial reasons? If so, investing in quality assurance could make the situation better for your agents as well as your bottom line. Quality solutions can go a long way in reducing caller and customer wait times, preventing customers from having to talk to more than one agent about the same problem and better managing your need to potentially outsource your call center to agents who might not be easily understood by your callers or who might not easily understand your callers.
Additional Benefits of Quality Monitoring
You’ll likely find it’s much easier for you to gauge the overall performance of your agents with quality monitoring solutions. While there might be standards you have, and while your agents might adhere to those standards, quality monitoring solutions provide you with more information that can be used to pinpoint further exact areas of agent performance that need improvement, something that better keeps your agents on their toes and can keep them from becoming complacent in their work performance.
There’s also the fact that you want to make sure your agents are all offering customers the same experience across the board, meaning you don’t want to send (accidentally or on purpose) mixed messages. Even if a caller or site visitor interacts with a different agent each time she or he reaches out for help, it should still feel like dealing with one individual and one set of standards. With this approach, the quality assurance and monitoring feedback you receive is precise across the board, allowing you to make solid improvements to your call center.
Just as quality assurance efforts let your call center agents know where they need to make improvements, they also let you know where you might have areas of improvement within your business structure. For instance, if customers and visitors constantly reach out to you with complaints about how difficult it is to navigate your site, it’s likely you need to give your online home an overhaul, or at least some mild remodeling. On a related note, don’t forget that your agents are another valuable font of knowledge about ways in which you can make your business better, so be sure to listen to them and give them a chance to voice their opinions.
Having a constant influx of information on the overall quality of your service keeps you and your agents from settling into a false sense of security, which provides you with an undeniable edge in the modern-day business world as well as your industry. No matter your market or audience, change is inevitable. Not only that, but it’s also better to keep us with those changes rather than struggle to play catch-up, which can result in more than a few avoidable disasters. See what a difference practicing proactivity makes by keeping yourself and your agents on your toes.
Going back to how you can save money with call center quality monitoring, it can lower the amount of money you spend on calls and other common operational costs, some of which you might not even be aware are impacted by the overall quality of your customer service. That’s money you can funnel back into your business, giving you the financial resources you need for successful growth and to keep your call center agents happy and right where they are with your company.
You can also learn how customers prefer to contact you for help with monitoring solutions. While you may offer a variety of contact points, such as phone calls, emails, live chat, and social media, some of those methods might be more popular than others. You can use the feedback gained from quality assurance and monitoring to not only figure out which contact points are the most popular but also which ones need work and the specific areas in which they need work. For instance, while customers might prefer to communicate with you through live chat, they might find the features of your live chat option a bit lacking. Now you’ll know where and how to focus your improvement efforts.
How to Incorporate Technology to Streamline Your Organization’s Quality Assurance Processes
Now that you know several benefits to paying close attention to quality monitoring to boost overall customer satisfaction, it’s time to learn how to put solutions into action to maximize your results. The first thing you’ll want to do is decide on your specific goal. After all, you can’t hit a target if you don’t even know what or where that target is. Decide on your definition of positive customer interaction and why you feel it’s positive. On the flip side of that concept, decide on your definition of negative customer interaction and why it’s negative. Once you have these two definitions, you’ll start to get a solid idea of the goals you and your call center agents are looking to fulfill with quality monitoring technology.
To give your call center agents the biggest benefit when it comes to quality monitoring feedback, it’s a good idea to have weekly meetings in which the call center leaders and a handful of agents sit down and listen to one of the agent’s recordings and offer feedback on what went right, what went wrong and areas that need improvement. This personal touch lets your agents know you truly care and are invested in their success, which is sure to make them feel more like valuable employees and make them want to stick with your business for the long haul.
Going back to defining a positive customer interaction and a negative one, you want to focus on the full spectrum when it comes to evaluating your employees as well. This means concentrating on the top performers as well as the lowest performers. The former often provides the best insights into what your call center does well and the latter has a huge impact on your overall average of customer satisfaction. Combined, you remain in the driver’s seat throughout your efforts to provide your customers with the best you have to offer.
Something else you can do is concentrate on practices that offer the highest yield and return on investment. Such practices might include:
- Adhering to a specific script
- Focusing on keeping new hires onboard for the long haul
- Developing and refining methods of sale conversions
- Retaining customers
There are likely multiple areas of your call center operation that require attention and improvement. With that in mind, you and your agents will be much better off focusing on one area a month. You can take this one step further by switching between technical skills and soft skills each month for a more balanced approach. For instance, a soft skill to work on could be empathy or tone while a more technical skill is using the system or the information your agents use to carry out their jobs. Once the month is over, perform a final “run” to ensure everyone has a better understanding and to determine whether your team is ready to move on to the next area of improvement. Not only is improving month-by-month more effective overall, but it also goes a long way in making sure your employees don’t feel overwhelmed, which can trigger more issues that need to be addressed before moving on.
Make sure your agents are involved with your quality monitoring efforts and are familiar with any technology you decide to use. Your call center team should know why you desire to improve quality, how you plan on doing it, how they’ll help with your efforts and the results you hope for. What’s more is you should open the floor to hear your agent’s opinions and insights into how you can improve your efforts. After all, your agents have a huge part to play when it comes to overall customer satisfaction, so they might as well be involved with everything. This level of interaction also better guarantees that your agents are on board with your efforts and will truly give it they’re all, something that’s sure to influence the final results positively.
When you find areas that require improvement with specific agents, let them know what those areas are, but don’t immediately tell them how to improve them. The reason for this is because while quality monitoring can uncover a wealth of information, having that much information can sometimes be detrimental. For example, any shortcomings the agent might seem to have could be an isolated incident that won’t happen again. By giving the agent the opportunity to come up with a solution on her or his own, the individual can look at the issue from his or her own POV, ask more pointed questions and come up with solutions that might fit her or his learning style better than any a manager or supervisor might have to offer.
As you’re implementing technology and finding areas of improvement throughout your call center, take steps to keep the entire process as uplifting and positive as possible, no matter how much work needs to be done. Before informing agents of areas that need improvement, let them know the areas in which they excel and are doing great. Balance is essential to keeping employees encouraged and hungry to perform at their very best. When team members do a good job, be sure to praise and recognize their achievements.
Whenever monitoring technology picks up prime examples of perfect calls and chats, be sure to log and use them as learning and guiding tools. Specifically, be sure to note the language, tone, keywords and signals that garnered a positive response or resulted in a positive conclusion. While you can always have employees role play to improve their skills, nothing beats an unscripted and undiluted customer interaction. Even if your agents don’t use those exact keywords, language or tone used in examples of perfect calls, they at least have a solid idea of the strategy they should use in future interactions, bringing them one step closer to their own “golden call.”
This blog was first published on LinkedIn.