Servant Leadership: A Revolutionizing Concept to Redefine the Corporate Future

If the corporate world has learned anything over the last decade, it is that authoritarian and fear-based leadership platforms are outdated. Not only do they not work, but they have crippled many foundations from the inside out. Not only are employees unable to function in domination based corporate hierarchies, but overall productivity is negatively influenced. The result is unsustainable business practices that lead to decreased profits, shaky undefined leadership roles, high employee turnover, and, eventually, downward trends.
It should come as little surprise that savvy corporations are turning their eyes towards servant leadership models. A servant leader is focused on their employees and considers how they can best serve them. Instead of information trickling down the corporate ladder, it trickles up. While this may seem counterproductive, servant leadership has proven to be one of the most effective forms of leadership in modern times. Servant leadership impacts employees by increasing satisfaction and, in turn, productivity and profitability.
What is Servant Leadership?
Many people are unfamiliar with the term servant leadership, but it is a leadership style that deserves a more in-depth look. Servant leaders turn the power hierarchy within a company upside down. The employees are placed at the top, and the leader becomes responsible for leading the company by serving their employees. Servant leadership is built on the principle that if you empower and uplift employees, they will respond with renewed creativity, potential, and purpose.
Replacing authority with humility helps to create high employee performance and create higher profits for the company. Even more critical, servant leadership helps create a corporate structure with meaning, and that sense of belonging and meaning makes it much less likely to crumble. In a world where it only takes one or two employees to shake the foundation of an entire company, unity and serving leaders are an oasis.
Why Servant Leadership is the Future
If the above is not enough to emphasize the importance and application of servant leadership, these specific reasons may help highlight why servant leadership is the future. Today’s generation of leaders and employees is more knowledgeable and self-aware than ever before, and a servant leader can capitalize on this to create strong foundations for their corporation.
Generation X is the Next Line of Servant Leaders
To start, generation X is now growing into management and leadership roles within companies. This generation grew up during the ‘80s and ‘90s and saw firsthand how destructive toxic leadership within corporations could be. They are the generation who developed a true disdain for office jobs and watched layoffs happen in spades. These future servant leaders don’t trust corporations and demand better service for them, which in turn, ultimately impacts their leadership style towards their team members. Generation X is very receptive to the idea of servant leadership and keen to the mental and emotional health of their employees in addition to their actual abilities.
Sustainability is in High Demand
Not only is the new generation of servant leaders more aware of the need for environmental sustainability, but they also recognize that corporations need to focus on sustainable business practices within. Instead of carelessly ignoring illegal or unethical business practices until they get caught, servant leadership focuses on stopping this behavior before it even has the opportunity to start. They recognize the need to treat all employees fairly to create a sustainable workforce that grows and contributes positively to reshaping the image of the corporate world.
It’s Time to Rebuild with Servant Leadership
To that end, the new generation of managers understands that it is time to rebuild organizations instead of tearing down the base, or the employee workforce. The global economy is still dealing with the effects of the last recession and, in many areas, is teetering on the edge of another business recession. In this environment, servant leaders must focus on engaging employees to retain their top talent. Modern employees know they have choices and are not afraid to leave one business for another with a more desirable work culture- like servant leadership. Servant leadership impacts employees personally and impacts employee retention.
Etech Believes in Servant Leadership
Etech embraced, developed and implemented a servant leadership foundation in 2009. It took years of intentional training and follow up, but eventually the foundation became the culture of our company. By honoring our people, our customers and our communities and choosing to lead by serving, Etech’s results and impact continue to improve and grow.
Etech has a unique vision that leads the company to remain employee-centric. Etech strives to make a difference within the work culture by positively practicing servant leadership and empowering its employees to create a ripple of positivity that spreads into the local community as well.
We believe in being accountable and focused on growth, and we bring these principles with us as we consult with other companies and manage our own. Come and join us to be a part of our remarkable team and be a true servant leader!