
Want to improve Customer Experience? These are the 3 Technologies that you should be aware of!

Customer Experience successfully drives the business to the path of growth and profit. It is the critical competitive differentiation that sets a business apart from its competitors. Here are the three technologies that are imperative for delivering the best customer experience. Said so, it is essential to understand that the technology is just the enabler and a good CX is the outcome of the consolidation of people, processes, and technology. Most importantly the company’s people are the face of CX. “A brand is defined by the Customer’s experience. The experience is delivered by the employees.” – Shep Hyken Live Chat Today’s customers don’t like to wait. They want an immediate response and what can be a better way than Live Chat! Live Chat helps to cater customer needs efficiently. It gives an open-ended platform for offering instant support and timely assistance. Various studies have shown that implementing live chat services has significantly improved customer satisfaction. In one of Inc’s article, it was stated that 92% of customers feel satisfied when they use the live chat feature. WHY? Customers find live chat to be very convenient as they can connect with an agent instantly and get real-time and personalized support. Their issues get addressed swiftly. The other best thing they find about live chat is that they can multi-task while having a conversation with the live chat agent, which they consider to be an added advantage. Artificial Intelligence It’s no secret that Artificial intelligence is flourishing and expanding its horizons every single day. With AI companies will be more efficiently and effectively be able to meet customer’s requirement and needs. HOW? For instance, data insights play a pivotal role in CX enhancement. However, customer experience data comes in the form of messy, unorganized datasets that need to be reformed into rational patterns to derive positive outcome. The tedium of pulling the data sets together and transforming them into no-complex consistent patterns is overwhelming. But for AI this is the prime stomping ground. It does it seamlessly and in a minor time frame. It’s high time that people start looking at AI with a different paradigm; it is not here to replace humans but to assist them. Combining AI and Human Intelligence can lead to seamless customer experience! Big Data Analytics Big data analytics is a game changer of the CX world. The application of this technology is transforming the way the businesses are interacting with their customers. WHERE? Big Data Analytics comes handy while analyzing the data collected from customers, and providing tailor-made solutions as per the expectations and aspiration of the customer. As showcased in a Salesforce survey 57% of customers share their personal data with companies for receiving discounts and personalized offers. Big Data Analytics helps in analyzing this humongous amount of data obtained from customers into an actionable way. It thus, aid in providing personalized services and delivering a better customer experience. Integrating these technologies into your business will help you to meet today’s customers’ expectations and to stay at the top in the battlefield of customer experience. This blog was earlier published on LinkedIn.

Actions and Attitude – Its Time To Align

It is often perceived that leaders gain influence with their team members solely based on how a message is communicated. As leaders, we’re taught the importance of tone fluctuation, being energetic and making direct eye contact, but the truth is there’s more to effective communication than the delivery alone. From performance reviews and quarterly updates to casual conversations by the water fountain, we’re constantly trying to improve communication with our teams, but we neglect one critical factor…our attitude. Attitude is defined as: a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. In other words, it’s what we truly think and feel, despite the things we say to others. Many leaders do not consider their attitude when evaluating their communication simply because it’s often nonverbal, but nonverbal communication will make or break the effectiveness of your message, with or without your knowledge. Naz Beheshti, a contributor for Forbes Women wrote an article on “The Power of Mindful Nonverbal Communication” where she stated, “If our nonverbal communication is not aligned with our spoken words, then our message will be mixed or muddled, and it will not resonate at all. Our message will be lost in translation.” Has your message been lost in translation? Do you have a solid grasp on how you’re perceived in the workplace or have you assumed based on your “effective communication checklist”? Here are some practical tips on how to adjust your attitude to ensure your message is being received by your team members: Check your intentions – If the perception from your team members is that you’re egotistical, could it be true? Is the underlying tone of your interactions with them, “superiority”? Whether or not you want to admit it, people feel that. This is an opportunity for you to hold yourself accountable for A.) Doing the right thing and B.) Making sure your attitude is aligned with your company’s culture. Have integrity when no one is looking – You may not like someone you manage. You may not like someone you work with and the truth is, you’ll always be presented with opportunities to NOT be your best self towards them. Always choose to be your best self. Always choose to have integrity. Be mindful of your nonverbal communication – Smile, be friendly, say “good morning”, be genuine. It doesn’t cost you a dime. From the facilities department to the CEO of the company, true leaders demonstrate respectful verbal and nonverbal communication across the board. John C. Maxwell says, “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” As we continue to learn and grow as leaders, it’s important for us to understand that no matter how intelligent we are, we’re not smart enough to hide our true attitude and intentions from the people we must lead.

Selecting the Right Quality Monitoring Solution Can Vastly Improve Customer Satisfaction Rates

If you’re in need of a solid strategy to boost your customer satisfaction rates, one of the best ways to do so is with a quality monitoring solution. Call center quality monitoring benefits customers, call center representatives and businesses, making it a winning situation for everyone involved. Before implementing such a solution in your business model, you should first have a solid grasp of the overall benefits of quality monitoring and why quality monitoring is so effective when it comes to improving overall customer satisfaction. How Business Intelligence Solutions Involve Quality Monitoring When it comes to improving customer satisfaction, you’ve got to act quickly and with automated call center technology solutions that offer immediate results. Without quick and effective solutions, you run the risk of losing customers forever. One of the absolute biggest benefits of quality monitoring solutions is they pave the way toward higher profits, mainly because satisfied customers are more willing to spend time and money on your company and the products and services you offer. Another advantage is your call center agents have a better idea of the steps necessary to take the best care of your customers, something that can go a long way in avoiding trial and error. Rather than wait for your customers to need assistance before they ask for assistance, quality monitoring solutions offer customers prompts when they first arrive at your website. The great thing about this is that customers know exactly where to go when they do have a question, which is undoubtedly preferable to scrambling around on your site in search of a phone number or live chat link. There’s also the fact that taking steps to boost your overall quality helps you to retain customers. Like you’re likely to continuously renew your lease on an apartment in which you enjoy living and feel like you’re well taken care of, the same applies to businesses that take great care of their customers and their needs. You have to remember that no matter the services or products you sell, your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Take great care of them, and it’s that much easier for you to grow your business and fulfill its true potential. Saving time is another great selling point for quality assurance. Even if you make it easy for site visitors to ask for help, there are still a few more steps to complete to take full advantage of your opportunity. For instance, the information gleaned from quality monitoring can allow your call center agents to fully answer any questions customers might have and take care of them faster, saving time for the customer and your agents. Do you have (or have you had) to reduce your number of contact agents for financial reasons? If so, investing in quality assurance could make the situation better for your agents as well as your bottom line. Quality solutions can go a long way in reducing caller and customer wait times, preventing customers from having to talk to more than one agent about the same problem and better managing your need to potentially outsource your call center to agents who might not be easily understood by your callers or who might not easily understand your callers. Additional Benefits of Quality Monitoring You’ll likely find it’s much easier for you to gauge the overall performance of your agents with quality monitoring solutions. While there might be standards you have, and while your agents might adhere to those standards, quality monitoring solutions provide you with more information that can be used to pinpoint further exact areas of agent performance that need improvement, something that better keeps your agents on their toes and can keep them from becoming complacent in their work performance. There’s also the fact that you want to make sure your agents are all offering customers the same experience across the board, meaning you don’t want to send (accidentally or on purpose) mixed messages. Even if a caller or site visitor interacts with a different agent each time she or he reaches out for help, it should still feel like dealing with one individual and one set of standards. With this approach, the quality assurance and monitoring feedback you receive is precise across the board, allowing you to make solid improvements to your call center. Just as quality assurance efforts let your call center agents know where they need to make improvements, they also let you know where you might have areas of improvement within your business structure. For instance, if customers and visitors constantly reach out to you with complaints about how difficult it is to navigate your site, it’s likely you need to give your online home an overhaul, or at least some mild remodeling. On a related note, don’t forget that your agents are another valuable font of knowledge about ways in which you can make your business better, so be sure to listen to them and give them a chance to voice their opinions. Having a constant influx of information on the overall quality of your service keeps you and your agents from settling into a false sense of security, which provides you with an undeniable edge in the modern-day business world as well as your industry. No matter your market or audience, change is inevitable. Not only that, but it’s also better to keep us with those changes rather than struggle to play catch-up, which can result in more than a few avoidable disasters. See what a difference practicing proactivity makes by keeping yourself and your agents on your toes. Going back to how you can save money with call center quality monitoring, it can lower the amount of money you spend on calls and other common operational costs, some of which you might not even be aware are impacted by the overall quality of your customer service. That’s money you can funnel back into your business, giving you the financial resources you need for successful growth and to keep your call

Unwrapping the Gift of Employee Appreciation

How many times do we hear grumblings like ‘my boss doesn’t appreciate what I do,’ or other complaints voicing the need for more recognition and appreciation? It happens all too often in organizations, large and small, and across all industries. It’s not limited to entry-level jobs, but those in mid-level and upper-level positions experience the need for appreciation as well as frustration when it’s not shown. Sometimes our attempts at showing appreciation are less than stellar, and our employees see it. But demonstrating appreciation for your employees can be a gift, not just for them but for you as well. “How is it a gift for me?” you may be wondering. Let’s think about the last time you thanked someone in your workplace. Can you say that on a daily basis you acknowledge your employees’ contributions in some way and show you value them…and would your employees back you up on that? The types of appreciation are many – individual vs. group, personal vs. organized, structured programs, planned vs. spontaneous, tangible vs. intangible, and one size doesn’t fit all – just like a gift. Perhaps it’s time to mix it up a little. If you think this doesn’t apply to you because your company doesn’t have anything “set up” for recognition, the good news is that the ball is in your court! You’re not limited by what your company provides. You can demonstrate appreciation no matter your level within the organization. You can also be an advocate for setting up a more formal program, but even if that’s not you or that takes time to get approved, why not start personally with individual small things? Having a regular corporate recognition program shouldn’t exempt you anyway from providing a heartfelt verbal thank you, surprising someone with a personalized thank you note, leaving a quick thank you sticky note on their desk maybe even with a snack bar or piece of candy or a mint, or even sending them a thank you email while copying their boss (if that’s not you). These may be quite traditional but can still be useful if actually done. Other ideas to be considered include praising them in front of coworkers, treating them to a cup of coffee or even a lunch now and then (or just inviting them to eat lunch together with you in the break room or your office even if you both bring lunch), or surprising them with a lottery ticket. Is there a way you can provide an opportunity to multiply the appreciation that you show? If you took a selfie with a sign that says ‘thank you’ or ‘we appreciate you’ or ‘great job’ (you get the idea) and sent the picture to your employee, chances are your employee may think about sharing that with a spouse, partner, or other family because they’re proud of it, which means even more recognition. Consider a shout out on social media for a great job or simply a group photo of a work event where they participated. The small, yet unexpected gestures can have a big impact. Depending on your business, maybe providing a more flexible work schedule one day or allowing extra time off could be valued options. Is it possible to provide a small company-branded item like a pen, notepad, stress ball, invite them to work on a special project or task force, or provide a designated parking spot for the week? Think about hanging on your office board a small picture of each of your employees or a group picture of the team. This action can show that you’re proud of them and interested in them – you care. Ask your employees individually what you can do for them and how you can help remove barriers. This is fundamental in a servant leader driven organization and is another way to show you appreciate what they do. When appreciation is happening regularly, and that becomes the culture for your team, the gift is returned to you. It’s not just something you gave to them, but a way that you invested in yourself, your team and the company. The resulting gift yields stronger relationships built, deeper connections made, increased loyalty, extra effort, improved attitude because of the positive environment, continued to drive to keep pushing through the challenges, one more reason not to start looking for employment elsewhere, and overall a more highly engaged employee. And why? Because you invested in a little appreciation. Taking the time to show appreciation demonstrates that the employee is a priority to you which often translates into the employee making you, the team, and the company a priority for them. The gift of appreciation that you gave has multiplied and been returned to you.

Retention Strategies That Work

Have you heard the phrase, “People don’t leave their company they leave their manager”? This is not a new concept, and it is still worth our investment of time and energy. We as leaders are the driving force behind why someone will continue to work for our company and us. Leaders are the individuals that can drive retention within teams and can be the catalyst for other initiatives that inspire great employees to stick around. However, this does not mean that leaders are holistically responsible for all attrition, but it does mean you play on of the largest parts. The actions below can lead to better employer/employee relationships and higher output from your employees (These thought processes hold even more true for training and development teams in the classroom). Employee Engagement: A great leader takes the time to invest in their team. They will focus on both the metrics of the job and how someone is performing to goal equally as much as they focus on making personal connections. Leaders challenge individuals to achieve more than they thought was initially possible. Through this challenge, a great leader is able to inspire and fully engage their employees; and through their successes, their commitments will grow. Employee Support/Development: To allow team members to engage wholeheartedly, they must feel as if they are being supported. A great leader will take the time to give feedback (real feedback and not just what is easy to say) in a positive way that empowers their team members ability to adjust as needed. This should be regular and consistent. Over time a relationship will be built that won’t falter at the first hint of distractions. You as a leader must be genuine in how you interact with your team. Take their feedback and be willing to change for them as well. Continue to provide development at every turn. Teach them why you make the choices you do, challenge them to decide for you (talk through what was good/needs work), facilitate knowledge at every opportunity even if it does not apply to their job. Employee Relationships: I am referring to the professional relationship that allows you to talk on a personal level — a trust that can be built between leader and employee that demonstrates an acceptance of each other. This means building relationships with people beyond your inner circle. This is not easy and will require time. I know most people at this point will say, “Great, where do I find more time?” It is important that you do this regardless of the difficulty. Building relationships start on day 1 with first impressions and continue through the last days of employment (if we are lucky to even beyond that). We need to act with purpose and complete “getting to know you conversations” coupled with ongoing “rapport-building sessions” and finally “trust building relationship activities.” It is not hard! It takes commitment to your team, but the rewards of long-lasting relationships pay off more significantly than any spreadsheet. Promote other initiatives: Companies will often offer programs or initiatives to promote retention to offset the cost of replacing a team member. These investments come in many shapes and forms from incentives to development opportunities. A great leader will find what is available and, in some cases, work towards helping create these initiatives for their employees. Supporting your team will demonstrate that you as their leader genuinely care about their success as employees. Don’t enroll individuals that should not move beyond their skill level as this will set the wrong expectation, but don’t be afraid to push the envelope for your team members that could use it (or benefit from it). It is a fine line that requires a relationship with your team to know where you can be real with individuals about their skill sets and push them when necessary. It has been said that once a leader invests this kind of time and energy into someone, they won’t look for other opportunities, but we should understand that some still will. While not everyone will stay with you forever, these things could improve relationships, output and overall team morale which may lead to greater retention. These benefits alone make the investment well worth the risk.

How to Be Authentic if You Are to Lead a Team Honestly

“Do as I say, not as I do.” Know any leaders like this? Probably. You may even be one yourself without realizing it. For instance, if you routinely urge your team members to stay late to finish a project, but you head out of the office right at closing time to go bicycling, your team members could become resentful and lose trust in you. Similarly, if you scold your team members for taking breaks that are too long but then turn around and take three-hour lunches most days, it could be bad for morale. The best servant leaders tend to be those who lead teams by example. They practice what they preach, living the difference between “leader” and “servant leader.” So, how can you tap into your inner authenticity to lead a team honestly? Follow the Guidelines that You Implement By now, you should know yourself reasonably well. Take that self-knowledge to heart when you develop and implement guidelines or rules. For instance, you may require that your call center agents receive regular, ongoing training. Good, but what about you? Will you make an effort to receive regular trainings as well? If you want to be an authentic leader, you will. Ditto with any rule or guideline you set, whether it relates to attendance, personal calls, social media, punctuality, patience with customers or something else. A note of caution: Don’t become a “martyr.” Say that you routinely encourage employees to take the vacation days that are due them, but you rarely go on vacation yourself. It may be your personal preference to stay at work, and you really do want employees to have their vacations. However, you risk making your team members feel guilty or like they’re doing something wrong if they take time off. Look for Spots of Hypocrisy Many people are hypocritical in their own ways. Bosses, however, don’t have as much leeway to be hypocritical as employees do. Take a situation in which a boss criticizes employees for hanging up on callers mid-sentence but who does the same thing. The same principle applies to a boss who goes on tirades about employees interrupting others but who is just as guilty of that flaw. It’s hard for employees to take bosses seriously when they commit the very sins they lambaste employees for. Speak with Transparency The truth sometimes hurts, so bosses may try to sugarcoat things or hope that team members will read between the lines. If you do this, you’re not authentic. There is no need to be overly blunt or hurtful, but suppose that one of your call center agents has low first-call resolution numbers. If you say something to the team like, “We all need to be mindful of how to improve our first-call resolution numbers,” that is needlessly vague and could worry all of the members that their numbers are lacking. Instead, it’s more honest and authentic to discuss the issue with the underperforming member. Be clear about what numbers you expect, how, why and when. You can convey this information factually without judgment or being mean. You can even be positive and upbeat about it if that naturally fits your personality. Servant Leaders lead by example. They hold themselves to the same standards they set for their employees, servant leaders strive to avoid hypocrisy, and they communicate well with team members, who deserve to be told about issues clearly rather than being made to guess.

How does Contact Center Quality Assurance Improve With Speech Analytics?

At the point when customers achieve your contact focus, they need a situation that addresses their issues, settle their worries, and builds up the trust required for a proceeded with association you’re your organization. Successful leaders ought to set up conventions for evaluating that quality with the end goal to guarantee that customers reliably get the best services. Quality confirmation gives essential knowledge into current tasks and can be utilized to create systems for development. Gathering information about the client encounter is an integral part of accomplishing these objective results and of meeting other office objectives. Discourse examination can assume a necessary job in making existing information gathering more successful and quickening information accumulation with the end goal to audit objectives later on. Many upgraded results can be accomplished with the assistance of this continuous innovation. Troublesome Tasks Are Easier to Accomplish From numerous points of view, discourse examination has been viewed as an excellent distinct advantage in multiple components of business and in call focus tasks individually. Customarily, quality appraisal activities include directors looking into the whole record of considers made to recognize the remarkable precedents that require extra consideration. Calls significant for their positive or negative outcomes are chosen. Operators in charge of positive results can be perceived and praised for their endeavors. Any operators in the cost of adverse consequences can get instructing to enhance their administration. Despite the fact that just 10 – 20 percent of calls will be incorporated into this survey test, information must be submitted for everyone with the end goal to measure bring focus quality outcomes over some stretch of time. This tedious procedure can be extraordinarily supported via robotized observing. Computerized frameworks can achieve numerous errands that would conventionally require manual oversight: Screen the whole volume of approaching calls Classify all calls for a more successful examination Distinguish rising examples and developing patterns Target instructing themes for operators Departmental pioneers that coordinate robotized discourse investigation frameworks have been compensated with an abundance of essential data that can be arranged into practical classes with considerably less time. The work escalated observing and follow-up required for quality affirmation can be rearranged without giving up any viability. Truth be told, with the assistance of robotized training recommendations from the framework, telephone specialists get immediate and customized help with substantially less time. Given that absence of training and direction is an essential driver of disappointment among call focus specialists, this capacity can improve the strength of focus tasks from multiple points of view. Giving Necessary Support to Evolving Quality Assurance Concerns Quality affirmation appraisals have dependably been vital to comprehending the huge riddle of client experience and fulfillment. As business pioneers find better approaches to consider client encounter, new information focuses should be regarded as in the quality confirmation process. A robotized framework with the incorporated investigation for discourse will be on the ball with the adaptability required to develop with your organization’s needs. This is a perfect expansion to any contact or calls focuses wishing to stay at the cutting edge of client benefit conveyance.

How to Reassure Modernization and Flexibility in Your Organization

Leadership skills are not innate in most people. Fortunately, practically anyone can learn how to develop the traits and techniques that make an exceptional leader. Some mistakenly think that a leader’s primary responsibility is to sit back and dictate what others should do. While this style of management may work to an extent, the most effective leaders model the behaviors they want to see in their employees. What am I saying? If you expect greater innovation within your organization, it’s essential to be innovative yourself. Here are a few things you can do on a daily basis to reassure modernization and flexibility in your organization. Don’t Make Processes the End-All Solution Every efficient business needs processes. From purchasing and planning methods to customer refund procedures, processes improve efficiency and minimize confusion. However, it’s important to encourage an environment where processes and practices are flexible and open to change as needed. Rather than sticking doggedly to procedures that are no longer appropriate for your business, you should periodically change your methods to meet the evolving needs of your customers and organization. Think of processes as guides that can and should be replaced as your business grows. Make Your Environment Light and Modern One of the best ways to encourage innovation in the workplace is to create an environment that inspires it. A light, modern workspace can stimulate creative thought and help your employees think outside the box. Always show appreciation for innovative thought so the entire organization can see that you place great value and emphasis on constant evolution. The ability to establish and present a clear vision for your organization is an essential quality that differentiates a leader from a manager. Replicate the Best Practices of Other Organizations In many ways, a great leader learns how to recognize, appreciate and replicate the best practices he or she sees in others. Don’t be afraid to analyze other organizations to determine what makes them successful. You can then incorporate some of their most relevant techniques and ideas into your own organization as you see fit, and never underestimate your own past experiences. Learn from them and as your organization evolves allow your skills to develop as well. Encourage Learning and Flexibility Sometimes the most carefully laid plans don’t turn out the way they should. Surprises and even failures can become valuable learning opportunities when approached the right direction. As a leader, you should encourage your employees to learn from every failure and approach unexpected surprises with a positive, can-do attitude. After all, some of the most significant events in history happened after plans failed and innovative thinkers stepped up. With the right approach and attitude, any surprise or failure can potentially lead to an exceptional outcome. Great leaders become that way with hard work and constant character development. As a leader in your organization, you must be willing to exemplify flexibility and innovation if you want to encourage these traits across your organization. Etech Global Services is a people-focused provider of performance development tools that can help you solidify positive relationships with customers and enable your organization to run more successfully. Learn how we can help you adapt your processes and systems to meet the ever-changing needs of your customers. Our business is evolving, so should you.

6 characteristics that every Successful Team Imbibe

When opportunity knocks on your door, always be willing to take a chance. Beginning something new, trying something different is never easy. However, the logic is simple, when you know it needs to be done, do it, for opportunities may not be around for eternity. Grab it when you have the chance. So, instead of waiting we should be focusing on the things we can change and constantly create something of exceptional value for our customers, our teams and our communities. Moreover, this objective can be achieved only through great teamwork. Teamwork divides the task and increases the success rate. A good team represents a strong base of a high-performing business. Achievement is not a coincidence. A determined team working in synergy relentlessly to achieve the target, working in the right proportion and delivering at the right time leads to success. A great team achieves its goal because each member of the team takes up the equal responsibility of the goal and stand up against all the odds supporting the team. They work with a purpose, and in the process of making the project successful, they grow along with it together. In my journey, I have had the privilege of working with some great and successful teams and at the same time. I have also been a part of a few unsuccessful ones. Here are the most common I have been a part of both successful and not-so-successful teams. So, here are some of the most common elements that every successful team holds as a prized possession. They have a purpose Great teams work with a clearly defined purpose, and there is no ambiguity. Everything is crystal clear, and they know what the next step should be and in which direction each member needs to move. Here, the leader plays a vital role. A good leader represents a great team. The leader ensures that each member understands his/her role in the big picture and the impact each individual will have on the final outcome. Each member is very well aware of his/her responsibility and action moves. They set S.M.A.R.T goals S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The S.M.A.R.T. Method of goal setting provides a model for success and helps to ensure a team stays on task and focused. Fun is a part of their work A learning environment combined with fun activities creates the right platform for team members to flourish. It is very important that working life be garnished with fun. Happy employees are productive employees. Forbes has stated that happy employees make happy customers and promoting employee happiness benefits everyone. Various companies conduct Fun team activities to promote a happy working environment. To create a successful team, it is very important to ensure that each member of the team is happy. Team members work with a sense of ownership Each member of a successful team believes the project to be their own baby. A sense of ownership should be there inside each member of the team. This is very important as it determines the quality each individual will offer. For this transparency and cultivating professional trust are two crucial factors. With transparency comes to trust that ultimately helps the individuals in the team to commit themselves completely and truly to the project. They support each other In a well-formed team, team members, proactively support each other. They stand for each other and offer help if any member is stuck. No Yes Man Show A yes man show does not work if you want to have a great team that delivers great results. A team is made of diverse individuals, and hence there will be conflicts, and there will be a difference in opinions. However, it is much needed if you want creativity to blossom inside the team. Each individual should be given the freedom to put forth their opinions, suggestions, and ideas in front of the team. These new ideas can be generated by collective assemblement of all the ideas from the team members. These are just a few of the most important elements that help in developing a successful team that works to its highest potential. Teamwork does form a crucial place in the overall business success scenario, no matter to which industry your business belongs. Moreover, this is a fact that Teamwork will remain one of the strongest tools that hold the power to accelerate business success rate.

The Anatomy of Security Phishing

Although we continue to take measures to secure our systems and facilities, malicious actors will always attempt to identify a weak link to any organization. They no longer smell silicon. They smell blood. What this means is that attempts to exfiltrate a secure system or obtain secure and confidential files will start with the individual. A malicious actor will attempt to exploit someone to get this information. We have been discussing this at length as it has become a significant tool in the arsenal. It is called Phishing! We will cover this term to ensure we can all recognize a Phishing attempt when it occurs. Why? Because hackers are altering their methods and becoming more sophisticated as employees become more security conscious. With this brief, we will be discussing six of the most common phishing attacks. Deceptive Phishing The most common type of phishing scam, deceptive phishing refers to any attack by which fraudsters impersonate a legitimate company and attempt to steal people’s personal information or login credentials. Those emails frequently use threats and a sense of urgency to scare users into doing the attackers’ bidding. For example, Bank account scammers might send out an attack email that instructs them to click on a link in order to rectify a discrepancy with their account. In actuality, the link leads to a fake banking institution login page that collects a user’s login credentials and delivers them to the attackers. The success of a deceptive phish hinges on how closely the attack email resembles a legitimate company’s official correspondence. As a result, users should scrutinize all URLs to see if they redirect to an unknown website. They should also look out for generic salutations, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors scattered throughout the email. Spear Phishing Not all phishing scams lack personalization – some use it quite heavily. For instance, in spear phishing scams, fraudsters customize their attack emails with the target’s name, position, company, work phone number, and other information in an attempt to trick the recipient into believing that they have a connection with the sender. The goal is the same as deceptive phishing: lure the victim into clicking on a malicious URL or email attachment, so that they will hand over their personal data. Spear-phishing is especially commonplace on social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook where attackers can use multiple sources of information to craft a targeted attack email. To protect against this type of scam, employees must remain aware of these types of attempts and be able to spot them. We should also discourage users from publishing sensitive personal or corporate information on social media. Executive FRAUD (Whaling Attack) Spear phishers can target anyone in an organization, even top executives. That’s the logic behind a “whaling” attack, where fraudsters attempt to harpoon an executive and steal their login credentials and/or use the information to attempt to convince another individual within the organization that a request is being carried out by the executive. You should always be on the lookout for these attempts as the fraudsters are becoming more creative by the day. Always check the “reply to” field. Does the email actually go back to the executive email or does another email pop up? Fraudsters can choose to conduct Executive fraud where attackers impersonate an executive and spoof that individual’s email to authorize fraudulent wire transfers or changes to account information to a financial institution of their choice. NEVER complete financial or confidential information requests using only email authorization. Always clarify with a phone call to the executive making the request. Pharming As users become savvier to traditional phishing scams, some fraudsters are abandoning the idea of “baiting” their victims entirely. Instead, they are resorting to pharming – a method of attack which stems from a domain name system (DNS) cache poisoning. The Internet’s naming system uses DNS servers to convert alphabetical website names, such as “,” to numerical IP addresses used for locating computer services and devices. Under a DNS cache poisoning attack, a pharmer targets a DNS server and changes the IP address associated with an alphabetical website name. That means an attacker can redirect users to a malicious website of their choice even if the victims entered in the correct website name. To protect against pharming attacks, organizations must encourages their employees to enter in login credentials only on approved HTTPS-protected sites. This also encourages implementing anti-virus and filtering software on all corporate devices and performing virus database updates, along with security upgrades on a regular basis. Dropbox Phishing While some phishers no longer bait their victims, others have specialized their attack emails according to an individual company or service. For example, millions of people use Dropbox every day to back up, access and share their files. It’s no wonder, therefore, that attackers would try to capitalize on the platform’s popularity by targeting users with phishing emails. One attack campaign, for example, tried to lure users into entering their login credentials on a fake Dropbox sign-in page hosted on Dropbox itself. To protect against Dropbox phishing attacks, users should consider implementing two-step verification (2SV) on their accounts. Google Docs Phishing Fraudsters could choose to target Google Drive similar to the way they might prey upon Dropbox users. Specifically, as Google Drive supports documents, spreadsheets, presentations, photos and even entire websites, phishers can abuse the service to create a web page that mimics the Google account log-in screen and harvests user credentials. A group of attackers did just that back in July of 2015. To add insult to injury, not only did Google unknowingly host that fake login page, but a Google SSL certificate also protected the page with a secure connection. Once again, users should consider implementing 2SV to protect themselves against this type of threat. CONCLUSION Using the guide above, you will be able to more quickly spot some of the most common types of phishing attacks. But that doesn’t mean you will be able to locate each and every phish. On the contrary, phishing is continually evolving to adopt new forms

12 Etech Character Commitments – An In-Depth Look 6-12

No matter what technological advances may bring, a company’s employees remain the essential component of its success. At Etech, the following character commitments promote an employee-focused servant leadership approach. Adaptability When faced with new situations, company leaders often make two major types of mistakes. While some steadfastly refuse to accommodate any changes, others get carried away and completely throw out older approaches. Neither of these actions is likely to lead to success. Adaptability, which is the art of integrating innovation with established processes, helps companies stay current even as circumstances fluctuate. As today’s technology continues to grow by leaps and bounds, you need an adaptable team that can rise to the challenge and integrates tech solutions with creativity and adaptability. Humility Humility does not mean underestimating yourself. Rather, this characteristic showcases a sense of proportion and the understanding that one can always be better and learn more. Whether you are an entry-level employee or the CEO, practicing humility is essential to achieving the full range of your potential. It encourages openness to new approaches and a willingness to listen to others, which in turn build loyalty within the company. It also means seeking out good resources when necessary, rather than trying to do everything on one’s own. Creativity Thinking outside the box remains a vital ingredient of successful customer service. Encouraging creativity in solving problems within the scope of a particular function empowers employees to think of themselves as part of the big picture. This approach also promotes real solutions that increase customer satisfaction, as opposed to rote responses that only serve to check off a box. Teachability Learning and adapting is the key to future improvement. Employees at all levels benefit from teachability, as they learn new skills to improve their performance. AI data gathering and pattern analysis can identify areas where particular changes may need to be made; based on this information, managers can change instructions for customer interactions and upgrade employee training. Positive Influence This aspect of servant leadership is often neglected, as it can be hard to define. However, making a concerted effort to promote positive influence as a character commitment can go a long way towards creating a productive, motivated environment. Leading by example and developing individual relationships with employees can help establish an environment of encouragement and positivity. Courage Courage as a character commitment can take a variety of forms. It can mean taking an extra step to implement a creative solution. It can mean being open to new technology and its integration with your existing workplace. It can mean choosing to take the long, hard way rather than the shortcut. In terms of servant leadership, it can take courage to do the right thing rather than the easy thing. This characteristic is often necessary to put into action all the other Etech commitments such as humility, creativity, and adaptability. Developing a clear, thoughtful approach to implementing servant leadership in the workplace can help you build a strong, motivated workforce. AI resources can be of immense help in providing the data analysis you need to develop specific ways to integrate these Etech character commitments in a particular setting. However, no AI can make these character commitments; investing in your employees’ development is the only way to achieve that.

Using AI To Enhance the Customer Experience in Call Centers

In the past Companies controlled the buying process and the customer journey, with the IoT that shift has moved to the consumer. If you really want to lead in the marketplace you must focus on customer experience. As customer service evolved, the consumers now do business based on customer experience. In this blog we will discuss how the greatest advantages technology can give us is access to this information. One example is purchase tracking, which companies can use to supply suggestions based on past buys. You can apply this same concept to your customers’ experience with service representatives if you have the right tools. Problems With Traditional QA Processes Quality assurance (QA) exists to ensure that consumers are receiving the best experience when they communicate with your company. However, many businesses make a mistake right out the gate by establishing QA standards based on what they think their customers want, rather than what customers are actually asking for. This isn’t necessarily a business’s fault. The crux of the issue is a lack of concrete data, which may be caused by limited resources to collect said data. When employees are responsible for all call monitoring, only a tiny portion of calls—sometimes as low as 1 percent—can actually be listened to. Unfortunately, that’s not enough to be a representative sample for analysis purposes. A lack of real data can lead companies to guess at what creates a great customer experience, which may do more harm than good. To better offer what your clients want, you need a reliable, efficient way to monitor calls and collect data—which brings us to AI. AI and Data Collection Artificial intelligence (AI) is a vital component of automation and can be a powerful tool when used correctly. Since according to an article by eMarketer, about three-fourths of customers feel that the best service is provided by a real person, the key isn’t necessarily more automation but strategic automation. In the case of call centers, AI can be utilized to evaluate calls, thereby increasing both efficiency (since software can listen to more calls) and data collection. When it comes to this second point, it’s essential that the AI used is dynamic, meaning that it can learn. An AI programmed to listen to agent and customer interactions, for example, can learn to identify a number of factors that may influence a QA score, such as: Tone Business policy Contextual conversations Keywords that indicate an escalation In fact, you may be able to customize your AI to recognize different factors based on your market. For example, if your company is a virtual bank, you may want the AI to track how many calls are related to website navigation, so you can determine if your site is easy to use. The Customer Experience Of course, AI alone can’t create the prime experience your customers expect. You need knowledgeable people to analyze the accumulated data and identify any trends that result in churn. You then need people to take this information and translate it into practices. Finally, you need people to implement those practices in the day-to-day and deliver that human touch. Think of AI not as a replacement for human employees but a valuable tool your business can use to elevate your call center to its greatest potential. Here at Etech, we pride ourselves on supplying innovative solutions to help our clients offer the best customer experiences to their own consumers. To learn more about our call-center technology, call us at 936-371-2640 or visit us online. This blog was first published on LinkedIn.

Easy To Follow Tips To Stay Positive At Work

To be positive it is very important to first understand what does being positive actually imply? People misunderstand the entire concept of positive thinking. Being positive does not mean that you have to be smiling and happy 24/7. That is impossible, you can’t be happy when you have just lost your greatest deal of your business. But, instead of mourning over the loss you can gather yourself and work towards what can be done next? That’s positive thinking. Positive thinking is about embracing life’s challenges with a positive standpoint. When it comes to work life, it does have a great impact on your overall performance and success. The competitive world demands you to be on your toe always, deadlines have to be met, requirements need to be fulfilled, and among all this chaos, you might be wondering how to stay positive? To help you out, here are a few tips that will help you to stay positive in your work and become more productive at what you do. Constant Learning “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”- Abraham Lincoln. To excel in your work you need to sharpen your skills and for that you need to constantly learn and update yourself with the latest trends and technology in your field. Being knowledgeable about your field gives you a sense of confidence and boosts your morale. It will help you to become more efficient at your work and ultimately will make you more positive towards your work. Help Others Help your colleagues. Share your knowledge with your co-workers. There is nothing more rewarding and positive than being at service to others, helping others when they are stuck. Breathe in Positivity Now this is the easiest one. Take a few deep breaths at regular intervals. While we are engrossed in work, we tend to shallow breath. Deep breaths help in getting more oxygen into your body system and to your brain. This refreshes the brain, which in reverse helps in refreshing your mood. Connect with positive people at work place Interact more with positive people at work. Connect with people who are less into gossiping and wasting time and more into discussing intellectual topics. With whom you can have creative and productive discussions not only about work, but also about your other interests. Rendezvous with your positivity Triggers Take a few minutes off from your hectic work schedule and try to tune into your positive self. Listen to a song you love or read a few pages of a book of your liking. Indulge into an activity that will help you to relax and distress. This dose of break is very important to help you rejuvenate and freshen your mind. Set attainable goals Set realistic goals at work place. It is very important to set attainable goals. Otherwise, you will always be stressed out. Not being able to achieve your goals will also affect your mental peace Mindful meditation You can practice mindful meditation even at work. Practicing mindfulness helps you to become more aware of your surroundings. This will bring a sense of calmness inside you and will help you to be more positive and vibrant. Most importantly, to stay positive be grateful for what you have. The magic of gratitude works for everything, whether it is your personal life or professional one. Being thankful for what you have that includes even your job, will change your outlook towards your work and will make you more positive towards it.

12 Etech Character Commitments – An In-Depth Look at 1-6

Employee development is key to any company’s success. For Etech, this principle forms the cornerstone of its approach to employee relations, which centers on 12 character commitments essential to support effective implementation of servant leadership. Integrity Employees need to know they can rely on their leadership and on one another. Fostering a spirit of integrity is the first important step towards building a cohesive, motivated team. This character commitment means delineating your company’s principles and supporting your team in adhering to them. Whether interacting with customers, vendors, co-workers, subordinates or supervisors, integrity is an essential component of building trust. Valuing People Many companies approach employees as “human resources,” only taking an interest in whether they perform their current tasks. A more foresighted approach is to not only value current contributions but to take an interest in the whole person. Valuing people for the whole range of their talents and potential paves the road to participating in an employee’s development and assuring long-term success. Teamwork An effective team is vital to maintaining productivity and achieving goals. The principles of servant leadership demand attention to developing teamwork that goes far beyond each employee performing his or her assigned tasks. Real teamwork happens when each employee understands the role of his or her functions within the larger picture of the team and of the entire company. Rather than mechanically repeating a set of actions, employees who work as a true team cooperate intelligently to reach goals they are invested in. Accountability A core character commitment, accountability builds relationships and enhances teamwork. It completes the balance between working together as a united team and taking individual responsibility for one’s own role. Accountability at all levels boosts trust between employees and leaders. Unlike the popular conception, accountability does not just mean accepting blame for when things go wrong. Rather, it is an expression of a personal relationship to one’s work and an understanding of one’s responsibility to the team. Communication It is possible to exchange words without achieving communication. All too frequently, words are used to obscure, deflect or confuse. Communication as a cornerstone of servant leadership, on the other hand, means establishing honest, informative exchanges of ideas. On a logistical level, this can mean company managers may need to review processes to ensure there are protocols in place to enable employees to share information efficiently. On a more general plane, it is important to establish a setting of trust and cooperation that encourages needed communication. Vision All too often, company leaders get caught up in short-term goals. They make the mistake of focusing on meeting today’s goals at the expense of long-term vision. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the short-term tasks are important because they further long-term organizational objectives. Vision is essential to effective leadership, as it enables managers to make strategic decisions and build relationships with their teams. If the above sounds like a lofty challenge, using the right resources can help. AI solutions can aggregate and analyze data to identify areas that would benefit from improvement, as well as paths towards achieving it. Using AI performance analytics in conjunction with the Etech character commitment can help employees attain their full potential.

Why Successful Businesses Focus on Developing People – Not Employees

State-of-the-art technology is very useful in modern businesses, but it’s impossible for computers to replace the human element. People bring essential qualities like creativity, innovation and outside-the-box problem solving to the table that successful businesses depend on. Since the most important assets in any organization are its people, helping them to develop additional abilities and assume increased responsibilities should be a priority. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case. Why not? Why Personal Development for Staff Members Often Takes the Backseat While many managers honestly desire to see team members grow, it’s easy to let urgent calls and meetings get in the way. A common misconception is that customer needs take priority all the time, and that training and development for company personnel is less important. This is a very shortsighted view of company wellbeing, however. A recent Harvard Business Review study revealed that even though many employees appreciate the added responsibilities and opportunities for advancement they receive, a large number of workers often feel that training, encouragement and mentoring is lacking in their company. What can happen when staff members feel that way? Put simply, they’re likely to leave in search of greener pastures. This means businesses lose valuable people with innate talents that could have become major organizational stars, future management powerhouses with an important forward-looking outlook. How To Help Your People Grow As Individuals and Be More Productive The answer, in a word, is mentoring. Share your valuable business and life experience to help others realize their full potential in the organization. Here are four steps to take: Be genuine: Get to know the members of your team personally. Find out details about their family, personality, and Your personal interest helps you inspire the people around you, and also gives you valuable insight into their strengths and aptitudes so you know which direction to nudge them in. Assign tasks: Micromanaging doesn’t help people learn to become good managers themselves. Give them a few increased responsibilities you think they’re ready to motivate them. Provide proper training and tools: This is where many managers fail. Besides new assignments, make sure to give your personnel the instructions and tech they need to succeed, including promoting honest questions. Follow up: After enough time has passed, check out how they did. Give plenty of sincere commendation for good work and also point out one or two ways things could go even smoother. If You Train Them, Your Business Will Prosper Viewing employees as people – with unique strengths and future potential – instead of numbers on a sheet isn’t just good for them, it’s also good for your company: Increased loyalty and honesty from staff members Improved productivity and superior work quality Stronger, family-like organization Talented individuals with in-depth company knowledge in the right leadership roles When the people who work for you feel content, valued and inspired, they have a reason to go to work every morning with a smile on their face and a sense of purpose. Motivated staff members work harder, think more clearly and develop amazing strategies because they give their all for your company. Who inspired them to reach the organizational position they’re passionate about and develop the skills that make them great at it? That’s right, you did.

Creating Genuine and Long-Term Servant Leadership Cultures

Etech’s philosophy of Servant Leadership is simple “A servant leader is a servant first, showcasing the natural feeling of serving others humbly, than to serve first”. When we hear the word Humility, it may bring to mind images of things that seem “less-than” or “weak”. Etech defines Humility as being sincere, transparent, open and honest. It has been long debatable what’s the meaning of servant leadership? It’s obviously about leadership, but it’s about leadership that’s based on dialogue rather than monologue. Servant leaders are far removed from the archetypal “boss” persona that often bears a closer resemblance to a dictator than a leader. When you hear employees referring to their manager as someone who cares about their needs, you’re hearing them talk about a servant leader. Companies have much to gain from managers who embody this leadership style – it helps to create a positive and long-term workplace culture that fosters employee growth, skill-development and dedication. Some Basic Personality Traits of a Servant Leader Empathy: A leader who lacks empathy will have a tough time understanding their employees’ point of view. It requires the ability to listen closely to what others are saying to understand their perspective. An important factor in what has been termed emotional intelligence, empathy is one of the foundations of servant leadership. When empathy is demonstrated in a leader’s interactions with their employees, those same employees will be better equipped and motivated to follow the leader’s example when they deal with customers. In this respect, a servant leader leads by example and can play a significant role in developing a highly customer-centric workforce. Foresight: Decision-making should include consideration of past, present and future circumstances while also balancing collective versus individual needs. This may sound more like an ideal to aspire to, but servant leaders typically have a wider degree of focus than leaders who only see the needs of the moment. Servant leaders tend to see the big picture and make decisions accordingly. Part of the big picture is the human element – that of employees and customers – which can often be a significant factor. Servant leaders don’t lose sight of the human element in their decision-making. Humility: It’s better to admit to a mistake than to try to hide it. Servant leaders gain the respect of others when they admit they were wrong, and if need be, offer an apology. It also sets a good example for employees when it can be shown that one can learn from their mistakes or misjudgments. Self-Awareness: The ability to be aware of how your actions and words affect others is an important part of servant leadership. The dictator-leader may not give much consideration to self-awareness other than focusing on how quickly commands are obeyed. The self-aware leader, however, understands the need to control his emotions and behavior so that others are not affected in a negative way. Two Organizational Benefits Servant leaders recognize the dangers in territoriality. When workgroups or departments become fiefdoms, the entire organization suffers. The servant leader understands the value of sharing information and skills across workgroups and stresses the need for cooperation and teamwork. This benefits the entire organization and promotes a company culture that minimizes employee turnaround while also attracting higher quality new recruits. An organization benefits when employees are in it for the long haul and when they also help spread the word that the company is a great place to work. When the internal environment is a positive one, it spreads outward to the company’s customers. In addition to displaying their customer-relations skills, employees often communicate their positive feelings about their company, which can contribute to increased customer loyalty.

The Positive Motivational Influence of Servant Leadership

Across the spectrum of leadership styles, those which motivate employees to approach their work with a greater degree of enthusiasm produce some of the best organizational results. Workplace cultures that foster long-term company and mission commitments also help businesses to remain competitive, innovative and successful. Servant leadership is a contemporary approach to leadership that has shown itself to be a dynamic factor in producing the levels of motivation and enthusiasm that can bring a company to the leading edge of its field. How Servant Leaders Achieve Better Organizational Results Emotional intelligence, or EQ, plays a significant role in a servant leader’s success. By remaining aware of how one’s personal behavior affects the behavior of others, the servant leader recognizes the value of emotional self-regulation. Through the visible display of high moral and ethical standards, the servant leader is able to lead others by example rather than by decree. A fundamental factor in an effective servant leader’s EQ is the ability to listen well. This is not just a method of gaining insight into what others are thinking, it also displays a willingness to hear and understand what they have to say. This builds trust by demonstrating to employees that the leader cares about their concerns and needs. Servant leaders act as mentors and encourage employee growth and development. They demonstrate a willingness to help their followers grow and become better individuals, both professionally and personally. Servant leaders make an effort to help their employees develop their full potential. They support both onsite and external training for their employees and will facilitate the implementation of new and improved company programs to help in skill and professional development. Reward and empowerment are the preferred motivational tools of servant leaders. They understand that greater long-term results are achieved through positive reinforcement than by negative threat. Servant leaders do not rely on fear or domination to achieve results – they base their authority to lead on earned respect and their visible commitment to the greater good of the workplace community. Servant leaders can see the big picture. They are not fixated on immediate goals and quick fixes; the long-term mission goal and the associated human factors are the greater priority. Servant leaders also surround themselves with people who can offer varying perspectives on a given situation so that they can get the broadest viewpoint possible. What Are the Organizational Results? Overall, an organization will benefit from a workplace culture that fosters positive motivation and employee enthusiasm. Innovation, teamwork and a willingness to go the extra mile represent valuable human assets for almost any type of organization. Studies have shown that the servant leadership model has a positive effect on customer experiences; brand name loyalty is increased and customer ratings go up. This leadership model creates an environment in which ethical conduct and a high regard for others are dominant factors – a fact which does not go unnoticed by customers and company stakeholders. In addition to producing a highly motivated workforce, the servant leadership model’s encouragement of employee development results in a knowledgeable, skilled and productive team. That alone can make a significantly positive impact on a company’s bottom line and reputation in the marketplace.

Humans and AI Can Work Together To Create Better Connections

The traditional role played by interaction analysts is changing – there’s a new source of reliable feedback that’s providing greater insights into how people interact. The new source of human relationship and engagement feedback has taken some folks by surprise – it’s Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is helping businesses to build better internal and external relationships. AI is not taking the place of human interactions; it instead makes it easier for humans to build better relationships and develop stronger connections. The old traditional methods used to understand how employees and customers relate to each other are slow and often unclear. The data is collected mainly through lengthy surveys, interviews and interaction transcripts that require collating and analysis. By the time the manually organized final output reaches the appropriate manager or team member, it may have lost all relevance. AI Is Well-Suited to Analyzing Data Quickly and Accurately – Human Data Included Measuring the degree of positive engagement between service reps and customers requires the accurate analysis of huge amounts of interactive data. AI is well-suited to the task and can discern useful meaning by quickly scanning and analyzing thousands of human interactions as they take place. Trends that would have taken weeks to spot by humans working within one of the traditional approaches can now be reduced to mere moments. The suitability of the data presented by AI enables humans actions to be taken before situations develop that can be tough to control or reverse. In this respect, AI becomes a game-changer in relationship and engagement building; it enables managers to take effective and proactive measures rather than be forced into a reactive stance when small problems become big ones. Better Human Insights leads to better Decisions along with AI Due to the timeliness and accuracy of the analysis AI provides, the actions taken remain applicable to the most current and immediate situations. The enhanced decision-making process is of particular importance when the goal is to create better connections and relationships between service reps and customers. In this respect, AI helps customer-centric organizations become more people-centric. Call Centers Have Much To Gain When AI Supports Human Interactions Positive customer experiences are a primary goal of any customer-service operation. AI can quickly detect trends in customer calls and alert the human element of an organization to a developing issue as soon as it’s first detected. Forewarned is forearmed, and the customer service team will be much better prepared to deal effectively with a developing problem when the AI early-warning system spots the first spark. AI’s quick-detection capabilities are not limited to spotting negative trends – those team member actions that bring about the most positive customer reactions will also be detected. The benefit of their detection lies in AI’s ability to quickly share what it learns with the entire team. The combination of human intelligence and AI in a customer service department or call center can build more positive and loyal customer relationships. By monitoring and analyzing the interactions taking place, AI can quickly detect and report what’s making customers happy and what their concerns are. This is valuable and actionable information that becomes even more useful when it can be shared with the front-line team members as it happens, instead of weeks later. This blog was first published on LinkedIn.

The Right Ways to Combat Shopping Cart Abandonment Issues

One of the biggest challenges faced by the online retailers, who are trying to increase their online conversions, is shopping cart abdication. This is one of the most crucial problems for online businesses to overcome. Abandoned shopping carts rates are an essential metric for retailers who are worried about expanding on the web change. In the era where Customer Experience is reining the business success charts, business owners are doing everything in their capability to ensure better customer engagement and higher customer satisfaction. Yet they are not able to completely resolve the shopping cart abandonment issue. Each relinquished shopping basket speaks to missed income and offers an open door for retailers to effectively convince such clients to make up the lost deals. It also could be an indication towards a broken sales funnel. A great many dollars are contributed by organizations to streamline their sites to guarantee better client commitment and higher consumer loyalty. Now, it’s time to make a paradigm shift and look at the abandoned shopping cart issue through a different lens. Reasons for Shopping Cart Abandonment There are different possible reasons for shopping cart abandonment. The most common ones being inflated shipping costs, having less positive customer reviews, inadequate information about exchange or return policy, not having clear information on the site about shipping policy and a not so friendly user interface that makes the shopping process complex. High price, technical problems, not having flexible payment options etc. are few of the other reasons. Apart from this, there can be different reasons like extravagant transportation costs, an absence of clear data with respect to delivery or trade or an arrival strategy, examination shopping, terrible client surveys, insufficient data in FAQs, and so forth. Many customers also leave if they don’t find SSL certificates on the website or if they do not find the needed information on the website about the product. Last but not the least, many times customers also make use of shopping carts to get to know the total cost of the product, including the shipping charges for comparing it with other websites and shop on another website if found the charges to be cheaper over there. The Strategy Shift Online retailers need to deep dive a little further into the actual reasons behind the shopping cart abandonment by the user. And they should start focusing more on developing strategic moves to convert website visitors into customers. For tackling abandoned cart customers, one of the effective ways would be to use the popular email marketing technique. Online retailers can use emails to remind their customers about the abandoned carts and close the sale. A thorough reviewing of the various metrics of shopping cart abandonment is very important. Focusing more on the real reasons that offer crucial insights into the behavioral flow of shopping of the customers, pricing, preferences etc. is a game changer. Live Chat – An effective tool to reduce The Shopping Cart Abandonment Placing live chat on a website does help significantly in reducing the shopping cart abandonment rates. Customers don’t like to wait, and if they don’t find the information that they are looking for, the chances are high of them leaving. This situation could be easily avoided with a live chat. Interacting with customers via Live Chat is an effective way of building trust among your customers and a proven method of ensuring the best customer satisfaction. Offering live talk amid a pivotal checkout point, on particular pages that offer item data, or in light of predefined tenets can be of awesome help to clients as they can find solutions to their inquiries rapidly and effortlessly. Incorporating Live Chat on your website would provide the customers with timely answers to their questions and would offer instant help at crucial points. This greatly helps in gaining the trust of customers and turning them into loyal returning customers.

Successful AI Systems: When Sophisticated Technology Meets Talented People

Every day, your brain sorts through myriads of signals – insignificant background noise, repetitive tasks and endless mathematical calculations to help muscles coordinate properly – in search of what’s really worth your attention. This lets you focus on an important phone call instead of hearing the dog barking next door. This ability is exactly what makes artificial intelligence (AI) such a powerful tool for modern businesses, helping companies sift through mountains of raw data in search of key tidbits that reveal everything from customer purchasing trends to overall satisfaction. To be most effective, however, AI should be used to complement and enhance the abilities of the people in your organization, not replace them. Similarly, as organization leads their way to deliver an extraordinary and high personalized customer experience using advanced artificial intelligence, it is important to factor the combination of human intelligence and machine learning to achieve and deliver what customers want. Why the Human Touch Is a Critical Component of Successful Data Analysis People have abilities that machines can’t even begin to approach: Emotional perception: People can perceive the feelings behind words, picking up on subtleties like sarcasm, disappointment and contentment. Skillful customer service agents and data analysts can even tell the difference between mild irritation, frustration, anger and outright hostility, adapting correctly to each situation. Innovation: Humans were practically born to color outside of the lines. The best company employees do the same, taking conversations well beyond simple scripted outlines when needed to guarantee real success: customer satisfaction. Effective analysis: While AI excels at pattern recognition, it takes humans to fine-tune searches and see beyond mere coincidence to larger behavioral trends. People are simply better at complex analysis than machines. How Artificial Intelligence Can Supercharge Your Customer Service The biggest strength of AI is its raw processing power and speed. Artificial intelligence software can search through millions of hours of data in a tiny fraction of the time it would take experienced data scientists. To make use of this amazing ability, modern customer service teams let AI do the heavy lifting, highlighting the most valuable moments for deeper analysis. That provides unique benefits: Optimum customer experience: People want individual attention that adapts to their needs. AI helps your entire business, from website to call center, identify those needs quickly and provide solutions that work. Valuable raw data made actionable: Instead of only using a tiny amount of your total customer interaction history, AI can enable you to use it all, seeing trends both from individual clients and larger groups. How To Create a Successful AI and Human Partnership Convert analog audio files to searchable digital text format. Choose an experienced AI partner to integrate professional systems with your team. Identify optimal examples of productive employee-client interactions. Use these pinnacle examples to set AI and call center targets. Each step towards this brilliant future is a lot easier with advisors who understand the best way to partner your staff with AI systems. Dedicating resources to transcribe audio files and analyze them can honestly seem overwhelming at first, but it’s worth the investment. Effective customer support wins you incredible brand loyalty. Clients that feel truly satisfied have far stronger purchasing intent, leading to increased profits and a larger, more solid base. Using AI to enhance your teams is the only way to provide customers with the next level of personalized attention they deserve. This blog was first published on LinkedIn.

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