How to Promote Organizational Culture Using Social Media

Organizational culture is one of the latest business buzzwords cropping up in think pieces and business seminars around the country. However, for those not already in the know, getting a handle on what exactly organizational culture is and how to make it work for the various social channels of your company can be tricky.
The Definition of Organizational Culture
Organizational culture can mean many different things to many different people; however, the most basic definition refers to the way people act and think within an organization at any given time. Employers may think that they don’t have much say over what employees think or what they do in their free time. However, their influence may extend further than they think. Harnessing the power of social media is one way to direct employee energy even when workers are away from the office.
How Social Media Fits In
Social media allows employees to communicate even when they are not at the office, and it’s fairly unreasonable to think that they won’t talk about work. Employers will have a hard time restricting what their employees say on their off hours, but they can seek to promote talk about positive work experience and minimize talk about bad ones.
How Businesses Can Harness Social Media
Workers can use social media both inside and outside of work. That means that workers may maintain individual or shared accounts specifically for posting work-related content, as well as personal accounts that they use to talk about a variety of aspects of their lives, including work. Naturally, all posts on work accounts should be positive, but positive posts on personal accounts can also be recognized by the workplace. A reblog of a personal account by the company account can help lend an air of authenticity to the claim.
Building a Social Media Presence
In order to make an impression on the largest number of potential customers, businesses need a strong social media presence. Create company accounts on several different social networks and use them to share engaging content. You can also put a personal face on the accounts by spotlighting different employees in the organization or having them write testimonials or other types of content.
Empowering Employees
When an employee is using social media to promote the company, even if he or she is doing it outside of work, make sure to recognize the effort and give the employee the necessary tools to continue the good work. Begin by allowing employees access to social media in the workplace and giving them plenty of opportunities to talk about positive experiences at work.
Optimizing Networks of Communication
Social media can also be used to improve communication in the workplace. There are plenty of social networks for connecting employees within an office or corporation. Having various methods of communication, not all of which are strictly related to work can make employees feel more like a team and work like one as well.