
How to Create An Exceptional Customer Service Experience

Offering exceptional customer service experience will win you some loyal customers. A string of loyal customers who rave about your brand is one of the key things you need to beat the competition. Exceptional customer service is making the customer feel they are the most important for the few minutes you are attending to them. You assure them that you will do that you can to make their day better. As a leader in charge of customer service, you want your team to deliver nothing short of exceptional customer service. However, as the days progress, you realize that new challenges arise. You have the perfect strategy and your customer service representatives are well trained and equipped but still you are not hitting the exceptional levels. Here are four steps that can help you craft a strategy always to offer exceptional customer service, Ask Ask your customers what they need. Asking is the fastest way of getting an answer. You may think that you know what customers need, but the answers they provide may surprise you. Most people ask through research when developing new products only. However, you will realize that customers will have feedback all the time. Ask your customers after a conversation for their honest feedback about your products and services. Do not forget to ask them how best they think you can serve them better. By asking your customers for feedback, they also feel you are you value their opinion, and that increases their satisfaction levels. Listen Asking without listening will be a waste of time. I advocate for active listening because after the conversation, you will remember all the points. Have you ever had a conversation with someone, and at the end you could tell they were not listening to you? Customers are like that too; they can tell when you are actively listening to them and when you are not. Another way of listening to your customers is through call monitoring. You can pick up information that will help you evaluate your current delivery and areas that need improvement. Develop policies You have asked your customers for feedback and actively listened to them. Now it’s time to develop procedures and policies in line with the information gathered. Your customers will respond warmly to you once they realize that you are implementing their suggestions. Policies and procedure help you to provide uniform services, and that consistency is important customers. Centre your procedures on what will drive the exceptional customer experience. Remain flexible As stated before, challenges arise when least expected. Do not be a stickler of policies and procedures. Some situations call for a different approach to resolving a customer’s problem. For instance, when an angry customer calls, the agent can figure out the best way to calm them down then resolve their issues Empower your agents to make decisions on the move. Evolve with your customers. In conclusion, asking customers what they need, actively listening to them, and developing procedures in line with the feedback gathered and remaining flexible will help you give exceptional experiences. Crafting is a continuous process, when you reach the third step, you are still working out the first two. You will provide exceptional customer service experiences by implementing these four tips.

Live Chat: How Long Can You Keep Customers Waiting?

Online shoppers have proven time and again that they’re not the most patient group, and it’s tough to blame them. With so many alternatives just a click away, it’s crucial to ensure that your web site’s support tools are both accessible and responsive at all times. This ranges from e-mail and phone communication to your live chat software, a sales tool which is becoming both common in its applications and more trustworthy in the eyes of consumers. The Clock is Ticking While particular industries and companies will notice varied results, most studies tend to show that individuals shopping online are willing to wait approximately one minute for a customer support chat to initiate. After this period, they’re more likely to move on to another web site in search of their purchase. Regardless of each shopper’s specific patience threshold, one of the key strategies is to ensure that your live chat service is prepared to handle spikes in customer volume. Even the largest company can only staff so many customer service agents at any given time, and there’s no guarantee that your forecasted schedule will line up with real-world demand. That’s why it’s vital to set up an effective queue for your chat system. Give a Number At a busy deli, you might take a slip of paper with a number on it to enter into the waiting list. Online, your live chat software should be able to perform similar functions in order to keep shoppers informed. If there is not an available service representative to accommodate a new chat request, the customer should immediately be notified of where they stand in the virtual line. While a numbered deli queue rarely runs into technical glitches, Internet applications are understandably more complex. This is why it’s also important to make sure your chat software allows for a variable to be set which will disconnect users after a defined interval. By ensuring that “dead” sessions are reset, there is a lesser chance that users will find themselves in a live chat limbo. Maximizing via Metrics One of the foremost considerations to make when implementing a support chat system is the software’s capability when it comes to analytics. It’s critical to review your live chat performance regularly to determine where your web site’s opportunities lie. Some of the most invaluable statistics can include: Average duration before chat request is initiated Length of average customer support conversation Number of missed or dropped chat requests Once you start connecting the dots, you should be much better prepared to address the particular needs of your business. By taking an informed approach to staffing, while offering proactive communication when customers will be made to wait, you’ll be much more likely to skew performance metrics in a favorable direction. Etech Global Services has been developing and implementing solutions for over 17 years and we’re no strangers when it comes to live chat support. Click here to read more about the services we provide and how we can help your business take the next step toward growth and greater success. Original Source: LinkedIn

The Decisive Tests of Leadership

As most readers are aware, there is an abundance of information out there concerning leadership which can only prove how important it is to company growth. Dwight D. Eisenhower captured it perfectly by quoting, “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” Every waking moment, as you get things done through others, those around you are testing what you do as a leader; more so if you are in senior management. Everyone from the founders, stakeholders, fellow managers, and employees are testing your leadership capabilities and the impact you have to the organization. It is easy to lead willing people, they will follow your steps to the battlefield and anyone can do it. However, a real leader will lead different and challenging employees too. A genuine leader puts their best foot forward and leads every individual in their scope of influence well, without discriminating. Decisive or acid tests will not only challenge your self-concept as a leader but also expose your influence at work. What decisive tests can differentiate between a genuine and a non-genuine leader? Here are three exercises that I believe will test your leadership. No Title Test This is on a personal level, and you start by taking your own notes. Imagine you have no title or rank at the office. Imagine you have no powers or authority to reward good performance or punish under performance. Will you still be influential? Will you still have followers? If your answer is yes, you are a genuine leader. If no, you need to evaluate your leadership style. To take it a step further, ask a few trusted colleagues the above questions. If they would still follow you, you are an authentic leader. If not, seek to find out why and how you can improve. Vacant Chair Test This test targets the entire management team and is best when tried on the senior management. For example, a key member of the leadership team is unavailable for one year. The reasons for his or her absence can range from moving companies, taking charge of a new branch subsidiary in a different country, sick leave, or vacation leave. Whether the reason is good or bad, it does not affect the outcome of the test. His or her position is vacant and someone has to step in and take charge of that department. The test is… what will you do? Will you move on with current responsibilities without caring what will happen in that department? Or Will you step in and take charge of the functions that you can? Taking the second option shows your genuine concern for the company growth and not just what is spelled out in your job description. This test also shows how strong your collective leadership is as the whole management team. Humility Test This is a big one because it means putting your teams needs above your personal comfort. Another definition that brings this to perspective is the ability to give credit to others for your successes. Important to note is it does not mean denying your strengths. Look back at an instance your team performed very well. When congratulated, did you take in the praise? Or did you take the opportunity to mention how your team’s efforts made it possible for you to win? It is a character thing and once you get to understand its impact on your team morale, you will develop it. These simple tests –no title, vacant chair, and humility test – will help you to look inward and understand yourself better. This understanding will guide you to pursue your leadership passion and establish meaningful relationships. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,700 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.”

Tips to Boost your Social Media Engagement

Building a social media presence for your company or brand is increasingly an essential part of doing business in the modern corporate world. Chances are good that you have already taken the plunge and started building your brand in the social channel of your choice. However, you may not be getting the results you had anticipated. If customer and employee engagement is down on your social media accounts, the problem may not be with your customers or clients. There are several steps you can take to boost social media engagement, most of which can be done with relatively minor adjustments to your regular posting routine. Include Pictures and Other Media Pictures, video and other visual media are an essential part of the social media experience on virtually every platform. Not only can you convey more with a a picture than with a long text post that people are less like to read, you can also use images as a clever way to get around character limits on platforms like Twitter. Just remember that including too much information in an image can cause access issues for customers who use screen readers. Blog at the Right Times Make social media posts when your customers are most likely to read them and don’t hesitate to repost content a couple of times to reach a larger audience. The ideal time to post varies between industries and customer demographics, so analyze the data you have before working out a posting schedule. A social media consultant can help you make sense of a large amount of data. Let Your Personality Shine Through Social media posts aren’t meant to be stiff and formal like press releases. Use humor and personality to engage your readers and make them feel like they are interacting with a real human being rather than a corporate-branded robot. Make your followers laugh, think, or even just smile and they will be much more likely to keep coming back. Engage with Your Audience If you want your audience to engage with your posts, consider just asking them. While asking for followers to like or share content may seem a little desperate, it works more often than you might think. However, make sure to take control of your intellectual property. If you create an image to share, watermark it or sign it with your company name so that it doesn’t become lost once it has been released into the social media wilds. Respond to Comments and Blogs Always make your customers and followers feel valued. Respond to posts on your social media pages, even if it’s just to say a quick thanks. Longer comments or questions may require longer responses, so make sure to carve out a little time each day for responding to posts. While you may get a little tired of typing out the same response multiple times, remember that each response is unique to the person who receives it.

Tips To Improve Quality Monitoring

We monitor calls to ensure that the set quality standards are achieved. However, call monitoring is not only for identifying problems and agent opportunities, but also for detecting what is working and cascading it to the entire team. Even as social media evolves and an increasing number of customers are reaching out through these channels, many still turn to chat and inbound toll free numbers for assistance. That makes call quality monitoring an essential process to ensure that customers receive an exceptional customer experience on all interactions. Here are tips that can help you improve quality monitoring: 1: Ensure you get the small things correct You already know the details of your monitoring operations and how your agents perform. To ensure consistent improvement — get the small things right. For example, verify that the agents have correct information about a product or service and responses to possible questions from customers. Also ensure that agents follow the laid out interaction flow structure. With the small things in place, you can use your time to work on the big issues. 2: Don’t make the employees nervous Agents are usually apprehensive to having their interactions monitored. To get your employees engaged, you need to explain why you are carrying out monitoring? Emphasize your intention is to help them be successful and to ensure quality customer service is delivered. To help your employees buy into the idea of quality monitoring, make the exercise collaborative and inclusive. It will help your employees understand the process better and what is required of them as they interact with customers. Remember to reprimand in private and praise in public. If you know there is a bad interaction, do not choose to play it in a calibration session that is attended by a large group. Take the agent into an individual coaching session to discuss the interaction whether it be a chat, call, or social media contact. 3: Hire Third Party to Monitor When a professional third party monitors your team, they will produce unbiased evaluations. If you run a large contact center, you will need to have an internal team of quality analysts as well. They should stay calibrated with your third party quality team to ensure that both groups deliver consistent results. Make sure that your internal team members have the right skills to monitor and provide feedback to agents in order to maintain the company quality standards. 4: Reward Best Performers Rewards are a great source of motivation. Come up with monthly awards like “quality agent of the month”. Non-monetary incentives oftentimes work as well as those with a cost to the company. The recognition of a “job well done” motivates employees to excel. 5: Invest in coaching the agents You must invest in training and coaching your agents. In addition to new hire training, ongoing product and soft skill training will enable your agents to continue to grow. The time and resources you invest in training your employees will bear fruits in quality customer service. Also use technology to guide your analysts and agents through the procedures. It might be costly at first, but in the long run it will be worthwhile. 6: Gather Feedback It is not enough to set quality processes without a feedback gathering mechanism. Internal calibration meetings should include both agents and supervisors to allow for an open question and answer session. Customer satisfaction surveys often tell the real picture. It can be surprising to learn that sometimes customers do not perceive the same quality of service that the internal team is assured they are providing. 7: Monitor across multi channels Today’s customer interacts with contact centers via multiple channels. It is advisable to monitor all sales and service channels to make an informed assessment. In conclusion, these seven tips will help you improve your quality monitoring. A quality interaction should provide an exceptional customer experience and showcase high performing teams.

How to Use Tagged Chat to Enhances Live Chat

Live chat provides solutions for web-based businesses in the form of efficiency and revenue reclamation. It’s convenient and useful for customers to get their questions answered quickly via live chat. Live chat also represents a powerful approach for mitigating shopping cart abandonment. In essence, it recoups revenue before it’s lost. Also, tagged chat facilitates best practices by focusing on: Energy, empathy, and etiquette Politeness, personalization, and fast response times Being prepared, informed and well-managed Employing pre-written messages in each instance is essential. They form a courteous, thorough response foundation that chat agents can tailor to meet the needs of a distinct chat conversation. Efficiency Customer support chat is the preferred channel for increased communication primarily because live chat service agents can field up to four conversations simultaneously. Pre-written messages are a fundamental component of this capability, and live chat software makes it even easier to utilize pre-written messages. For instance, when a chat agent types a tag word with a symbol, it brings up the list of possible pre-written messages containing that tag. From this bank of tagged chat choices, a live chat agent can select and polish the one that best meets the needs of the customer. By putting your customer in charge of asking for assistance, you create in them the desire to follow through on their purchase. It encourages them to self-select when they need you and rewards them with immediate and relevant assistance. Revenue-Reclamation Over 10 percent of shoppers abandon their carts because the checkout process is confusing. This is an ideal point for a customer service agent to assist in completing purchases. Others do not complete the purchase process for a variety of reasons, such as: Unexpected shipping costs Unable to locate a coupon code or it doesn’t work Lack of confidence in the security of the payment process If even a portion of these circumstances were handled properly by a live chat agent, e-commerce businesses would experience a 20 percent decrease in abandoned shopping carts. Visitor that has their expectations disrupted needs to be engaged immediately and competently. Tagged chat can support revenue-reclamation efforts by making it easy for agents to send a targeted message quickly to a faltering prospective buyer before they exit the website. If they are already considering leaving, they are unlikely to wait patiently for an agent’s carefully-constructed reply. Whatever you can do to promote quick answers will increase your chances of successfully leading customers to complete their purchases. Best Practices Courteous accommodation is also an essential feature of productive live chat. Globally-accessible live chat software and tagged chats enable anyone in the company to create and choose the preferred phrasing with which your team has been equipped and worked hard to refine. At a minimum, it can help avoid obvious harmful phrases. Tagged chat can enhance conversion rates by providing customers with instant access to a live support agent while they’re on your site. When practiced as part of your overall strategic customer service plan, live chat can become an indispensable promotional channel that encourages communication, builds loyalty, and convinces customers to take action.

How to Promote Organizational Culture Using Social Media

Organizational culture is one of the latest business buzzwords cropping up in think pieces and business seminars around the country. However, for those not already in the know, getting a handle on what exactly organizational culture is and how to make it work for the various social channels of your company can be tricky. The Definition of Organizational Culture Organizational culture can mean many different things to many different people; however, the most basic definition refers to the way people act and think within an organization at any given time. Employers may think that they don’t have much say over what employees think or what they do in their free time. However, their influence may extend further than they think. Harnessing the power of social media is one way to direct employee energy even when workers are away from the office. How Social Media Fits In Social media allows employees to communicate even when they are not at the office, and it’s fairly unreasonable to think that they won’t talk about work. Employers will have a hard time restricting what their employees say on their off hours, but they can seek to promote talk about positive work experience and minimize talk about bad ones. How Businesses Can Harness Social Media Workers can use social media both inside and outside of work. That means that workers may maintain individual or shared accounts specifically for posting work-related content, as well as personal accounts that they use to talk about a variety of aspects of their lives, including work. Naturally, all posts on work accounts should be positive, but positive posts on personal accounts can also be recognized by the workplace. A reblog of a personal account by the company account can help lend an air of authenticity to the claim. Building a Social Media Presence In order to make an impression on the largest number of potential customers, businesses need a strong social media presence. Create company accounts on several different social networks and use them to share engaging content. You can also put a personal face on the accounts by spotlighting different employees in the organization or having them write testimonials or other types of content. Empowering Employees When an employee is using social media to promote the company, even if he or she is doing it outside of work, make sure to recognize the effort and give the employee the necessary tools to continue the good work. Begin by allowing employees access to social media in the workplace and giving them plenty of opportunities to talk about positive experiences at work. Optimizing Networks of Communication Social media can also be used to improve communication in the workplace. There are plenty of social networks for connecting employees within an office or corporation. Having various methods of communication, not all of which are strictly related to work can make employees feel more like a team and work like one as well.

Are You Prepared to Face Inconvenient Truths?

There are a number of inconvenient truths in today’s business world, particularly around leadership. One truth is that if team members are depressed, unfocused and/or underperforming, it is often due to their leadership. By facing this truth directly you have taken the first step towards improving your team’s work environment, morale and productivity. What is True Leadership? Studies have shown that many team members feel their leaders have a distorted sense of what true leadership is. Many times those in leadership will mistakenly fill the role of manager over that of a leader. This is most evident in the authoritative way they treat their team members. A true leader should be a role model of behavior, serve as a mentor, and be the first to provide motivation and constructive feedback for performance improvement. What Qualities Do Team Members Desire in a Leader? There are certain qualities that team members respect and admire from a leader. When they see and recognize these traits, they are more likely to follow the lead and tend to be happier in their work life, which in turn makes them more productive. Some of the most important qualities for leaders to consistently demonstrate are: Integrity and fairness Honest and trustworthy Open-mindedness Vision, wisdom and rational thinking Decision Making Creativity Leaders who remain conscious of these qualities and constantly strive to display them will find it easier to maintain a positive and productive team. How Do You Inspect Yourself? If you are in a leadership role I encourage you to consistently seek feedback to ensure that you are contributing positively to your teams’ morale and productivity. There are a few ways that you can accomplish this: Written evaluation: Request 360 feedback from your team members to evaluate your ability to consistently demonstrate important leadership qualities. Compliance evaluation: Some companies will bring in an outside party or have a department designated to ensure that leaders are properly fulfilling their roles. Self evaluation: Take some time to research different leadership tactics and establish a plan of action to implement. Set aside time to reflect on how well you have executed on your plan utilizing performance results and employee morale as your gauge. Whatever approach you take, it is important that you remain open to assess your progress and remain open to change. Remember there is always room to grow, and a great leader is critical to creating and leading a great team. Facing the inconvenient truth is not always easy; however, it is necessary for growth. Today’s leader must be capable of establishing positive morale and building high performing teams. By recognizing areas for improvement, implementing necessary leadership tactics and evaluating your effectiveness along the way, you can create necessary change and become the exception to the inconvenient truth!

Learn to Be More Social When It Comes to Customer Service

Mobile technology and social media have completely revamped how we communicate not only with each other, but with the companies and businesses from which we buy products and services. Customers aren’t shy when it comes to leaving praise or a complaint on a company’s Facebook wall or Twitter page. To show your business is on the forefront of technological trends and the newest methods of communication, learn the nuances of social customer services. Realize That You No Longer Have All of the Control Before social media and mobile technology, businesses could control when customers could shop. With online shopping and social media profiles, consumers can shop and comment whenever they like. What this means for you is that you should take a more customer-focused approach to the way you run your business and make it easy for customers to shop, interact and get help whenever and however they need it. Stick With Your Customers Make yourself aware of the latest social media juggernauts, such as Facebook and Twitter, and make sure your business has a presence on them. Learn how to use these sites to their fullest potential, and don’t use them in a way in which they aren’t intended. For instance, YouTube and Instagram are geared toward visuals, so refrain from having text-heavy posts on them. Taking this idea one step further, make sure you engage with your customers on whichever social media platforms you have. Respond to Tweets and posts directed at your company, and make sure it’s quick and easy for customers to interact with you and your business, no matter what kind of device they might be using. Keep Up and Keep It Constant With the ease and convenience of modern technology, speed is an essential component of social customer services. More than half of customers on Twitter who post a complaint expect a response within an hour. In addition to responding quickly to comments, no matter if they’re complaints or compliments, make your responses personal. Nothing can frustrate a customer more than receiving an automated response that does more to make the situation worse than improve it. Have the Right Technology Make sure your customer services representatives have the technology and tools they need to quickly and easily juggle a variety of interactions on a variety of social media platforms and mobile devices. Specifically, it’s a good idea to invest in software that can handle incoming inquiries and complaints. Ask your customers which ways they prefer to contact your company so you have an idea of where and how to focus your time and resources. For those customers who prefer the “old fashioned” method of calling for customer service, find a way to keep them from being put on hold for longer than absolutely necessary. If your company has a call center, consider implementing software technology that allows your agents to use a variety of channels simultaneously to interact with your customers. The advantage of this technology is that customers can speak with your agents on the phone and send them an image if necessary, which helps to eliminate confusion and speeds things up. While running a business is hard enough without having to learn the ins and outs of the most current social media platforms and mobile technology, going where your customers are and making it easy to communicate with them will most certainly prove to be a solid business investment. This blog was written by Jim Iyoob, EVP Customer Experience for Etech Global Services. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at

Develop Your Employees for a Strong Company

You are as good as your successor. Real leadership is about empowering your team to lead as you do, or even better. Your commitment to foster employee development determines your company growth. Develop your employees on a daily basis; do not wait for the monthly or bi-monthly staff training. I believe this is an investment that yields fruits in the short and long term because employees will perform better as you lead, and will then lead well after your exit. When you don’t take the time to develop your employees, they become disengaged feeling unsupported. Disengaged employees waste a lot of time in the office sifting through Facebook and emails instead of being productive, and it takes a lot of effort to change this detrimental behavior. For that reason, it is best to empower employees from the onset of their employment. The following are just a few tips on how you can develop your employees: 1: Create a Strong Company Culture A strong company culture glues your team together. To help employees focus on the company vision and mission, set clear values that care for everyone. Important to note is that every employee has a responsibility for building a strong culture. Yes, the leadership will set the direction for this, but the staff has to uphold it. When involving all employees in the creation of the company culture, they will own it and you will begin to notice how more engaged and efficient they are with their work. The result is a feeling of shared connection to the culture which fosters productive, high employee morale and a stable company. Employees are looking for companies that have strong conducive cultures they can easily plug into and grow with. Be that company. 2: Set Measurable Goals As a leader, it is your role to set goals for your team. The key to achieving these goals is ensuring they are measurable and relevant. Keep in mind to not set unobtainable goals or goals that do not link to the company vision. We all enjoy working with a clear direction. Instead of only focusing on the long-term goal that is the company vision; also set some quarterly goals to keep track of your staff performance. Quarterly goals bring the vision to life, everyone will always remember them. The feedback you gather as you evaluate your employees’ progress will aid in building the company in the right direction because you will not only continue working on the relevant goals that yield results, but also eliminate the redundant goals. Your employees will also get an opportunity to evaluate their progress. As opposed to waiting twelve months to know how they are performing, three months, quarterly, intervals keep them engaged. 3: Believe In Your Employees’ Potential When you believe in your employees, you provide them opportunities for development. It is difficult to promote an individual whom you have no faith in. You are essentially setting them up to fail. A strong company is built on trust by all members. Believing in your employees’ potential and grooming them into leadership positions will build their trust in you. Offer training programs to develop them further. Don’t limit your training to work related courses, include personal development programs as well. When you believe in an ambitious staff, you fuel their desire to excel. You should even recommend external training programs that can advance their skills further. 4: Empower Your Employees Empowering means letting others take ownership and responsibility for their decisions. For empowerment to be effective, employees need to get to a point of empowering themselves. As a leader you should encourage and support their initiatives when they make that step. At the initial stages of empowerment walk beside them, and then let them fly. We understand most people learn best from their experiences. Therefore, making every decision for an employee will not lead to empowerment but dependency. If you are a “hands on” leader, you will need to take a step back and let your team learn. When an employee comes with a challenging task and wants your help, provide them with the resources to solve the task without taking over the project. Provide employees power and autonomy to execute business strategies. Be patient and do not second guess their ideas, you will kill their confidence. Create an environment that encourages them to produce creative solutions for business growth. In summary, developing your staff is a process that takes time. You can start today by creating a strong culture together, setting measurable goals, believing in your employees potential, and empowering them. You will build a strong company together when you focus on the right beliefs. How have you been developing your employees? This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,700 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at for more information.

4 Tips to Rebuild Trust in the workplace

“The glue that holds relationships together – including the relationship between the leader and the led – is trust, and trust is built on integrity.” Brain Tracy Some of the most significant relationships in my life began at the office. However, even the friendships I forged in my personal life were all based on one thing; trust. Trust is that thing that makes you believe what the other says, and it is two-way, when you trust the other person, you believe them. You get along with them regardless of the situation. Merriam-Webster defines trust as a firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something. To bring it closer to today’s topic, in the workplace, trust validates your leadership. Have you ever experienced a situation where an employee takes another employee more seriously than the appointed leader? The reason may be they trust him/her more. I recently saw this happen at work. I know you may ask how does this happen? In my opinion, I think a leader can destroy the trust the employees have in him/her by doing any of the following things; Overpromising and not delivering. Under communicating. Not demonstrating trust first. Worried more about processes than coaching and developing. Spinning the truth. Having personal conflicts with employees. Any of the above could make your employees mistrust you, and that leadership is based on trust, if you lose it, you lose your credibility. All is not lost if you are in such a predicament, because slowly but surely you can rebuild the trust and fulfilling relationships you once enjoyed. Here are four tips that can help you start the rebuilding journey: 1 Promise and Deliver If you had a habit of over-promising and under-delivering, you can redeem yourself by making promises that you can keep. A common saying in the business world that I think works well in personal matters is, it is best to underpromise and over-deliver. Don’t mistake the under promise to mean any promises. To rebuild your trust, you need to be deliberate in your words and actions. For instance, if you are planning to reward the best sales representatives, and someone is still not helping you get what was promised, constantly inform the sales reps, and when it is ready, reward them in public. 2 Trust Your Staff As mentioned above, trust is two-way. If you show your employees that you trust them to do the right thing, they will trust themselves and you. Lack of trust in your employees manifests itself through micro-management. Now the employee must also show their willingness to trust their leader as well. When you delegate an assignment, give the employee room to make their own decisions on the best way to achieve the set goals. Showing them that you believe in them and their ability to take care of business will increase their confidence and rebuild the lost trust they once had in you. 3 Own your mistakes At times things don’t go as planned, and you have the task of communicating hard messages to the staff. If either you made a mistake or misinformed each other for whatever reason, you need to come forth and admit that you were wrong. In my experience I have seen by owning my mistakes it shows humility and more importantly shows your staff that you too are human. By owning your mistakes, you are showing them respect as adults and that you are remorseful. Your staff will see that you are sincere and can believe in you once more because you have told the truth. Show me a person who said they don’t make mistakes and I will show you a person who has not grown as a leader. 4 Resolve Issues with Employees Due to group dynamics, you cannot avoid conflicts completely. The secret is how you handle them when they arise. If in the past, you got into a nasty conflict and tempers flew all over, you can be the bigger person and call a meeting. In the meeting, apologize to the employee and make peace. At the end of the day, your working relationship will improve because there will be no more tension. The employee will also see where they went wrong. Even if you do not get along 100%, you will start rebuilding the lost respect and trust. In summary Trust is the currency of leadership; you cannot get anything or anywhere without it. Practice these four strategies- promise and deliver, trust your staff, own your mistakes and resolve conflicts with employees- to win back the trust of your employees. It might take you time to mend fences but you will enjoy the results. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and how you dealt with it.

Do you Attract Leaders or Followers?

There is a huge difference between attracting leaders and followers. The ability to attract leaders who can take over your role is indispensable. How many times have you encountered someone who was strong in their role, but had no one to back fill their position? It happens more often than not when someone attracts followers VS attracting other leaders. Your true leadership is not only measured by your performance and the value you bring to the company through innovation, productivity and profitability, but also by the successors you leave behind. Ask yourself, will they emulate your leadership style and continue to grow the company through their future successors or will they pack their desks and follow you? Every organization needs followers, and they have a specific role they play in achieving the organizations goals. However, in the end the leaders you attract and develop will be the ones who continue to carry your and the company’s vision forward. Take a moment to breakdown and evaluate your leadership style. Is it conducive to attracting and creating leaders or followers? Traits of Leaders who attract followers: They focus only on the opportunities of othersWhen you realize that you are focusing primarily on the opportunities of those you work with it is an indication that you will most likely attract followers. Leaders want to work with leaders willing to build up and encourage performance through coaching and developing strengths, as well as, areas of opportunity. They want recognition for themselves VS their team If you are only focused on your success you will overlook the efforts of others and fail to value their input. While your team may enjoy the success and recognition that comes they will do so by following your lead rather than being willing to take the lead. Long term this is not a recipe for success. The team cannot perform without you present Without you the team cannot perform. They are in constant need of direction VS being willing to make decisions, share ideas and grow beyond that direction. Thus your successes are limited. Without you the team cannot move forward and a result many times nor can you. Traits of Leaders who attract leaders: Focus on the strengthsWhen you focus on the strengths of others, it means that you believe in their potential and want to see them succeed and reach their personal and professional goals. Leaders will draw to you because they know that you will take a vested interest in their growth. Invest your time in othersInvesting your time in others strengthens the foundation of your organization. By developing talent, looking for best practices and nourishing other’s passion you breed success. It is those successors that will ultimately build from the foundation to create new experiences through fresh ideas, innovation and successors of their own. You deposit in them your beliefs, vision and strategies. Like any investment, in due time, the outcome will be amazing. They experience success through and with othersRemember it is not about you, but about the team you create around you. Recognizing the success of a team is showing others the type of leader they can be to deliver those same types of results. The ripple effect increases the level of success when everyone is able to share in that success together. So are you an attractor of leaders or followers? There is a clear difference, and you have the control of choosing who you want to attract. In the long run the more leaders you attract the more followers you invest in as those leaders will bring their followers with them. As a result you create an environment of succession and growth and who wouldn’t want to work with a leader like that! Enjoy!

Mobile Text Messaging: Your Marketing Strategy Needs It

Your marketing strategy in the 21st century is very different from the one that worked in earlier centuries. Today, you have many options for communicating with your customers, consumer choices, diverse media and support opportunities. Your challenge then becomes finding the best way of reaching your target audience and capturing their attention. Your target consumer receives messages right, left and center and you need to consider any opportunity to reach them easily. Text messaging marketing is one medium that you can use to communicate with your customers. Consider the following ideas that text messaging offers to you and your customers and the reason you should integrate it into your marketing strategy:- It is permissive marketing The beauty of text messaging marketing is that it is permission-based. The customer willingly listens to what you are saying. Not to minimize the effectiveness of a billboard, but for comparison purposes only, a billboard is there for everyone to see while a text message arrives at the customers’ handset, and they opt to read it or not. As long as you are not sending a text message every 2 minutes, your customers will always read the updates or whatever messages your send. It is personal A mobile phone is a personal gadget. When someone receives a text message, he or she stops what he or she was doing to read it. It enables you to communicate with your customers individually. You can even personalize the message further by mentioning their name in the text message. The customer will be happy to realize that you know them by name, and this will help them make a purchase decision faster. It is Interactive This century is all about relationships and conversations with your customers. A text message opens up a door for you to interact with your customers without intruding. It has an option of the customer responding immediately or even sharing it with others. As one customer shares a text, they help you interact with their friends. The introduction of Multimedia messaging service (MMS) has made interactions with the customers more exciting. It enhances your relationship. It is immediate Statistics shows that everybody reads a text message within the first 4 minutes of receiving it. When you have urgent information to pass across, a text message is your best bet. For example, if you run a retail store, and you have a special offer on a particular item, you can spread the word fast to thousands of customer by a click. You will receive an immediate response, especially from your target customers. Moreover, I believe that your message was targeted, and thus the turnout will be high. You can track it If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. You can track who responded to your messages and who did not. For example, if you sent a message about a “sale” taking place at your store, you can tell how many people came in. It also helps you handle one of the biggest problems in marketing, measuring the return on investments. In conclusion, the facts that a text message is permissive marketing method, it is personal, interactive, immediate and trackable makes it a necessity in your marketing strategy. Remember that a majority of consumers now owns a mobile device and you should not waste that marketing opportunity.

The Importance of a Leader’s presence on Social Media

CEOs and other company leadership often serve as the public face of their businesses. This is increasingly true in the tech and start-up sectors, where businesses are smaller and company owners are required to do more diverse jobs. With this in mind, it may come as a surprise that so few CEOs maintain a social media presence related to their businesses. A 2012 poll conducted by IBM found that only 16 percent of CEOs use social media, and the number of CEOs who use these services for business rather than personal purposes is even smaller. Maintaining a cultivated social media presence is an important part of building a company brand, and there are few people better qualified to do that the company CEO. Here is everything you need to know about becoming a social media leader for your company and beyond. Use the Full Range of Social Media Getting your name out there on Facebook is a good first step towards developing a social presence. However, there are lots of other options for those looking to get on social media. You don’t have to be on every social media network, but do make an effort to get on several that are used by many members of your customer base. Remember that there are different rules for each social network, so don’t hesitate to get a consultant to show you the ropes if you’re unsure. Be Visible and Authentic When you are on social media as the CEO of your company, your social presence should be professional and polished. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little fun while you’re there. In general, social media is less formal than other types of corporate communications, so you can feel free to joke around a little or let your personality shine through. If you make friends on social media, you can also chat with them, especially about industry topics. Building relationships in a public social media platform makes your business seem more friendly and approachable to potential customers. Stay Connected to Others in the Industry Social media is also a great place to network, without the hassle of handing out dozens of business cards. You can connect with other professionals in your field who you have heard of but haven’t had the chance to meet. Social media is also a great way to keep an eye on emerging talent and make them an offer quickly before one of your competitors does. Finally, once connected, you can more easily follow trends in your industry. Cultivate a Public Persona While there is a lot of room on social media to be yourself, keep in mind that you are still acting as the face of your company. Keep any jokes clean and avoid taking stands on political and social issues that aren’t directly related to your industry. If you can’t live without discussing your views on social media, consider making a separate personal account that can only be accessed by friends and family. For help building your social media brand, contact one of our knowledgeable consultants today. This blog was written by Jim Iyoob, EVP Customer Experience for Etech Global Services. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at  

How to Replace the Threat of Fear with Fearless Leadership

Matthew Bellows, the Founder and CEO of Yesware, recently posted this on his blog: “The threat of firing is not as powerful as the human desire to unlock potential.” Anyone who has worked under people with great leadership skills can attest to the truth and strength found in that statement. When people are placed under great leaders, their potential can be lit from within and turn into a raging fire that cannot be quenched by anything but success. Additionally, a leader’s well-placed faith can foster growth in areas that some people may have never previously considered before. Unfortunately, some managers use fear as their main tool instead. In some cases, people are forced into job positions that they do not want, simply out of fear of losing their jobs completely. This is a common tactic among managers to lazily fill positions they need filled, or even to punish those under their “command.” All too many individuals have tried to turn down a dubious position that they do not want only to hear the words “I could force you, but you won’t make me, will you?” Using a person’s job as leverage to get them to comply with your wishes is a clear example of a lack of true leadership skills. Avoid Bully Bosses Why do so many bosses choose to manipulate, coerce and even bully their workers when the opposite approach is such a clearly superior method? Sadly, bullying is simply an easier tactic. Too many bosses understand that real leadership takes a ton of work. However, with the work comes benefits that true leaders are not likely to forget, such as increased strength in political, personal and professional areas. In the alternative, the strong-arm boss only needs to apply brute force with the smallest amount of tact. According to Chuck Gumbert, founder of the Tomcat Group, if you want to know how harmonious a company really is, you simply need to ask the shop floor workers. Their answers will give a clear indication of whether or not your organization is dysfunctional. Alternatively, if workers don’t mention a single issue, they may be under the watchful eye of an intimidating boss who has made transparency and honesty impossible. This also indicates a dysfunctional organization. Put Employees First The company leader is ultimately the one responsible for functional or dysfunctional employee conditions. Leaders set the tone for how others within an organization act. If fairness is the rule, favoritism is not possible. Devote Time to Listening In some cases, serious dysfunction can go ignored simply because top dogs refuse to listen. To avoid this, real leaders employ the following tactics: They take the time to listen to what their charges tell them instead of simply reacting to it. They value worker feedback They use fearless leadership instead of the threat of fear. When you have created an environment of fearless leadership where workers know their opinions matter, they are more likely to lock onto and believe in the company’s vision. Ed Oakley and Doug Krug effectively showed in their book Enlightened Leadership that a great leader gathers all the best ideas in the room, regardless of who came up with them. That is how dysfunctional companies effectively turn themselves around. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,700 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at for more information.

Build Employee Loyalty for Business Growth

Today’s workforce is very different from the 20th century workforce when it was once common for an employee to work 10+ years with the same company. They would do this with their best interest to the company because of the long-term employment benefits such as pension, job security, career progression and medical insurance. I believe employers are still offering these rewards, but something has changed. It is increasingly difficult to find an employee with five years experience in one company. My thought is employees are just not as loyal today, they tend to move to the proverbial greener pastures the moment something opens up. Employee loyalty can be defined as an employee being devoted to the success of the company and is not seeking any alternative employment. Why is employee loyalty important? Increased productivity – productive loyal employees lead to rapid business growth. Low turnover costs – it is expensive to keep recruiting and training new employees to replace the ones who leave. A low turnover decreases this cost significantly. Customer satisfaction – an experienced employee creates value for the customer leading to higher satisfaction. Profitability – when customers are satisfied, they bring in more business. Healthy work environment – employees spend a lot of time together, and they can either build or destroy each other which affects the business. With this in mind, build loyalty among your employees despite its intangible nature. These five tips on how you can easily build employee loyalty will give you a head start: 1. Increase Employee Confidence in Leadership Employees look up to the leadership team for direction in everything. If a manager is not loyal to the company, employees will pick it up and follow suit. Nevertheless, when employees are confident with your leadership, it builds their loyalty. You can increase confidence by continually communicating and implementing the company objectives. In doing this, employees will understand you know where you want the company to go and how to get there. Loyalty towards the company starts with you as a leader and trickles down to the employees in equal measures. Lead by example. 2. Create a Pleasant Working Environment Employees spend approximately 90% of their day in the office working. They need to feel comfortable being there every day. A healthy work environment fosters open communication, work-life balance and active team spirit. When you add regular training and development programs to a great working environment, you win your employees’ loyalty. Creating a pleasant working environment shows your employees you care about their wellbeing and are willing to do all it takes to ensure that. 3. Empower Your Employees One way to kill employee loyalty is micromanaging them. Doing this communicates mistrust in their ability and work output. What you need to do is empower them and give them room to practice what they have learned. Empowered employees take initiative, make decisions, and accomplish more with less guidance from you. You can empower them by training them well and supporting them as they embrace their responsibilities. A mentorship program can also be a great addition, especially for mid-level managers. 4. Reward, Reward, Reward Rewarding employees is always a great motivator and can build loyalty. Who doesn’t like a reward after accomplishing something? A point of caution though, you need to reward appropriately. Plainly lay out the reward system and explain how it works to all employees. Otherwise some may feel you favor others even when they are clearly not performing which can result in contempt among employees, which destroys loyalty. Although money is important, rewards do not necessarily mean money. Acknowledging an employee in front of others, or giving them a gift publicly, works well too. 5. Hire the Right People Start on the right foot by hiring the right people for the job. An employee who fits well with the job will naturally be loyal as compared to one who struggles in that position. Check for job compatibility during the on boarding process. This can help you pick only those with a good match. Increasing employee confidence, creating a pleasant working environment, empowering employees, appropriately rewarding them, and hiring the right people will steadily build loyalty in your employees. All you need to do is start, and within no time you will see the results. What tips and tricks have worked for you? This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,700 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at for more information.

3 Best Ways to Provide Unparalleled Customer Service

As a small business owner, you may not have the dedicated budget for a 24/7 support team. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a small, struggling customer support team to one that offers unparalleled world-class support experiences. Regardless of how great your product is or the talents of your staff, one element that customers will remember is direct interaction with your company. Service excellence starts with a consistently helpful attitude, and that begins and ends with your support team. Strengthening an Empathic and Engaged Team Your customer support team is the face of your company, and the experiences that your customers have with them are defined by the skills and quality of the responses they receive. A smart business will always be redefining exceptional service. If you are not constantly on the lookout for opportunities to improve service, then relationships will stagnate and you’ll lose valuable customers. Here are the three best ways to help you focus on providing top-notch service to your customers. Be proactive, but not pushy. Speed impresses customers, but people also like follow-up emails. This shows that you care about the outcome of their resolution with your support team. Make sure not to follow up too many times as this can be perceived as pushy. Remember that you want to be helpful and courteous, not annoying or overbearing. You will have to set up some internal limits for this, but generally two follow up emails are acceptable. Be autonomous. Trust your support team and empower them to make decisions. This helps open up their individual capabilities and their inclinations to truly help your customers. The concept is that the more freedom you given them, the more flexible your team will be when it come to resolving issues for your customers. No one likes a support experience that feels scripted or restrictive. When this is the case, decision-making has been taken away from the support team, leaving the customer without many options. More autonomy can be as simple as enabling your support team to give the customer what they want without the need to obtain approval from supervisors or a chain of command. Be flexible. To ensure that your team is adaptable enough to satisfy the demands of your diverse customer base, you should seek out team members that are amenable and flexible. The ability to handle a talkative customer one moment and an angry customer the next is critical. Being able to roll with the punches and not take anything personally enables them to see through the problem and provide an acceptable solution. It’s important to remember that no matter how proactive you are, you can’t predict every issue, but creating an easily accessible way for customers to give feedback and for your support team to respond goes a long way to resolving unforeseen problems. Listen to Your Customers The critical nature of feedback to customer satisfaction is tremendous A business that is built around delivering unparalleled customer support will see an increased ROI and enhanced customer satisfaction. By developing close relationships with your customers, touchpoints and skills that your support team possesses will emerge. Also, your customers will see your dedication to providing high-quality, proactive customer service.

Saying Yes or No? Exercise Your Power of Choice

Every day, each person on earth is presented with hundreds of yes or no decisions that have unforeseen consequences. Unfortunately, the fast pace and demands of the workplace may combine with daily distractions to easily cause individuals to make hasty decisions without first thinking about the consequences. Without fully realizing the implications of these decisions, many people are proverbially shooting themselves in the foot by not consciously making choices that align with their personal goals and commitments. Consider the following example: Sherry was inclined to say no to a commitment of holding one-on-one meetings with a new direct report because she did not believe that she had the time. She felt that her competing priorities were too much to add upon. She also had a deep desire to take on another complex project that would help her professional development. After discussing the impact of her commitment to a weekly one-on-one meeting and how it might benefit her, her department and the new direct report, Sherry realized that it was her responsibility to provide direction, leadership, and support to her direct report. Without that support, the direct report would either have to flounder along and eventually figure things out on her own, or she would fail. This would not only affect the direct report, it would also affect Sherry. Sherry realized that this was a clear and simple way for her to become more successful, and saying no to the meetings would impact both her and her direct report. Moreover, she realized that the increase in communication that comes from one-on-ones could possibly help her eliminate some of the issues arising between her and her direct report, such as challenges on Sherry’s requests and continuously missing deadlines. At that time, Sherry committed to weekly one-on-ones with her new direct report in order to increase the worker’s competency in certain tasks. Saying yes instead of no directly led to the direct report’s growth and development as a valuable member of the team, and thus helped the department reach its goals. Over time, Sherry’s direct report required less and less direction and support from Sherry, which allowed Sherry to take that newly vacant time to work on the complex project that she wanted to use to increase her own skills and development. Thinking through the implications of our choices before we react can greatly influence the direction of our personal and professional lives. Consider the following questions that you should always ask yourself before making a split second decision that may take you in a direction you did not really want to go: How much time will I really need to invest if I say yes? Will I benefit from this decision? Will others benefit from this decision? What limitations on tasks will I face if I say yes or no? Will this choice help me reach my goals, or will it decrease the time I am able to work towards achieving my goals? If a choice will not actively help you work towards reaching your goals, then the choice should be clear. However, it is vital that you take the time to determine just what the consequences of these choices will be instead of making an emotional, knee-jerk reaction that may not serve you well in the end.

3 Leadership Strategies That Improve Sales Performance

Being a leader is challenging enough, but being the leader of a sales team can mount even more pressure on your shoulders and the shoulders of your team. Rather than become mired in short term goals as a reaction to your accountability and visibility, implement three leadership strategies to strengthen your sales performance as well as the performance of your team. 1. Communicate Your Mission and Philosophy Take a lesson from the Book of Steve Jobs and learn how to properly and effectively communicate your vision to your sales team. While you’re at it, you can also use this strategy for the people buying your products or services. Make sure everyone on your team and everyone associated with your team is well aware of what’s going on and is aiming at the same target, otherwise there are bound to be redundancies and miscommunications. Let each individual member of your team know what his or her goals are and how those goals are connected to your company’s mission and philosophy. Show your team the road they’re on before you send them on their way down that road. 2. Constantly Work on Improving Talent While you’re working on yourself as a leader and achieving the company’s vision, make sure you take out time to help the members of your sales team to develop their own skills. Look up from the spreadsheets you might have on team performance and actually sit down with team members to discuss their skills, personal goals and what they expect from you as a leader. Clear communication and understanding are beneficial to all and ensures that everyone is working to their full potential. Just as you make efforts to improve yourself as a leader, you should also make sure you make efforts to improve your sales team. Ask yourself if there is any type of training or seminar that can benefit your team. While such training and seminars might cost money, you’ll be improving your team’s skillset. Look at long-term goals rather than become fixated on short-term costs. Even if the training only benefits one member of your team, it makes that individual that much more adept at his or her job and benefits the team as a whole. 3. Give Thanks Once you’ve communicated your mission and have sat down with the members of your team, make sure you show your team thanks whenever they reach their own goals as well as the team’s shared goals. It’s common for sales teams to not receive the thanks they deserve, which can make members feel as if they aren’t appreciated, which can negatively impact future projects. Take out time to write each team member a personally tailored thank-you note rather than a single note of thanks you send out to everyone. Writing individual letters takes longer, but is much more appreciated. You don’t want to lose valuable team members because they feel looked over. Sales performance is something on which you’re constantly working, which makes it vital that you spend your energy as well as your team’s energy on effective strategies. No matter what your sales goals might be, make sure they’re rooted in proper communication, an effort to improve talent and giving thanks. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,700 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, please contact us at for more information.

3 Ways to Start Turning Soft Skills Into Core Skills

What makes a great leader? Is it the ability to turn goals into accomplishments? Is it a strong command of hard, technical skills? While technical capabilities are certainly important, even more so are the less tangible qualities like ease of communication and the ability to empower and engage others. Unfortunately for many businesses, these important virtues often get the label “soft skills” and therefore take a back seat to measurable traits like conversion rates and new leads generated. It’s much more advantageous in business, and in life, to think of these invaluable, central characteristics as core skills. Remember that people are always an organization’s greatest investment and its greatest asset. When you make skill like good communication, transparency, and the capacity to motivate others priorities, you give leaders the resources they need to help their teams achieve success. Here are three ways to start shifting the mindset at your company from soft skills to core skills. Assess Your Present Situation Making core skills part of the culture at your organization starts with assessing your present circumstances. First, determine the extent to which your organization places importance on developing core, people skills. Does it find traits like empowerment integral to its success, or do these so-called “soft skills” play second fiddle to measurable things like sales and marketing? Once you know where your organization currently stands on core skills, take a look at its larger objectives and goals. Determine if these could be achieved more effectively with an increased emphasis on core skills, as well as whether or not you are positioned to create change. Determine the Necessary Steps to Develop a Core Skills Culture If you think you’re in a good position to start changing the conversation from soft skills to core skills, it’s time to create an action plan. Begin by assessing your organization’s current leadership climate. Take a look at some of your leaders and evaluate their: Ability to reach immediate goals Ability to meet future goals Core and hard skills Competency needs After taking a look at the current leadership culture, identify how a shift in emphasis on developing core skills would help leaders better meet current and long-term business objectives. Take Action to Foster Core Skills in the Workplace Now that you’ve done the legwork, it’s time to take action. Be prepared to share your analysis with colleagues, especially upper management. Seek their support in making core skills training a chief priority for your organization, so that you can begin to create a company-wide culture of learning. Next, work with individual departments and senior leaders to create a core skills training program. Determine what kinds of resources you will need in order to develop implement these training sessions. It’s also a good idea to create a thorough game plan with specific deadlines and goals in order to see your new core skills training program through to success. Core skills are too important to waste, as entire businesses can crumble when their leaders don’t have the right resources to engage, inspire, and connect with their teams. Instead, give your leaders the tools they need to succeed by making an investment in people and people skills.

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