6 Strategies to Optimize Call Center Quality Assurance

Quality assurance involves maintaining a desired level of quality and it is crucial for your call center to be aware of the ways to do this. In order to optimize call center quality assurance, take advantage of these six strategies.
Focus on quality as a behavior
One strategy to utilize is to evaluate the quality of your agents during training. Keeping them informed about the call selection process and telling them how well they are doing will keep them more engaged with the calls and more willing to improve. QA evaluations also allow you to measure the performance of your agents.
Use analytics
Another strategy is to use analytics to your advantage to find higher value calls. A few examples of higher value calls include calls that were tagged by an agent, called that were placed multiple times, calls which involved transfers, calls that were extremely long or short and calls that were directed to specific numbers within a small time frame. When you are able to pinpoint high value calls, you can detect issues you’re having and correct them accordingly.
Automate QA workflow
Something else to consider is to classify calls and collect data which can help determine criteria for quality monitoring. An automated QA workflow helps monitor calls with long handle times and identifies specific causes. Once again, you can pinpoint issues and decipher where the main problem lies. It can also help monitor calls with a lot of transfers and help you determine if customers are even calling the right numbers.
Increase agent feedback
Another strategy to consider is to speed up the feedback you give to agents. A few ways to do this is to make QA evaluations more frequent, allow the agent to have time before the call to review some information, provide call reviews on a regular basis, implement peer to peer coaching or even rotate the coaches to keep your agents from getting bored or comfortable with the same supervisor.
Frequent calibration sessions
A fifth way to optimize call center quality assurance is to schedule calibration sessions more frequently. This can eliminate the differences between supervisors on how they view various skills and agents may be less likely to object their ratings based on specific supervisors.
Lastly, you can use a speech analytics tool to use auto-scoring. Speech analytics software allows for you to set up buckets for various categories such as greeting, call recording disclaimer, contact terms and more.
Utilizing these six strategies and focusing on improving call center quality monitoring can improve your call center and enhance the excellence of your agents as well as improve your customers’ experiences on the phone.
This blog was first published on LinkedIn.