
How to Provide Customer Service With Servanthood

Regardless of how many employees your call center has, customer service should always be on everyone’s mind at all times. Treating customers in a cordial and friendly manner should be a requirement, not an option, and call center employees should understand the value of providing exceptional customer service. When a customer calls, the person who answers will essentially serve as a representative for the entire company, and if the interaction goes imperfectly or the customer does not feel their needs have been addressed, they will simply take their business elsewhere. This sounds harsh, but in reality, by using the principle of servant leadership in call centers, you can prevent loyal customers from looking elsewhere. The Strength of Leadership and Customer Service Combined Many people do not know customer service is a leadership skill that must be properly taught and executed. Unlike other types of leadership, which emphasize an overt assertion of authority, servant leadership is based on using leadership skills to serve others. This involves actively listening to customers and addressing their issues in a timely and professional manner. Cultivating an attitude of servitude and leadership can be difficult for call center managers, but there are steps you can take to encourage your employees to use hone their servitude leadership skills. Establish a Customer Service Vision or Mission Before a company can begin to implement any type of servant leadership principles, they must first establish a customer service vision or mission. Having a vision gives call center workers something to work towards, and when times get rough, they will remember why they must provide stellar customer service at all times. Talk to your employees about what behaviors they should display (ex: happiness, active listening) so everyone will be on the same page. Make Customers Feel Appreciated Everyone wants to be appreciated, especially customers who remain loyal to a single company or brand. Encourage your employees to make customers feel appreciated by using words such as “please” and “thank you.” Always let your customers know their business is valued and it is a privilege for your company to serve them. Monitor and Measure the Performance of Employees As a leader, you must be capable of evaluating your call center employees’ performance. There should be measurable ways to evaluate an employee’s performance, such as providing customer feedback forms, sending out surveys, and speaking directly to customers. If an employee doesn’t meet your customer service goals, they should receive additional assistance until they are capable of doing so. When discussing the performance of an employee, always provide constructive feedback if you believe they can improve in a certain area. Take Pride in Your Commitment to Customer Service It is immensely important to take pride in your culture of customer service if you are a manager or supervisor. This shows employees how serious you are about serving customers, and your enthusiasm will lay the groundwork for integrating service leadership into your company’s vision and framework. Providing customers with the respect and professionalism they deserve is a must for any successful call center. By employing the service leadership skills listed above, it is possible to create an atmosphere of servant leadership throughout your entire call center while keeping customers satisfied at all times.

Ways to Successfully Transform Your Workplace

Creating a customer centric workplace is no easy task, but it is necessary if you want your employees to deliver the best customer experience possible. As the name suggests, the customer centric approach to the workplace asserts customers are the most important component of any company’s success. This means that companies and their employees should go to great lengths to keep them satisfied and retain their business. If you are ready to reap the previously mentioned customer centric workplace benefits, here are five ways to successfully transform your workplace. Establish a Single Set of Customer Experience Values Chaos can easily ensue if a company allows all of its employees to interpret the concept of a “customer centric” on an individual basis. To prevent any potential issues, managers, supervisors, and executives should make sure all employees are on the same page. This involves creating a single set of customer experience values and a mission everyone can adopt. Reward Exceptional Customer Experience Have you ever considered rewarding your employees for providing outstanding customer experience? By rewarding employees for doing the right thing, you can show your appreciation and set a standard for lower-performing employees at the same time. When a company rewards its employees and regularly acknowledges their accomplishments, the employees begin to realize they are valued and they will almost certainly take note of the type of behavior managers and supervisors reward. Get Your Employees on Board If your current company is not centered around customer satisfaction, your employees will need some sort of incentive to change their current behavior. This is understandable, especially if your company has condoned and encouraged such behavior up until now. Regardless of what values your company held in the past, you will need to make sure everyone is onboard and fully committed to providing phenomenal customer experience at all times. Get employees on your side by making the connection between a customer centric workplace and company success. Provide them with case studies that show how successful this approach can be. Consult Executives Before you attempt to completely change the way your employees approach customer experience, you may want to secure the support of higher-level executives. Having the CEO, president, or even the vice president on your side can go a long way and show employees how serious the company is about satisfying its customers. Allow your company’s CEO to lead the charge when it comes to making major culture changes in the workplace. Measure Company and Employee Performance To successfully implement any culture change in the workplace, you must be able to measure the performance of your employees to see how well they are adapting. By working with department heads and executives, you can create acceptable metrics for employee performance. Use these metrics to provide feedback to your employees and identify employees who may need additional help. Transforming the culture of a company is difficult, but it can be done. By keeping the tips listed above in mind, you can ensure a stress-free and relatively simple transition for your employees. Your customers will also be more than appreciative of the culture change.

Security Brief – Protect Your Medical Information and Identity

Your personal health insurance information, including your Social Security number, address, and email address, is valuable and vulnerable. When it gets into the wrong hands it can be used to steal expensive medical services—even surgeries—and prescription drugs or to procure medical devices or equipment such as wheelchairs. Your medical identity is a commodity that can be hijacked and used to falsify insurance claims or to fraudulently acquire government benefits such as Medicare or Medicaid. Your personal medical information may also be sold on the black market, where it can be used to create entirely new medical identities based on your data. And more often than you might imagine, people outright share their own medical coverage with an uninsured friend or family member in need of care, which is against the law. Because current consumer protections aren’t specifically designed for medical identity theft, experts warn, people need to understand that they may have to take on extensive work to clear up fraudulent bills. Some frustrated victims of medical identity theft simply give up and pay the bills themselves. But there’s another, far more dangerous problem with medical identity theft: The thief’s own medical treatment, history, and diagnoses can get mixed up with your own electronic health records—potentially tainting and complicating your care for years to come. And that isn’t a hypothetical problem. “About 20 percent of victims have stated that they received the wrong diagnosis or treatment, or that their care was delayed because there was confusion about what was true in their records due to the identity theft,” says Ann Patterson, a senior vice president of the Medical Identity Fraud Alliance (MIFA), a group of several dozen healthcare organizations and businesses working to reduce the crime and its negative effects. Spotting Medical Identity Theft and How to Prevent It Experts say detecting the fraud in the first place can be the most difficult part. “Medical identify theft and fraud is much harder to spot than financial fraud,” says Michelle De Mooy, acting director of the Privacy & Data Project at the nonprofit Center for Democracy & Technology. “The bank calls you if they see charges in the system that raise an alarm. This kind of fraud is much easier to hide for a longer time.” That’s why you need to be especially smart and careful about how and when you share your personal, medical, and insurance information. Here are a few basic ways you can safeguard your medical privacy and identity: Read those explanation of benefits letters as if they were bank statements Carefully check all of the correspondence you receive from health insurers and healthcare providers for accuracy and for bills of service that you don’t recognize Review your credit reports for unfamiliar debts. Be stingy with your personal health information, Social Security card, and insurance cards. If someone asks for them, inquire whether it is really necessary.

Chatbots are useful, not powerful!

Today’s world is strangely divided when it comes to views and belief systems involving artificial intelligence. This is not a new thing, as new ideas have always been regarded with skepticism and distrust until they take hold in society. Even the first automobiles were thought of as little more than toys that would never gain a foothold in society. The first popular opinion, with reference to modern technology, is that artificial intelligence equals something out of a science fiction or Marvel movie. In essence, AI will soon look better and perform more efficiently than all humans. This will lead to a world of humans who are completely dependent on witty AI systems to solve every problem, no matter how large or small. The second popular opinion, when looking at advancing AI technology is less grand and more filled with fear. Instead of viewing the future of AI as a beneficial larger-than-life presence, they instead view it as competition that will take over all of the work that humans currently get paid to do. There are studies that do point to this kind of a future. For instance, a recent Forrester study shows that Ai, automation, and robots are predicted to replace humans in at least 7% of jobs by 2025. Recent AI advancements technologies such as Salesforce Einstein and IBM Watson lend reality to the fact that technology is, indeed advancing at a very rapid pace. The Truth About AI Perhaps it is only in discovering the truth about AI that both opinions can come together to a realization that though both sides contain some truth, neither is completely correct. The fact that AI that can function completely on its own is untrue. In fact, AI is still very dependent on humans as systems cannot learn on their own and are still incapable of completing tasks that are complex. A great example of this is a chatbot. This AI system is limited both in what types of transactions it can perform and the types of questions it can answer. In order to function correctly, these systems must be programmed in advance with specific answers or steps to follow. They are not, however, self-learning technology. This means that a chatbot is not going to be able to replace the human element, though it can increase a company’s efficiency rating when properly programmed. In essence, chatbots can be extremely useful but are not powerful in their own right. The Benefits of AI + HI Etech Global Services is a company that has shown that it is, indeed, possible to benefit from just the right combination of human and artificial intelligence. The insights gained by the AI can be sorted into preferred categories, then presented to human counterparts who have the expertise to analyze the data and make changes accordingly. Such intelligence partnerships have been shown to increase actionable data and offer reports that are far more precise than simply depending on human intelligence. Perhaps by realizing the real benefits of AI + HI, more individuals and companies will be able to make use of this ever-improving technology. Because AI is never going to take over completely and replace the human element. It is only when they work together that the best results are seen. This blog was first published on LinkedIn.

Build Your Team by Building Connections

Walk into any contact center and you will hear it. That energetic hum from the floor created by scores of agents fielding questions from customers, taking control of each unique situation and working toward a successful outcome, one after the other. It takes a special type of person to create order from that chaos. Not only does a leader have to get his or her team to meet the company’s goals, but he or she must also keep employees motivated and enthusiastic about their work. One of the best ways to do this is for the supervisor to foster rapport with the entire team so there’s a sense that everyone is in this together, while also addressing individual needs. Here are a few ideas used by some of the most successful leaders in contact centers around the world. Communicate It might seem ironic that leaders don’t talk to their employees in a contact center, but it happens far too often. The first step, make sure everyone understands what success looks like for the company and the team. This bonds you, and helps everyone to rally around a common vision and goal. Next, be present…on the floor. You’ll have a real-time sense of what’s actually happening while also fielding feedback about things that are and aren’t working. Let your team know their input and ideas are necessary and appreciated. The best solutions come from those closest to the problem. No doubt a listening ear, goes a long way toward feeling valued. Feeling valued builds trust, and trust builds commitment. Engage A contact center can be a stressful environment with high employee turnover where engagement is low. Successful leaders are the ones who are able to retain staff members and keep everyone engaged, challenged and growing. Try creating incentive and reward programs to encourage higher levels of productivity while also fostering friendly competition among workers. Offer development opportunities, as well as an opportunity for your top performers to assist in the development of others on the team. Early on in my career, I was tapped for ‘newbies’ to sit with me. It was an honor to be trusted in this way, and in turn, motivated me to be at my very best. Be Committed Think about the people in this world you are most committed to. Casual acquaintances probably don’t fall into this category. Likewise, in the workplace, it’s important to invest in your relationship with those you lead. Share something about yourself, and allow your team members the opportunity to do the same. This is a great way to identify common ground, similar likes, experiences, and aspirations. We all do what we do for a reason. It’s important for your team to see you as a real person, and likewise for you to see your team as individuals and understand what is important to them. In the words of John Maxwell, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Would you run through a wall for your leader? If you answered yes, I’m guessing you have a pretty good relationship. This is a two-way street, and it’s important your team knows you will be there for them, and in turn, they will be there for you and the team. Personalize Coaching When it comes to training your employees, you can do so on a macro and micro level. While group sessions are great to disseminate company and team-wide updates or policy changes, utilize one on one coaching for constructive feedback and address individual opportunities. Side by side sessions and one on one skill transfers are both effective ways to personalize coaching while minimizing any downtime. Focus on behaviors that drive success, and more importantly don’t tell, show. It’s important to make the connection on how this behavior will advance your employee toward their goal, whether it’s to be at the top of the stack ranking, move up the ladder, or buy a car. There must be a connection with how the behavior will help benefit the individual. Role play is a great way to practice behaviors. After the role play have your employee share what specifically they will do as a result of the coaching in their own words. Coaching is a partnership and to be successful both you and your employee must be actively engaged and committed. Your employee is committed to exhibit a new or refined behavior, and you must be committed to providing feedback after. Lastly, express confidence, and let your employee know when you will follow-up with them. This will create an opportunity to provide praise for great execution, support if clarification is needed, or correction if the agreed behavior has not been executed on. These are just some suggestions used by successful leaders in call centers but don’t be afraid to try new things on your own. By consistently and effectively engaging with your team, you’ll be able to keep your contact center operating like a well-oiled machine.

4 Best Practices to Becoming a Customer Centric Company

Would you say your company is customer-centric? If the answer is no, you may be missing out on prime opportunities to build relationships with new customers and keep your current customers coming back. Implementing a customer-centric business transformation is no easy task, and you will need to make sure all your employees are on board with the transformation first. If you are determined to transform your company, here are four simple ways to achieve your goal. Take Existing Customers Into Consideration Many companies do not understand the importance of retaining current customers, and many simply focus on attracting new customers. This is understandable, but in reality, companies should always have a plan for satisfying current customers and ensuring they do not go elsewhere for business. Many companies achieve this by incorporating customer satisfaction with their branding strategy, so when consumers see their brand, they automatically associate them with exceptional customer service. Simply put, remember your loyal existing customers make up the bulk of your customer base. Encourage Employees to Build Relationships With Customers Does your company encourage its employees to actively build relationships with customers? If it doesn’t, you may be missing out one of the primary benefits of having a customer-centric culture. Forging relationships with customers doesn’t have to be difficult and creating a relationship can start simply by saying “Thank you for your business.” Always encourage your employees to verbally express your company’s gratitude. When interacting with customers, employees can even make small talk to add a personal touch. Develop Products and Services Customers Need Customer-centric companies understand customers are the most important component of any business. These companies do not take profit or prestige into concern when dealing with customers, and they are fully committed to offering products and services current and potential customers need. Companies devoted to customer service also take the buying experience into consideration by offering various conveniences, such as fast returns or multiple payment methods. These simple touches make customers come back and again and again and ensure customers do not give their business to others. Try to See Things Through the Eyes of the Customer Customer-centric companies always attempt to see the world through the eyes of the customer. By taking the time to fully understand the needs and desires of their customers, businesses can offer them products and services no one else can. They can also provide those products and services in a way that cannot be duplicated. To do this, companies must involve every person at every level of the organization and emphasize customer service comes before everything else. Employee performance should be monitored, especially in the beginning of the transition, to ensure they are capable of providing exceptional customer support on a consistent basis. Can Your Company Survive in Modern Times? Creating a customer-centered company is necessary if you want your company to survive in modern times. Customers have a wide variety of businesses to choose from, and you must do what you can to ensure they continue to choose yours. By making customers the focal point of your operations, you can keep your profits and customer satisfaction rates high.

How To Work With Your Leaders

Leadership can be a tricky concept in the workplace. One employee may have the impressive title, but a lower-level employee may seem like he or she runs the show. How do you use everyone’s talents to your company’s benefit? First, you must understand what leadership is. What Makes a Leader? In the wise words of Theodore Roosevelt, “it is a boss who drives, whereas the leader leads.” The born leaders on your teams are not necessarily in roles of power. Instead of being managers or principles, they may be assistants or entry-level new hires. What makes these people leaders are their unique life experiences, personality traits, and abilities to project authority. When you lead a team, you are responsible for how your employees work together. It is important to identify those with leadership traits and place them in the best possible positions to ensure organizational success. How Do You Identify a Leader? If you don’t have the time or resources to conduct a sociometric test to find out where your employees fall in a group structure, analyze them yourself with some simple questions. Which team members create new ideas and suggest proposals? Which members communicate issues and complaints? Who do they refer to for professional advice? Who do they socialize with when not discussing work topics? The leaders in your team are typically the ones who step forward during brainstorming sessions or controversies. However, it is important to differentiate between destructive and constructive workers. Destructive workers tend to cause an adversarial atmosphere among the group. Constructive workers generate helpful ideas and motivate their team members to do their best. It is the constructive worker who is an asset to your business. Types of Leaders There are generally three types of workplace leaders you want to have on your side. They each have different styles, so it is key to understand how to work with them and draw their best qualities to the forefront. Coordinators: These people are well-organized and prepared to answer questions. They work best as right-hand men (and women) who can be trusted with delegated tasks. Use them to strengthen your own authority. Humorists These people are charismatic and charming. Others enjoy spending time with them and they lead with their fun presence. Task humorists with social projects such as orienting new hires, spearheading mundane tasks, or planning team-building activities. Crisis Managers Crisis managers usually keep their heads down and perform their work sufficiently and quietly. They shine, however, when unforeseen circumstances throw a wrench into plans. Let them know when it is time to take the reins and they will help solve a problem with intense focus. They also thrive on recognition, so be sure to thank them in front of other team members. Good leaders can only strengthen your business. Learn to work with them and take advantage of the skills they bring to the table. The more trusted advocates you have in the workplace, the more success you will find. Once you discover the right role for these leaders, your company and its employees will be prosperous and happy.

Robocalls – Why I Stopped Answering my Cell Phone

Depending on your viewpoint as a consumer or from your professional life, you may have felt either relief or apprehension in June of 2003 when the FTC’s Do-Not-Call list was created. Most hoped that when the enforcement date of October 1st rolled around, nuisance phone calls would be a thing of the past. However, others felt the FTC may have been overstepping and creating rules and regulations that negatively impacted how legitimate business served their clientele. By creating the Do-Not-Call registry, the FTC was providing an easy way for all landline telephone users to opt out of unwanted phone calls just by registering their phone number online. Once the October deadline had passed, telemarketers were required to review their phone number list every three months and remove numbers that were registered on the FTC website. Unfortunately, 15 years after the hype and excitement, the overall level of frustration with unwanted phone calls has not diminished. The FTC Do-Not-Call list now has over 230 million phone numbers registered, yet unwanted calls have gotten exponentially worse due to the number of “robocalls” or automated phone calls that now come to landlines, business lines, and even cell phone numbers. In fact, the FTC states that complaints of unwanted calls had risen by more than 30% in 2017. While companies may have been forced to slow or stop the calls from human agents who were paid to power through a phone number list, technology has brought about more advanced phone systems that can dial much more quickly, efficiently, and to multiple numbers at once. Types of Robocalls One company that specializes in blocking robocalls did a study in 2016 and found that Americans received 76% more robocalls in 2017 than they did in 2016. All too many of us have stopped answering the telephone altogether, preferring instead to check voicemails if and when one is left. Those that do still answer every phone call state that the variety of robocalls is almost endless including: Credit Card Offers Request for Charitable Contributions Mortgage Reduction Offers Debt Reduction Offers Political Phone Calls Solar Energy Sales Calls Vacation Package Offers Healthcare Organizations Survey Takers The FTC does allow some of these calls such as those from political organizations, charities, healthcare providers or companies that take surveys. The rest of the calls are illegal but trying to catch and fine those companies is a daunting task and almost impossible. Spoofed Numbers The newest tactic for sending out illegal robocalls is to “spoof” a phone number. Instead of showing an unknown phone number, companies have found a way to make the receiver’s caller ID show any phone number they want. Most of the time, they try to use a phone number in the same area code where the calls are being made to, as that makes the calls more likely to be answered. Some may even have a name show up on the caller id designed to make it appear more legitimate. Legitimate Contact Centers Though many are becoming increasingly frustrated, it is important to realize that there are many contact center-related businesses, such as Etech, that are legitimate businesses – and that never send out robocalls, spam calls, or act maliciously or illegally. Instead, these contact centers work with companies to improve customer service, provide valuable information, and truly engage with each customer. Etech offers the following advice about unwanted phone calls: If you are apprehensive about answering, don’t. If it’s important, they can leave a voicemail. If you answered and find out it’s spam, just hang up. Do not talk and do not press any buttons or your phone number may be sold to other illegal companies because it was answered. Look to see of your call provider offers call blocking for the numbers you are continuing to get calls from that are unwanted. If the issue continues, consider filing a complaint with the FTC.

Moving from “Big Data” to “Big Mind” To Create Human Customer Experience

As counterintuitive as it many sound, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to improve the human centric customer service experience. Today, customers have come to expect the speed and accuracy of AI functions combined with the emotional intelligence and human intellect of a real person. When blended well, they can create a seamless interaction with satisfying results for both companies and consumers. Artificial Intelligence Alone AI cannot provide the human touch customer experience consumers desire. Those interacting with a call center want a professional response that is flexible enough to address their own specific needs. AI programs can become rigid and frustrating, throwing callers into an unending loop of repeated phrases or unhelpful call transfers. Who hasn’t found him- or herself stuck on the phone for too long and then hanging up without a suitable resolution? When customers become frustrated, they give up and take their business elsewhere. Gathering Analytics When analytics correctly inform the AI program, magic can happen. Call centers can listen in on agent interactions and examine caller queues to find out where most problems or success stories occur. The AI can then, through machine learning, understand how to behave in a certain way during each of these points. Perhaps it can automatically transfer the caller to the most appropriate department or allow the caller to skip all automated information and speak directly to a live agent. The data collected can also be used to train employees to change their behaviors and make callers happier. Introducing the Human Factor With customer experience, human connection is often the ultimate goal. An AI program that is designed with analytics can bring a live agent into the equation when it deems itself inadequate. Instead of becoming frustrated to the point of hanging up, the caller gets personal attentional at the exact time it is necessary. Often, a few understanding words from another person can satisfy the caller and keep him or her on the line until the problem is satisfactorily resolved. Your human employees are also a great resource when designing helpful AI features. Many times, experienced agents go “off script” to adapt to their caller’s unique needs and find the solution that works perfectly for him or her. AI can be trained to mimic these successful behaviors and even coach other employees to practice the same behaviors in their own calls. In this case, your entire company benefits. The Perfect Balance An AI call center experience can still feel human. It is comforting when an AI program collects important data so that once a live agent is on the line, the caller does not need to repeat key information such as a name or address. This small act of personalization can make customers happier and more pleasant for the employees to interact with throughout the call. As technology continues to advance, it is important to find the sweet spot between AI and human interaction. Even the most tech-friendly customers crave the efficiency of AI and the personalization of the human experience. When well-integrated, they can help optimize customer experience, enhancing operations and providing clients with excellent service that fosters repeat business.

Can a Servant Leader be an Exceptional Leader?

A successful leader is often defined as a person who meets goals and accomplishes assigned tasks. However, there is much more involved in exceptional leadership. An exceptional leader not only performs his or her own work with success but develops, coaches and inspires each team member to do the same. Exceptional leaders also develop other leaders, creating opportunities for others to believe in themselves and reach for the stars! This sure sounds like servant leadership to me! How to Create Exceptional Leadership Skills There are several methods leaders use to develop and inspire their team members to exceed company goals and develop into leadership positions: Assign Tasks with Confidence If your employees pick up on your lack of confidence in them, it can lead to poor job performance. When you are outwardly sure in your decisions, your confidence becomes contagious and others begin to believe in their abilities. Point out the employee strengths that led you to choose a team for a specific role; this information will help them see the project in a new light and invite them to use their unique skillsets to get the job done. Instead of anticipating failure, they will rise up to the new challenge. Show how you value each team member and they will value you. Encourage Participation Even the most experienced team leader can benefit from collaboration. When you invite your employees to contribute, you discover hidden talents, fresh approaches, and personal passions. Open discussions can lead to brilliant solutions. Perhaps one of your employees is in a department that doesn’t take full advantage of his or her skills and that employee may be able to make greater contributions on another team. A comfortable, collaborative environment can reveal that person’s true value to the company and open new doors. Be a humble leader and ask for input. The return will be invaluable. Communicate Transparently It is important for everyone on the team to understand the department’s big picture. If every team member is working from the same information, they can each focus on their specific objectives. This helps the employees understand where they fit into the overarching goal and gives them a sense of pride and ownership in the final results. Being transparent and an effective two-way communicator is critical in both leading and serving your team. Reward a Job Well Done If you want to keep your best talent with your company long-term, it is important to reward and recognize good efforts. Recognition is easy and doesn’t cost much. A public word of thanks in a company-wide meeting, a special lunch, or a meaningful trinket can all make an employee feel appreciated and motivated to continue doing good work. Employees must understand that you are invested in them and their career growth; otherwise, talented team members may start polishing their resumes for new job prospects. Exceptional leaders know the importance of designing a path of upward mobility so that skilled team members always have an eye toward further achievement within their current company. Walk the Walk Exceptional leaders don’t make exceptions for their own workplace habits. They constantly assess their own performance and serve as role models for their team members. If you don’t follow your own codes of professional conduct, your employees will not respect you. Consistency, integrity and credibility are key to building a workplace where team members feel comfortable stepping out of their comfort zones to make an impact. A successful leader focuses on their people and not results. They invest in their people, coaching & developing each member to contribute to the best of their abilities. They great an unity of team, not individuals working on the same time. They do this by being present, consistent, humble, communicating and credible. All these attributes define not only a successful leader but one who leads by serving.

The best of both the world’s is required, but it is PEOPLE who add more value

“Integrating HI + AI into daily contact center business operations has the potential to reshape the workplace and provide beyond belief opportunities for growth.” It seems that more and more everyday processes and jobs are starting to include a measure of automation, where there’s less for flesh-and-blood humans to do a specific task to be completed. That’s most certainly become apparent when it comes to call centers. With that in mind, you should know there’s much to be gained when you harness the power of AI and people rather than letting it become a source of anxiety. Artificial intelligence is good, but it is people who are working on the information derived from the technology. Let’s look why Humans cannot be replaced by Bots/Machines/AI. Some People Prefer Human Interactions Even though consumers have grown accustomed to interacting with automated services and not having to interact with another human when paying their bills or receiving answers to their questions, there are some situations that entail human touch. When that time comes, your callers expect efficient and professional service. Something else to think about is the fact that if your AI program is not sophisticated enough, it can cause more problems than it solves. Customers become frustrated while repeating the same responses, which can send them straight into the arms of your competitors. So how can you utilize such technological capabilities the right way? Customers Like to Be Entertained For all its technological advances, AI isn’t well-known for its humor. Sometimes all that’s needed to make a customer’s day or to diffuse a tense interaction is to inject a bit of humor into the situation. Your representatives are able to do this on the fly, usually in a way that’s neither too much for the situation nor too little to elicit a genuine laugh (or at least a smile). This use of humor paints your company as well as your call center in a positive light, one that’s sure to delight your audience and keep them on as loyal customers. While delivering impeccable service is certainly one of your top priorities as a call center leader, part of that quality service is putting your customers and callers at ease, and what better way to relax than with a good laugh? Find the Right Balance Between People and Machine The best and the first place to start is with analytics. It’s important that your AI program recognizes when it encounters a situation that’s best left to an agent. Some calls and issues require a bit of human empathy, and even the most well-programmed automated call center program can’t deliver that. There are occasions when a caller just wants to know your company truly cares and is making an effort to resolve an issue, even if it takes longer than he or she might like. On the other hand, an agent can provide the human touch in ways that are still beyond the capacity of AI. Look Ahead to Stay Ahead Customers have always wanted a seamless and effortless form of responses to their issues. According to Forrester’s report of 2014, understanding customer emotion and empathy are the most critical components to gain successful customer experience. Here, to touch the heart of the customer services being delivered, the human touch is required. When you have both, your investment in AI software can facilitate a marked improvement in agent success and retention, customer satisfaction and overall operational efficiencies. Artificial Intelligence along with people represents a huge step forward in delivering exceptional customer service experience. However, for its success, AI technology needs to be combined with conventional people skills to deliver a seamless customer experience which can balance your customer interactions with empathy. This ultimately provides a tailored experience for every customer issues and needs. Our Solution – Etech Insights Because meeting and exceeding customer expectations is the only priority. Etech’s quality solution, Etech Insights, works as an AI+HI solution. By synchronizing human intelligence with the data gained from artificial intelligence, Etech Insights helps you in identifying your customer’s/agents behaviors that enhances overall performance. We help businesses to connect with what customers really want. Learn how to make use of 100% of interaction data while understanding insights that are sure to improve and enhance every part of the contact center with Etech Insights. This blog was first published on LinkedIn

How To Measure the Effectiveness, Impact and Efficiency of Your Human Resources Strategies

A company can invest money in technology, real estate, and other expenses, but the people within an organization are still the most important asset. Your employees represent the entire organization whenever they interact with community, clients and vendors, which is why it’s important to hire the best employees and keep them happy. Employees want to know how they are performing, therefore; it is important to conduct periodic reviews of your effectiveness strategies. Here are a few human resources measures of effectiveness your company can use during your review process. Establish Metrics Before you start analyzing the effectiveness of your human resources efforts, you must first identify a set of metrics. Think of them like the statistics used by a baseball team to measure hitting or pitching abilities, only create them with your company’s priorities in mind. While your business might have its own specific points of emphasis, there are a few common values used by most companies: Cost per hire, which measures efficiency by taking the entire amount spent during the hiring process and dividing by the number of employees it yielded. Time to hire, which also measures efficiency by calculating the average number of days it takes to fill positions. Early turnover, which is simply a tally of new employees who leave the company during the first year. Conduct Analysis Using Your Values Once you’ve established your human resources development measures, the next step is to analyze the data you’ve collected and take action. This isn’t always a clear cut procedure, as you need to take your company’s needs into account before making a decision. A high cost-per-hire value could indicate an expensive hiring process, but the solution might not be as simple as spending less money on your hiring efforts. There are times when it’s necessary to conduct an exhaustive search for the ideal candidate, especially when you’re bringing in an executive-level employee, and this could throw off your cost and time averages. Analyze Impact of Strategies You must consistently strive to analyze the effectiveness of your new strategies. Using a call center as an example, if you’re fielding most of your customer contacts through internet chats or email, you might want to prioritize employees who are better at that skill set. Conversely, if your customers prefer to interact over the phone, it would be a good idea to avoid taking your operations online simply for the sake of modernizing. Don’t Be Afraid To Experiment Finding the best human resources development measures is not an exact science, which is why experimentation is worthwhile. Every company is unique, which means there’s no guaranteed way to get the results you desire. When you design an experiment for your business, you can ensure accurate results by employing the scientific method: Observe Hypothesize Conduct experiments Collect data Analyze results These are just a few ways to get the most of your human resources department, but don’t hesitate to work with a consultant to tailor a solution for your company’s specific needs. By maximizing the efficiency of your personnel staff, you’ll be able to get maximum value out of your organization’s most important asset.

Protecting Your Privacy

Data breaches are all too common now-a-days. Personal privacy on the web might be less secured; however, malicious software apps, viruses as well as phishing scams are growing in numbers causing identity theft becoming frequent. With new released announcements from Federal Trade Commission as part of the Privacy Awareness Week (PAW), PAW has fostered the importance of protecting personal information. How do you know if your privacy is being protected? • Privacy policy – Before submitting your name, email address, or other personal information on a website, look for the site’s privacy policy. This policy should state how the information will be used and whether or not the information will be distributed to other organizations. Companies sometimes share information with partner vendors who offer related products or may offer options to subscribe to particular mailing lists. Look for indications that you are being added to mailing lists by default—failing to deselect those options may lead to unwanted spam. If you cannot find a privacy policy on a website, consider contacting the company to inquire about the policy before you submit personal information, or find an alternate site. Privacy policies sometimes change, so you may want to review them periodically. • Evidence that your information is being encrypted – To prevent attackers from stealing your personal information, online submissions should be encrypted so that it can only be read by the appropriate recipient. Many sites use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (https). A lock icon in the bottom right corner of the window indicates that your information will be encrypted. (See Understanding Web Site Certificates for more information.) Some sites also indicate whether the data is encrypted when it is stored. If data is encrypted in transit but stored insecurely, an attacker who is able to break into the vendor’s system could access your personal information. What additional steps can you take to protect your privacy? • Do business with credible companies – Before supplying any information online, consider the answers to the following questions: Do you trust the business? Is it an established organization with a credible reputation? Does the information on the site suggest that there is a concern for the privacy of user information? Is legitimate contact information provided? If you answered “No” to any of these questions, avoid doing business online with these companies. • Do not use your primary email address in online submissions – Submitting your email address could result in spam. If you do not want your primary email account flooded with unwanted messages, consider opening an additional email account for use online. (See Phishing Scam for more information.) Make sure to log in to the account on a regular basis in case the vendor sends information about changes to policies. • Avoid submitting credit card information online – Some companies offer a phone number you can use to provide your credit card information. Although this does not guarantee that the information will not be compromised, it eliminates the possibility that attackers will be able to hijack it during the submission process. • Devote one credit card to online purchases – To minimize the potential damage of an attacker gaining access to your credit card information, consider opening a credit card account for use only online. Keep a minimum credit line on the account to limit the amount of charges an attacker can accumulate. • Avoid using debit cards for online purchases – Credit cards usually offer some protection against identity theft and may limit the monetary amount you will be responsible for paying. Debit cards, however, do not offer that protection. Because the charges are immediately deducted from your account, an attacker who obtains your account information may empty your bank account before you even realize it. • Take advantage of options to limit exposure of private information – Default options on certain websites may be chosen for convenience, not for security. For example, avoid allowing a website to remember your password. If your password is stored, your profile and any account information you have provided on that site is readily available if an attacker gains access to your computer. Also, evaluate your settings on websites used for social networking. The nature of those sites is to share information, but you can restrict access to limit who can see what.

4 Pillars to Customer Service Strategy to Deliver Extraordinary Customer Service (Part 2)

Though there was once a belief that improving overall customer experience rates should be left to the marketing department while the store focused solely on operations a merge of ideas and overall operations stands at the forefront of today’s most successful businesses. Companies wanting to deliver extraordinary customer service are learning much about just how important the right customer service strategy is to their bottom line. Studies show that high customer satisfaction rates can increase revenues anywhere from 10 – 15 percent. Add to this the fact that it can also lower overall service costs and increase employee engagement and it is easy to see why a merged focus on customer experience is essential today. Successful businesses today must be willing to see that there are many benefits to a correct overall definition of the customer experience. They must also be willing to use the correct approaches and tools to manage it. By becoming familiar with the pillars of customer service strategy, companies can more easily cross the separate-but-equal boundaries of days gone by and step into a new model as they watch revenues increase and costs fall. Look at the Big Picture When correctly describing a successful customer experience strategy, one must be willing to look at the big picture – the picture that goes beyond customer satisfaction. Instead, it is the picture of every single interaction a customer has with said company. Today delivering extraordinary customer service tends to include consideration of online interactions, phone calls, online chats, print and online advertising and customer service interactions. When just starting this type of change, it may seem overwhelming, but studies show that the effort often works to retain current customers and attract new ones. Use The Right Tools As with many things in life, knowledge can be useless without the right tools. So, what are the right tools for enhancing the overall customer experience? Well-known tools such as customer data, journey maps and analytics are valuable, but frequently limit a company’s ability to look at the big picture. The ultra-focus on numbers leads to ignorance about how customers view the values and attributes that are unique to a company. This disconnect between company or brand identity and the customer experience can be a costly one. One tool that can help redesign the way companies think about and deliver extraordinary customer service and increase overall customer satisfaction is known as an architecture. It is much like the architecture that would be used to build a home – the basics of the home drawn out on paper so that all involved int eh building process can see how their own segment fits into the whole. The Right Architecture In the previous blog, we covered the 4 basic pillars to customer service strategy. Learning and using these pillars will help companies cross that old-school boundary and begin to offer extraordinary service instead of mid-range customer satisfaction rates. In this post, we offer two bonus pillars or two pieces of important architecture that will help even the most basic customer service strategy. Segmentation – Business vs. Customer Breaking up or segmenting your business into separate units with the intent of offering better customer service can help all involved to more easily identify customer needs as well as changes that need to be made in current business models. By naming and separating all of the ways a customer might interact with the company, each part can be studied and refined. Taking time to segment customer needs, desires and values is another way to see more clearly. By doing this, companies may be able to learn what is more important to a customer, price, entertainment or convenience. At this point, a company is willing to admit that each and every customer is different, as are their needs. By considering the unique needs, inventory and drivers of each segment, businesses are able to provide deliver extraordinary customer service and increase overall customer satisfaction. Servant Leaders Another pillar that must be used in this architecture is that of servant-focused leadership. Recent studies have shown that this type of leader can not only motivate, they can inspire employees across the organization engage in the type of behaviors they have modeled. This pillar increases satisfaction for both customers and employees. Commitment to improving customer service with the goal of being able to deliver extraordinary customer service may seem overwhelming but can be accomplished more easily when companies are willing to implement the 4 pillars of customer service and build an effective architecture for success. This blog was first published on LinkedIn

Phishing Scam: Stop and Avoid Scams

The threat of cybercrime has created a significant increase in the number of measures companies are taking to improve their security posture. Organizations are spending billions of dollars to protect themselves against a fast evolving array of current and potential future threats. Many spend heavily on monitoring, surveillance, and software; however, they often neglect the risk exposure created by their own people – and, in this digital age, by their clients. Organizations need to work continuously in evolving the security of the processes, systems, and infrastructure. However, your organizations must maintain focus on the most important aspect. Security Awareness of Every Team Member in Your Organization Why is this important? Most often, a security breach is created by exposing an organization’s weakest link, an uninformed individual. There are several tactics being utilized by malicious attackers that take advantage of an employee to gain access to protected information. Here we will again discuss one of the most common attack methods and what you can do to ensure you are never a victim. Acquisition of knowledge through a phishing attempt: Phishing is when a scammer uses fraudulent emails or texts, or copycat websites to get you to share valuable personal information – such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, or your login IDs and passwords. Scammers use your information to steal protected information and/or access systems maliciously. Scammers also use phishing emails to get access to your computer or network and install programs like ransomware or viruses/malware that can lock you out of important files on your computer and/or network. Phishing scammers lure their targets into a false sense of security by spoofing the familiar, trusted logos of established, legitimate companies. Or they pretend to be a friend or family member. Phishing scammers make it seem like they need your information or someone else’s, quickly – or something bad will happen. They tell lies to get to you to give them information. DO NOT BECOME VICTIM TO A PHISHING ATTEMPT!!! What can you do to protect yourself? Do NOT share your user ID(s) and/or password(s) with ANYONE. (Passwords should not be requested by nor shared with coworkers and/or supervisors) Do NOT use another person’s email account, network account, etc. for your own use. This is a gross violation of Security Policy. Before entering your user ID and password, make sure no one is watching you and “shoulder surfing”. Before using your user ID and password on a third-party computer, make sure the computer is well protected and free of trojans or key logging programs. Never open any files or macros attached to an e-mail from an unknown, suspicious, or untrustworthy source. Never open any files or macros attached to an e-mail from a known source (even a coworker) if you were not expecting a specific attachment from that source. Be suspicious of e-mail messages containing links to unknown Web sites. It is possible that the link is a malicious executable (.exe) file disguised as a link. Do not click on a link sent to you if you were not expecting a specific link. Files with the following filename extensions are blocked by the e-mail system: .exe, .zip, .com, .dll, .msi. If an employee expects to receive a file with an .exe or .zip extension, it is suggested they contact the sender and have the file sent with the extension of .tst. Once the file is received, the recipient can rename the file with the .exe or .zip extension. Never copy, download, or install files from unknown, suspicious, or untrustworthy sources or removable media. Avoid direct disk sharing with read/write access. Always scan any disc for viruses before using it. If instructed to delete e-mail messages believed to contain a virus, be sure to also delete the message from your Deleted Items or Trash folder. If an employee receives what he/she believes to be a virus, or suspects that a computer is infected with a virus, it must be immediately reported to the helpdesk by calling 936-559-2206 and providing information requested by the technician regarding the infected station/device. Report the following as a minimum (if known): virus name, extent of infection, source of virus, and potential recipients of infected material.

How Servant Leadership Supports Diversity in the Workplace

Simply hearing the word diversity today can cause angst. Some individuals relate this word to differences that can create conflict, uncertainty and even negativity. Across the country there are millions of dollars spent in the name of diversity, trying to manage it, attract it and protect it. Diversity no longer means simply different levels of experience or expertise in the workplace. Diversity can include diversity in ethnicity, culture, race, gender, and even socioeconomic background. Unfortunately, diversity executed without a true understanding of benefits may result in difficulty with communication or lack of trust. Benefits of Diversity Business owners today know that diversity in the workplace is imperative to retain a competitive edge in the marketplace. This is because diversity even with the struggle of varying viewpoints will help organizations be more innovative and creative. Studies have shown that when teams are diverse, they are more capable of effective problem-solving and making more decisions that benefit the entire company. In a recent publication “Why Diversity Matters” by McKinsey & Company, it was stated that companies with the top numbers of both ethnic and racial diversity in their management were much more likely to have higher financial return numbers when compared to others in the industry. This means that a company that is focused on having cultural diversity in the workplace tends to be a more successful company. This might be because people who are different from each other challenge each other to overcome old ways of processing information and learn new pathways. Improved Thinking These new pathways, or ways of thinking can change a group’s social behavior and result in the entire group thinking more productively. One example of this happening was in an experiment that was conducted both in Singapore and in Texas. Financially literate people were assigned to simulated stock markets and were asked to correctly price the stocks. Teams were built as either homogeneous or ethnically diverse groupings. Scientists found through this study that the diverse teams were more than 50% more likely to price the stocks correctly. Lead by Example By far the most important part of being able to build successful diverse teams is in the hands of leadership, and their ability to be servant leaders. When a leader is willing to lead and serve, their teams will naturally follow. Some of the ways that leaders can be sure they are practicing servant leadership include: 1.Build a solid foundation – Ensure you establish diversity within your team, and set the expectation for others to follow. 2. Communicate a shared vision – Clearly establish and communicate your organization’s vision statement, mission and goals which bind your team and serve as a launching pad. 3. Push healthy competition – Engaging each team in healthy competition can create ownership; spur action and foster creativity that can benefit the entire organization. 4. Give power to employees – Once you have established guidelines, empower your teams to make decisions on their own allowing them to leverage their diverse thinking. 5. Recognize the success of diverse teams – Take time to let them know that you have noticed how well they are doing. This in turn motivates each team to try harder to meet company goals. Servant leadership is paramount in building a diverse team capable of delivering unprecedented results. Although differences can be uncomfortable, by creating a solid foundation, communicating a shared vision, creating healthy competition, empowering your people to make decisions and recognizing the success of your diverse teams, you will be well on your way to leveraging the power of diversity.

4 Pillars to Customer Service Strategy to Deliver Extraordinary Customer Service (Part 1)

Keeping customers happy is a top priority for businesses across the board in this highly competitive market. An unhappy customer or a customer who has been unable to get the information, resolution or help they need will almost always find another business that does exactly the same thing as yours, only with better customer service. So, what is the secret recipe for delivering extraordinary customers service that will encourage loyalty, not to mention increase conversion rates? Here are 4 pillars of customer service strategy that can boost CSAT levels in an effective manner. 1. Overcoming Customer Objections There is truly no way to meet customer needs if you cannot figure out what those needs are. Gaining an understanding of each customer goes far beyond a lengthy probing phone conversation. Instead, contact center agents must find a way to help customers have an effortless customer experience. Engaging frequently with customers is one way to more fully understand their needs, challenges and pain points. This is especially important at the beginning of the customer relationship before they feel any loyalty. Blog-call surveys asking for customer opinions, concrete examples and based on the customer’s true feelings about their experience can be invaluable in figuring out how to overcome objections. 2. Gathering Operational Insights Another way to enhance the customer experience is by gathering operational insights. Before technology was quite so advanced, managing contact center agents tried to listen in the background of a percentage of calls and figure out what could be done better. Today, this can be achieved with a reliable analytics program gathering information in the background of each phone call. This information can then be compiled, analyzed and provided to contact center management as actionable data points. 3. Applying Improved Soft Skills Soft skills are frequently referred to as interpersonal skills. In a contact center, these are skills that, if used correctly, will help agents to build rapport with the customer through a personal connection. Some of these soft skills include: Reflective listening Positive communication Friendly assertiveness Self-awareness and control Empathy Contact resolution Communicating clearly and positively with customers helps them to feel more positive about the interaction resulting in increased customer loyalty. 4. Knowing Competitive Insights In a great customer experience, contact center agents must be able to gain the trust of each individual calling in or starting a chat. This trust must include the customer’s faith that the person helping them knows not only about the products or services their company offers, but also knows what the competition offers in the same industry. This type of competitive insight can be used to build better relationships with customers as agents are able to more easily anticipate needs and increase conversion rates. A good customer experience is simply not enough anymore, as customers can leave a call or a chat with the simple click of a button. Instead, businesses must find ways to help customers have experiences that border on the extraordinary. Let Etech Global show you how to track down the data that will help you with each of these pillars so that your customer service can deliver superior results This blog was first published on LinkedIn

Combining AI and Human Intelligence Can Lead to a Seamless Customer Experience

Ongoing developments in technology have resulted in artificial intelligence that is capable of mimicking many human behaviors and responses. This increasing capability has been much appreciated by those who manage overloaded call centers. This is not to say that AI is set to take over the call center industry, only that it has been proven to be increasingly beneficial on many levels. The human touch will always be required to keep customers completely satisfied. Call centers must, in essence, use the right blend of human emotion and automation to fully benefit from these recent technological innovations. The Unintended Cold Response Though automated systems in call center environments have become more common, many situations still call for the ever-important human touch. This touch must be professional, proficient and empathetic to the customer’s needs. Call centers that rely too heavily on colder automated intelligence in order to cut costs or attain desired results frequently find that the loss of the competent, warm human touch leads to growing customer attrition rates. Customers may also perceive a cold response in relation to a phone interaction when an AI program becomes outdated. All too frequently, customers become stuck in a loop of repeating responses to an AI system that simply cannot process the information correctly. And a dissatisfied customer today is a lost customer, as there are plenty of options from which they can choose. Evaluating the proper role of AI in a call center environment as well as the need to update and review the effectiveness of such software is a must in an era where customer satisfaction rates mean everything. The Best Balance Of paramount importance is the ability of an AI program to recognize the point in a call indicating that a customer should immediately be transferred from an automated system to a live agent. The more quickly and easily this task can be completed matters as this tends to be the point at which customers begin to be dissatisfied with the level of automated service. Interaction with an empathetic agent is often just the right move. In order to determine the correct balance between artificial and human intelligence, companies must start with analytics. An automated call center program should be capable of listening to agent interactions, caller queues and gathering additional information. This information, when presented correctly to call center managers, can show where changes in policy, format or wording need to be made. The right balance means that customers are happy because they feel their needs were truly met. Past information is Critical for Future Success Data that is gathered in the background of each and every call can provide invaluable information. With such data, call center managers can figure out what irritates callers, makes them happy, soothes them or drives them completely away. Managers can use this critical data to change automated responses, increase or decrease the number of options available to each caller or even give customers the ability to skip all automation and work solely with a live agent. As AI increases in intelligence, it can also offer invaluable insights, such as suggestions on which department might be best able to assist customers based on specific indicators. Going even further, some AI technology is advanced enough that it can pair customers with specific needs to the agent who will be most able to assist with each specific issue. Such beneficial use of data only works to increase overall customer satisfaction rates. The Combination of AI and HI Can Still be Personal The end goal for every customer interaction in a call center environment should be great customer service, whether the customer is interacting with a human agent or with an automated program. By considering the ways that customer experiences might be personalized, contact center managers often come up with innovative ideas. For example, a system that is able to link a customer phone number to a name and basic information leaves many customers feeling relieved that they were not required to waste time providing information the company already had. Introduce Human Intelligence to its Artificial Counterpart While some call center agents might consider AI as an inconvenient eavesdropper listening in the background of every call, others realize just how many benefits are derived from the data gathered. Not only can this data make callers happier, it can also make the workload a little lighter for agents. Managers that take time to educate call center employees about the benefits and end-results of artificial intelligence have found that agents appreciate and tend to work more willingly with this amazing technology instead of considering it the enemy. Whether these benefits include decreased talk time, an easing of calls during the busiest times of day or automated suggestions about which department might be the most beneficial for each caller, it is certain that both agents and customers can grow to love the AI + HI combination. As humanity continues to realize the benefits gained from technology, it is becoming easier to appreciate the seamless results derived from the interplay of artificial intelligence and human intelligence, especially when it means better customer service. This blog was first published on LinkedIn

Why Live Chat is Imperative and Here to Stay!

The digital age has brought today’s customers into an era of immediacy. Have a question? Simply ask a question about the AI device in your home or car, and it will be happy to look up the answer for you. Just remembered you need to call your mom. No need to stop what you are doing, simply tell your phone to dial mom. Oh, and what about that milk you forgot to pick up on the way home? Many are now able to order milk online and have it delivered within an hour’s time. This immediacy is one of the reasons that live chat is so very important, and why it is here to stay. In this era of “right now”, customers are losing patience with the dated ways of reaching out to a business for assistance, to place an order or to ask a question. Calls that have too many options for customers to select from are often ended before they ever reach the intended destination. And let’s not even talk about being placed on hold. Today’s customers want action and resolution almost as quickly as a thought pops into their minds. Live Chat is Convenient A 2016 report on the mobile habits of customers found that over half expect to be able to get customer service around the clock. And while staffing a contact center all hours of the day and night is possible, a live chat that is always available on your website can vastly reduce the number of employees who need to try and sound wide awake at 3 am. Through a live chat feature, customers can have questions answered, get assistance with ordering and even get a phone number for further assistance if needed. Not only do customers benefit from 24/7 availability, but more than 90% of customers report that they are satisfied after a live chat interaction. For this “now generation”, convenience is key to customer retention. Live Chat Can Cut Costs Though customer satisfaction rates are key for a successful contact center, the cost of those rates must be constantly evaluated to make sure the benefits are still worth the ongoing effort. Live chat has been found to be very successful at helping a contact center remain effective while cutting costs. This is due, in part, to the fact that one chat agent can successfully help more than one customer at a time. Telephone agents who tried juggling a few customers at a time by putting each on hold between responses would certainly not garner the same customer satisfaction rates. The fact that chat agents are linked digitally to chat customers is even more beneficial as they are able to send over pdf files or links as needed during the conversation instead of the less cost-effective process of a telephone agent trying to explain to a customer exactly how and where to find the correct information. Chat Increases Sales Historically, customers who wanted to purchase an item would stroll into a retail location and engage with an employee to find out more about the item. A website without chat today is much like a retail location without helpful employees. In fact, it is almost like a store with one stodgy employee who refuses to leave the cashier stand to offer help. Studies show that between 10 and 50 percent of those who visit a retail website use the chat feature. This interaction is what seems to drive conversions and dramatically improved sales. Chat Helps in Monitoring Customer Pain Points With the right chat support software, configured and installed for your specific company, live chat can be a place that also monitors customer pain points in an effort to eliminate them altogether. Chat software from Etech Global has been proven to not only monitor pain points but increase CSAT rates and lower costs as well. Take time to make sure the employees in your contact center have the ability to meet the needs of this generation, which often means immediately.

Can Hybrid Intelligence help Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Coexist?

The days of mentioning artificial intelligence only in the realms of science fiction are long gone. Today, AI is all around us, though many do not even realize it is there. Still, some think that AI is going to take over in our workplaces, in our cars and in our homes. And the thought of being completely replaced by such technology is enough to make some people resistant to any new technology. In truth, artificial intelligence can and does coexist with human intelligence each and every day, and the world is a better place because of this compatibility. Such compatibility in a work environment can be called a hybrid workforce or hybrid intelligence. In such a group, both parties work toward common, superior results which can be accomplished more easily than if each group was working on its own. Peaceful Coexistence is Already Here One example of just such a multiplicity or hybrid workforce can be seen in industry giants such as Facebook and Google. In each of these companies, technologies that are driven by AI recommendations combine with human input, typically generated when human device users click, like or conduct frequent searches. The result of the combined information is the ability to predict what consumers would like to see or purchase next. In the future, AI is predicted to evolve and become less dependent on human intelligence, though there will always be a need for some level of interaction. Another entity benefiting from the combined efforts of AI and HI is Amazon Go. In this instance, the human input includes what would seem to be a very normal day in the grocery store. However, each time a customer picks up an item from the shelf and puts it in the cart, an AI system keeps track in a virtual cart. Because all items have been accounted for and tallied while the customer shops, there is no need for a stop at a cashier’s desk. Instead, customers simply walk out of the store with their selected items. AI takes care of the rest as a credit card linked to the customer’s Amazon account is charged and a receipt is sent. Changing the Workplace Hybrid workforces are already changing other types of work, typically done only by humans, is completed as well. For instance, one artificial intelligence system powered by IBM Watson analytics was given the challenge of being an online teaching assistant for a professor. The professor estimated that in only a year, the AI system could answer 40% of the questions students asked which allowed the human assistants to engage in other, more complex tasks. Again, nobody in this department expects that AI will begin to answer 100% of the questions and begin teaching the online course, removing the need for humans completely. Instead, they are able to see the harmonious existence and make good use of the time the AI system has managed to free up. Benefits of AI Some who are still resistant to the increasing use of AI ask the age old question “but do we really need it”. The answer becomes clear as benefits are discovered. Because AI is machine learning, the chance of making errors is very small. The came simply cannot be said with human counterparts. And most business owners know that human error and sometimes system error can result in a loss of capital almost every time. This is where AI can be beneficial. One new type of AI system has been installed above cashier stands in retail locations. Though it is almost unnoticeable, the system scans each transaction and sends an alert if an item fails to scan or if a cashier fails to scan something. Again, the human is necessary in this instance, the AI system stands as the failsafe for the company’s best financial interest. Benefits of Etech Insights Etech Global services understands that customers are the most important asset to every company and as such has committed to using all types of intelligence in the quest to improve the customer experience. One such solution, powered by AI and carried out by HI is known as Etech Insights. This innovative system provides actionable date that helps contact centers succeed by: Improving the customer experience Boost agent performance Increase profitability Increase span of influence Contact centers using this system benefit from massive quantities of data gathered and analyzed in the background by the AI engine. Once performance enhancing behaviors and voice-of-customer insights are presented, contact center managers can work with agents to improve even the seemingly insignificant parts of a call routine. Quality monitoring, Customer satisfaction rates and benchmarking all become one step easier with the acceptance and use of Hybrid intelligence. This blog was first published on LinkedIn

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