
How to Select the Best Live Chat Software for Your e-Commerce Website

It is a well-known fact that websites with live chat make more sales than others. It is one of the best methods available to clarify all the pre-sale and post-sale questions of customers. If you own an ecommerce website and are considering implementing customer support through Live Chat, you are on the right track. However, knowing which software to choose can be a challenge, so let’s take a look at some guidelines that will help you make the best choice for your business. First, it is important to choose a Live Chat method that can answer customer concerns even when an agent is away from their computer. Larger operations may offer customer support 24/7, but a smaller operation may not do that. Therefore, is it very important that a customer is able to have their questions or concerns addressed even after normal business hours. Providing a method that can do this will go a long way in building customer satisfaction and loyalty. Live chat software should be able to integrate with smartphones. The interface should be independent from the type of mobile device. It is better to find a live chat software that will work on the majority of mobile browsers. There are some live chat applications that send a text message, once a customer has engaged in a conversation; this is an ideal option for the small business owner to respond quickly. Live chat applications can be divided into several categories. Some applications require business owners to install operator software on all business computers while others offer services online. A live chat software that offers its services online can be more cost effective than installing software on all business computers. Not to mention the need for professional IT services to reconfigure everything. A web based software does not require this expense and also allows users to log in from any part of the world through any web browser. Live chat was introduced to the world in order to provide quick solutions to customer concerns. Therefore, the live chat software you choose, should offer quick responses with prepared answers. Having prepared answers will allow you to answer simple concerns within a few seconds. A prepared answer would be something like: “Give me few seconds to look up your record”, which keeps the customer from having to wait for an answer. Last but not least, when considering the cost of live chat software, it is always better to look for high quality over the lowest price. A high-quality system can enhance your sales volume and customer base. Additionally, cloud based services have dramatically reduced the costs associated with live chat applications, which has allowed a number of small scale e-commerce website owners to experience its benefits.

What You Need to Know Before Using Live Chat

If you’ve been tracking the current trend of how major companies and small businesses are reaping the benefits of live chat, you might be tempted to dive right in and give it a try – especially if there is a free trial offered. If you have the option of a free Live Chat trial, resist the urge to treat it as just a fun gimmick. Used correctly, Live Chat is a powerful customer support and sales tool and you should have a clear purpose as to how you will use it for your business. However, before you take the plunge there are a few things you need to know: What are your goals and objectives? Are you seeking to increase sales? If so, are you focusing on a general increase in conversion rate or looking to sell a particular product? Are you cross-selling or up-selling? Are you concerned about basket abandonment or another part of your payment procedure? Determining from the start what you are trying to achieve, will inform every subsequent decision from how to train your agents, where to place the live chat window(s) to which analytics you will study to measure your success. This will, in turn, help you to decide whether to turn a trial into a purchase or to calculate RoI if you are paying for your live chat software or service. Which live chat package is right for you? Every live chat service has its strengths and weaknesses and you should use a company which provides everything you need without charging extra for the things you don’t need. Questions to ask before placing an order include: How much are you willing to spend? What level of support do you require? Which features do you need (e.g. mobile access, chat archiving, social media integration, etc.)? Another important factor to consider is the type of licensing they are offering. There is little point in paying extra to license unlimited agents if you are likely to employ just one or two for the foreseeable future. What are your training needs? Before opening your live chat option to the world, consider what training your agents might need. If this function will be outsourced to an external company, then you will need to plan for ample time to educate them about your products or services. They will also need to familiarize themselves with the specific Live Chat system they will be using. Your agents should also understand whether they will be playing a purely reactive role (answering customer support queries, providing technical assistance, etc.) or whether you will expect them to engage more pro-actively to help drive sales. You will also need to carefully consider how many agents you will need to recruit in order to be efficient and cost effective. How will your live chat window integrate into your website? You will also need to consider carefully how your live chat buttons and windows will integrate into your website. Most Live Chat providers offer at least some degree of choice and customization when it comes to size, shape, appearance and colour scheme, while placement on screen will be completely up to you or your website owner. As a rule, it is best to ensure your chat facility is clearly visible on the relevant page without dominating it. Once you have completed all of these steps, you are ready to launch your live chat feature and begin to reap the benefits that live chat will bring to your business.

Why Do Customers Use Chat?

In today’s fast pace, convenience first world, customers want, and more importantly expect, great customer service. They expect that wherever they are, the companies they want to do business with should be to. Live chat in e-Commerce For users, it is much easier to engage with a store through the availability of live chat. Having this option is much more welcoming and less threatening to customers who may not feel comfortable speaking on the phone to a sales representative. Additionally, some people might not feel like waiting for replies to the emails sent (which could arrive in days). So a quick solution lies in chat. In fact, research shows that companies using live chat end up doing roughly 30% more direct sales with their customers as compared to companies who do not offer live chat. Using this type of communication you can help to decrease the rate of shopping cart abandonment, improve conversion, grow average order value, reduce cost per acquisition, and most importantly creates a good relationship with your clients. One important aspect of live chat is letting the customer come to you. We all can relate to that feeling of walking into a store and almost immediately getting bombarded with questions from the employees who start sharing the “latest and greatest” sale they have. The way chat can help solve this problem is when the chat agent strategically times the chat with the customer. This gives the customer time to get acquainted with the website explore and shop at their own pace. So at the end of the day, customers are turning more and more to the chat channel to do their business due to a multitude of reasons: accessibility, quick answers, non-threatening environment, and a environment in which they can control the interaction. Want to increase sales? In this case you need to have sales people to answer questions from users. Live chat in your online store must be enabled normally 24/24, but many smaller companies keep it open solely during the day when more customers are likely to use it. If you don’t want to keep the live chat service open on a 24-hour basis, then make sure to announce your available schedule to the clients in the Contact section of your website. It is very important to prepare your team or the man who will take care of this activity. The operator might be too busy, does not have time to “tell” ok, still does not know what the client missing, but the client must be informed of this. A default wait message or animation is great in these cases. If you’re already using live chat in your store, do you do it correctly? My advice is to try a free month of live chat solution, and then you can see if it’s worth it or not to continue with it. I say this because most companies have such applications, offering free access for a period of 30 days. More recently these applications offer support on mobile, so you can answer your customers even if you’re not in front of a computer (but that means knowing your merchandise and website). If you believe that investing time and resources in live chat helps increase sales, you can always switch to a paid version of the live chat application that you use. A customer chat service is considered to be a good investment by many sales experts.

Do We “Talk the Walk?” – Third in the Global Strategies Series

As I have written this series on Global Strategies for 2014 and beyond, I’ve been challenged to think long and hard about the most pressing strategies for us as an organization going forward. We toss around a lot of subjects from technology to growth and everything in between, but as my colleagues and I discuss these issues, it never fails to get back to the ONE thing that remains constant: PEOPLE! I’m thankful to be part of an organization that puts people first. Our entire operation centers around servicing our customers and we have a deep understanding that our employees need to be cared for or they will not perform well. In my last blog entry in this series, I focused on the importance of building a positive work environment which would, in turn, strengthen our customer service. As I contemplated how to expand on this for this blog entry, I came across a fantastic article in the Harvard Business Review. This article shares the story of a company in Detroit that has seen phenomenal growth because of a specific language they teach their employees to speak. This “language” not only strengthens the work environment, but has put this company at the top when it comes to customer service. This article resonated with me so deeply, I felt it was worth reposting. I promise you, you’re in for a treat! Enjoy! The Best Leaders “Talk the Walk” By Bill Taylor One of the most ubiquitous aphorisms in business is that the best leaders understand the need to “walk the talk” — that is, their behavior and day-to-day actions have to match the aspirations they have for their colleagues and organization. But the more time I spend with game-changing innovators and high-performing companies, the more I appreciate the need for leaders to “talk the walk” — that is, to be able to explain, in language that is unique to their field and compelling to their colleagues and customers, why what they do matters and how they expect to win. The only sustainable form of business leadership is thought leadership. And leaders that think differently about their business invariably talk about it differently as well. I saw the power of language come to life earlier this summer when I made an eye-opening visit to a day-long orientation held every six weeks or so for new employees of Quicken Loans, the online mortgage lender based in Detroit and owned by high-profile billionaire Dan Gilbert. Quicken Loans is known for lots of things, from torrid growth (the company closed a record $80 billion worth of home loans last year, up from $70 billion in 2012), to much-praised customer service (it is a perennial JD Power customer-satisfaction winner), to its intense and outgoing corporate culture. But behind it all, at the heart of the company’s approach to strategy, service, and culture, is a language system that defines life inside the organization and reminds everyone what really drives success. Founder Dan Gilbert and CEO Bill Emerson call this language the company’s “Isms” — which is why the rollicking, fast-paced, eight-hour orientation session is called “Isms in Action.” Gilbert and Emerson, who present separately and together over the entire eight hours — an executive teaching marathon unlike anything I have seen before — march employees through the company’s 18 Isms, with a combination of slide shows, stand-up humor, war stories from the trenches, and unabashed appeals to the heart. A few of the Isms get covered in 10 or 15 minutes, some take an hour. But the end result is a full-day immersion in a whole new language — a “vocabulary of competition” that sets the company apart in the marketplace and holds people together in the workplace. On the day I attended, more than a thousand participants crowded into a ballroom in the Marriott Renaissance Center on the banks of the Detroit River. Gilbert and Emerson urged their new colleagues to embrace the idea that, “The inches we need are everywhere around us” — in other words, there are countless small opportunities for people to tweak a product, or improve a process, that lead to big wins in the marketplace. They insisted, no excuses allowed, that everyone agree with the Ism, “Responding with a sense of urgency is the ante to play.” Gilbert personally emphasized again and again, sometimes with jokes, sometimes with withering disdain, the absolute requirement that Quicken employees return every phone call and every email on the same business day they were received. “We are zealots about this,” he thundered, “we are on the lunatic fringe. And if you’re ‘too busy’ to do it, I’ll do it for you” — at which point he gave out his direct-dial extension and promised to return phone calls for any overwhelmed colleagues. On and on it went — funny stories, sure, sage pieces of advice, a quick history of the company. But mainly an urgent iteration ands reiteration of the company’s Isms: “Numbers and money follow, they do not lead.” “Innovation is rewarded, execution is worshipped.” “Simplicity is genius.” In business leadership, as in all forms of leadership, words matter. Indeed, several of the attendees with whom I spoke weren’t new employees at all. They’d come back for a refresher, a reminder, an opportunity to spend a day reacquainting themselves with the language that defines life at Quicken Loans, a chance to spend a day watching the founder and the CEO “talk the walk.” So ask yourself, as you try to lead an organization, or a business unit, or a department: Have you developed a vocabulary of competition that helps everyone understand what makes your company or team special and what it takes for them to be at their best? Can you explain, in a language all your own, what separates you from the pack and why you expect to win? Even as you make sure to walk the talk, do you know how to talk the walk? This blog was reposted by Dilip Barot,

Why Chat is an Important Channel

Chat has proven to be a very important channel for those who want to offer superior customer service. For this reason, it is important for every business site owner to make sure they have live chat service on their site in order to reap the benefits that come with it. Some of the things that can be expected from this include: Concurrency Concurrency is usually a pretty huge deal for anyone who is looking to offer live chat as part of customer support. This implies that the customer service agents are able to handle more than one customer at a time; something which cannot really be done when working with customers through phone calls. This helps to reduce costs when working with this medium especially if you take into consideration things such as technical training, experience, as well as the complexity of the questions that are being answered. This way, the customer feels as though their needs are attended to immediately, something that helps with customer retention. First contact resolution Chat as a customer service platform enhances first contact resolution more so than other platforms such as email services. Clients are able to have their questions answered immediately in live chat versus the wait time of email. This also enhances purchasing decisions which helps the business’s bottom line. Offers great customer satisfaction When compared to email or voice channels, studies show that live chat service normally results in greater customer satisfaction; a huge plus for any kind of business. There are numerous reasons that lead to this such as the fact that customers feel their questions are answered much more quickly. This alone makes live chat the most efficient communication method. Customers are able to stay engaged with self service When utilizing chat as a customer service option, you will also be happy to learn that clients can stay engaged with self service. Self service geared towards solving a problem generally offers the fastest service. The chat agents usually play a huge role when it comes to providing the hyperlinks that can provide more information about the company branded web pages and community forums. This usually helps customers to learn about how to find additional details when it is needed in the future. The power of this cannot be underestimated when it comes to running an online business thus it should be harnessed to your advantage. Increases AOV (Average Order Value) Live chat can also help your business sell more allowing you to maximize profits. This allows the customer to really know what they are getting and gives them more confidence to purchase your goods or services. This also helps you to get feedback about your business which can help you make your services better to attract more people. Make sure you set up a functional and effective chat channel on your site if you would like to take full advantage of the platform to help your business.

Life in the Boardroom (Part Two)

A few weeks ago, we discussed the issue of how Life in the Boardroom has changed dramatically over the last decade. While many concerns remain the same for today’s executives, technology has ushered in a new set of challenges and concerns. One of the biggest changes and challenges facing executives today is Social Media. Social Media’s entrance into the market place has been like a tidal wave coming so fast and so furiously it can be over-whelming. While it has opened a new avenue for reaching customers, it can also be a PR nightmare when it comes to a negative experience. Staying ahead of the PR curve has always been a concern for executives and Social Media has become a huge piece of that mix. However, when used more “proactively” Social Media can be the greatest tool in the arsenal when it comes to managing the public relations aspect of business. What do we mean by “Proactively?” A recent article published in Ask a PR Expert sheds some light on that question. The Gallup Blog suggested that companies could better utilize social media by being “authentic,” “responsive,” and “compelling.” In other words, ditch the sales pitch and create an “open dialogue” with consumers; listen to what customers are saying and offer a timely response to negative feedback; and finally, create compelling content – that is, content that readers find valuable and not just promotional. (This article had some pretty interesting things to say about the human connection, which you can read here.) This was very welcomed information for us here at Etech. What this says to us is that people still need that “human connection” and Social Media can provide that when used proactively. Its very title “social” conveys interaction, connectedness and meaningful communication. So as we learn to use Social Media as a tool to build relationships, rather than just promote our business, we take a very proactive approach to this new aspect of public relations. As we approach Social Media in a more proactive rather than reactive way, that enables us to better manage the other modern-day challenge of the impact of Smartphones. Nothing has changed the way we do business, or life for that matter, more than the advent of Smartphones. No other technological device has changed our lives more than the Smartphone. We have instant communication anytime and anywhere. The immediacy that smartphones bring to life, can certainly be the source of much angst when it comes to social media, but as stated above, if we see these tools of Social Media and Smartphones as the means of building relationships, we will find that these new technologies can become our strongest ally. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 3,000 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.

What is “The Live Chat?”

Live chat establishes a real-time communication channel between customers and online chat representatives thereby helping the customers receive instant help to solve their queries and grievances. It involves real-time interaction through text, short statements, images, smiley, and abbreviations to achieve a greater objective of providing quality customer care. Even use of feature-rich and dynamic live chat softwares has further enhanced the live chat experience for the customers allowing them to get quick and direct answers to their questions anytime anywhere. According to a BoldChat report, of those who prefer live chat, 79% said they did so because they get their questions answered quickly and 46% agreed it was the most efficient communication method. Integration of high-end technological features like PushURL, screen sharing, canned response and more has opened new avenues in business intelligence information gathering without being intrusive during the interaction process. Effectively Cater to Online Customer Demands The online customer base has grown exponentially over the years due to tremendous growth witnessed in the E-commerce segment. The spurt in online shopping websites and hosts of other businesses offering their services through the internet has led to a demand of an online customer service mechanism that will cater to the demands of these online customers. Live chat efficiently bridges this gap by providing the right help at exactly when it is needed. Getting help at crucial checkpoints, like the checkout phase, increases customer satisfaction and creates a loyal customer base. BoldChat’s report found that in the US, 21% of online shoppers prefer live chat and 31% of online shoppers from both the US and UK saying they would be more likely to purchase after a live chat. Reduce Costs Live chat also proves beneficial in reducing costs as customer queries can be solved quickly at the website itself. Live Chat can significantly curtail down chances of customers calling to contact centers thus reducing cost-per-call. Moreover, single online chat representatives can handle multiple chats at a single time thereby saving in costs, improving employee productivity and performance. Higher Revenue Online businesses can witness higher online sales and revenue growth as Live Chat helps improve online sales through fast, accurate and efficient customer service. Proactive chat helps improve conversion rates as visitors can be gripped to the website thereby increasing the chances of purchase. Customers can directly talk with agents and get the right information about the product and close the sale rather than searching through entire lists of products. Gather Crucial Business Intelligence Data Crucial business intelligence data that can reveal insightful information about the likes, dislikes, shopping preferences of the customers, beliefs and more can be extracted from the chat interactions which can be further leveraged to make strategic changes. Customers who have used Live Chat consider it as one of the most efficient support channels. It can also help retailers improve their online sales through higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

People and Technology: Are we putting people first?

Global Strategy Series 2014 In my last blog entry I talked about Etech’s Global Strategy for 2014 and beyond. That Global Strategy is simply continuing to put PEOPLE first, ahead of profits, ahead of technological advancements, ahead of everything. Why? Because everything that we do on a daily basis is really all about people. As I pondered this truth it got me thinking: How are we, as a company, managing this reality in our highly technical working environment? That’s a bit of a difficult question to answer since there are a couple of different angles from which we can approach this. We can look at it from the angle of how we manage this in relation to our customers or we can look at this from the angle of how we manage this within Etech. Both angles are very important, but as I pondered this question, I realized that one GREATLY affects the other. That one being how we manage this within Etech. Building a positive work environment affects everything we do here at Etech. If our employees are happy, then they will tend to stay with Etech for the long haul. A stable work force has a tremendous impact on our daily operations. We have a highly trained and efficient work force that knows and understands the technology we use on a daily basis. This knowledge serves the public customer well, which in turn, serves the corporate customer who has entrusted us with their customer service needs. If we take care to keep our employees happy, our customers reap the daily benefit of a happy and well trained work force who knows their job and is more than able to meet their needs. As I’ve been putting my thoughts together for this blog entry, I came across an excellent article that highlights the importance of building a positive work environment. You can check out the article here. As I read through the article I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as I realized, “We’re basically doing all of this!” We take care to listen to our employees, we provide excellent benefits, we provide training and growth opportunities and we provide employee recognition in the form of awards and promotions for our employees. All of these flow from the 12 Character Commitments that is the foundation of Etech. You can check these out on our website or check out my friend and colleague Matt Rocco’s blog series on the 12 Character Commitments. So, are we as a company putting people first in our highly technical work environment? Yes, proudly we are and we’ll continue to do so as it is the foundation for our success in all things. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,500 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.

Importance of Customer Feedback: Reasons to Amend your Brand!

Receiving customer feedback is like judging the pulse of the market. Customer feedback is of significant value as it signals the needs and requirements of the customers from the products. It provides a way for the customers to present their genuine opinions, judgments, feelings, like and dislikes about the product or service. Customer feedback lets customers feel valued and generates a feeling among them that the company concerns about their opinions about their experience of using the product. Customers feel that they are also actively involved in the improvement of the product. This significantly reduces customer turnover to the competitor products thus reducing revenue loss. Customer feedback brings to forth just the right concerns or requirement felt by the customers that they encounter in their daily life while using the product. This requirement may be small but if company solves that it leads to significant growth in customer satisfaction. If customers receive what they want from the product they are willing to open their wallets. With customer feedback, companies can significantly improve the quality of the product by adding innovative features, enhancing existing features and removing features that are contributing less to the overall quality of product. Customer Feedback can help businesses create highly efficient products and build a robust brand loyalty in the market. This will help improve customer satisfaction and create a strong loyal customer base that will keep returning again and again. Make strategic decisions Customer Feedback provides vital insights into the behavior of the customers about use of the company’s products and what are the distinct features that give them competitive edge over the competitor products. Customer feedback enables companies to make strategic decisions that can give them competitive advantage by adding new features or improvising on existing features. A recent report from Forrester Research shows that many companies now aim to be driven more by customer experience and 2014 will see a year in which many companies will increase customer experience management. Customer Feedback provides a platform for the customer to express and share their views and ideas. This enables companies to provide customers with exact features that are important to them. These views and ideas from the customers can be leverage by the companies to increase the acceptability of the product in the market and reduce the chances of failure. One essential element of the customer experience is enabling consumers to provide feedback. Compare to last year, three-quarters (76%) of the 2,000 consumers noticed an increase in the number of companies asking for feedback on their customer experience – eDigitalResearch report. Another important aspect of customer feedback is to find ways to improve the customer experience. Company can receive a lot of positive as well as negative comments. Company can learn from any type of feedback and let the customers know about it. Customers are taking up the offer to provide feedback – over half of those surveyed (51%) have already given feedback on their experience of which 82% did so to report a positive experience, 11% reported a negative experience and 7% shared their ideas- survey by eDigitalResearch. The feedback must be shared with the staff members as it will help them improve on their performance and discard any useless practices to improve the quality of service. It is also highly important to act on the feedback and contact the customers who shared their valuable feedback. Contacting the customers will send out a positive signal that you have genuine concerns for your customers. This will build a strong loyal customer base that will continue to return for purchases as well as spread a positive word of mouth among their circles. Contacting the customers will quickly establish a bond with them and they are more likely to continue send genuine feedback in the future. According to survey by eDigitalResearch, companies are acting on that feedback with almost half (49%) of those who made a complaint being contacted. Of those, 75% said that that contact changed their opinion of the brand into a more positive one, demonstrating that it’s not just the collection of customer experiences that matters but also acting on that feedback. Customer Feedback forms or surveys are a great way to judge how your customers feel about your products or services and what all changes need to be done to improve their experience. Businesses can receive both positive and negative feedbacks from the customers. But rather than just replying to the customers who have sent negative feedback and solving their concerns it is very essential to contact customers who have spared their valuable time to send their positive feedback. According to survey by eDigitalResearch , among consumers who left positive feedback, just 18% were contacted. Companies should not present any excuses in acknowledging the efforts taken by customers who provided positive feedback. Tackling challenges in feedback process Although feedback forms or online surveys are a great medium to get valuable feedback from customers, there are times when feedback sent by customers is not clear and does not portray valuable information. Lack of Focus – Many times feedback lack focus on what they want to convey to the companies. They can be lengthy and time consuming and with hundreds of feedback to go through, it can cause significant time loss for the company. Inconvenience– Customers at times may feel reluctant to send the feedback due to lengthy or complex feedback forms or due to time shortage. They may be busy in other work and may not find it useful to fill the feedback form. Incomplete information – Many times customers send incomplete information in the feedback. It becomes difficult to act on such incomplete information. Feedback forms or online surveys may not turn out to be resourceful medium for some organizations. Many firms are turning to benefit from the QA services that audit the interactions between agents and customers and extract valuable and insightful information from it. This will serve a dual advantage as QA services will monitor the quality of customer

Keeping Pace with Technology and People in a Rapidly Changing World

Global Strategy Series 2014 I read recently, that this technological/information age we are living in, in this, the early part of the twenty-first century, is very reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century. One may wonder how that can be, but simply put, the Industrial Revolution completely changed how people lived their lives at the time…… much like this “Information Revolution” is completely changing how we, in the twenty-first century, live our lives. How so? The ways are endless. Consider, for example, how everywhere we go now, people are on their phones. If not talking on their phones, they are looking at their phones for some reason: e-mail, news, games, Facebook. Our smartphones are our constant companions. It’s only been within the last decade that we’ve seen this phenomenon take hold in our society. The same holds true for us in business. Let’s take the fairly new platform of Social Media. In the last 5-7 years, Social Media has gone from being a virtual “unknown” to the majority, to now being an absolutely integral part of every company’s marketing plan. Think about that: what started out as a means for our teenagers to communicate and connect with friends has grown into a multi-million dollar enterprise that today’s businesses are remiss if they don’t embrace and use on a daily basis to keep their online presence visible and within the top three finds of search engines. Then there’s the entire “mobile technologies” platform. Since 2007, when the first iPhone debuted, mobile technologies have seen a meteoric rise! Now, whatever platform is available for desk-tops, one must also be developed for the mobile platform. These two platforms alone have brought about phenomenal change in the way we communicate, keep in touch, and do business. We can connect instantly with anyone in our circle of friends, even with one who lives half way around the world. What has become second nature for us now, was not even in our consciousness a decade ago. That is profound change in a relatively short amount of time that has required society both personally and professionally to adapt and change quickly. These technological changes and advancements bring with them a unique set of challenges. Primarily, how do we keep up with all of these rapid changes? These changes that are designed to “connect us” more quickly and easily with PEOPLE, without losing sight of the very people we are serving? I’ll be exploring this question in my upcoming blogs. I hope you’ll join me. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services, and founder of Creative Choice Group, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Etech employs 2,500 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.

Global Strategy for 2014 and Beyond: People

My team just returned from the annual PACE National Conference and Expo. PACE stands for Professional Association for Customer Engagement. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of companies that use a multi-channel approach to engage their customers. Every year this conference proves to be packed full of information about upcoming trends in our industry as well as changing laws and regulations that we are expected to know and implement. However, this conference is also incredibly fun! Why, you may ask? Because of the people. Yes, PEOPLE. When you get right down to it, everything we do, everything that anyone does, is really all about PEOPLE. We live in an age where technology allows us to do so many things that even a decade ago, no one could have imagined. Yet, in the process of learning to use new technology, it’s very important to keep in mind the very fundamental fact that it’s really all about PEOPLE. This past week, I was reminded of that as I had the opportunity to meet and speak with many people who make their living dealing with people in what we call, the Call Center Industry. It struck me: although I love technology and what it allows me to do, there is nothing that can compare with face-to-face or as in our industry, voice-to-voice human contact. Out of all of the phenomenal sessions we had the opportunity to hear this past week, a favorite was: Science Hour: The Power of Engaging Conversations. Why? Because this particular session dealt with the human condition. The importance of having engaging conversations that lead to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty and repeat buying. Do you notice that? What leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty? Conversations!Engaging conversations. Engaging conversations require that human connection. When a customer has the opportunity to connect with a real, live human they feel valued, they feel they’ve been heard and they tend to come back because they’ve made a connection. Here at Etech, as we continue through 2014 and beyond, we will stay on top of new and emerging technologies, we will keep up with changing regulations and new laws that affect our industry but the most important aspect of our strategy going forward will continue to be PEOPLE. It’s PEOPLE that we serve, it’s PEOPLE that we deal with every day and it’s PEOPLE who will continue to be at the center of everything we do. That is the best Global Strategyfor 2014 and beyond.

Contact Centers: A Place for Young Employees to Gain Real World Experience

In today’s rapidly growing, fast paced world, the younger population entering the workforce is at an all time high. Businesses are looking for those young, energetic, dynamic personalities and in turn the younger generation is looking for stability and growth opportunities in their career. Most career paths are generally restrictive in regards to growth within the respected company. Whether the company is outside hiring or choosing only employees with senior level experience, having the opportunity to grow and gain valuable, real world experience, can be a very rare opportunity for the younger generation entering the workforce. However, this is not the case for our employees at Etech Global Services. Below we will discuss some of the various positions young professionals would experience working for our Call Center on their path to a successful career. Agents Since the Call Center is often the first point of contact between a company and their customers, it is imperative that the agents be well trained to handle a variety of customer questions and issues. Having the opportunity to interact with the customers directly allows our employees to learn and appreciate the value of efficient customer service, sales, tech support, or any other type of service we offer. This experience has proven to be an excellent learning tool for young employees looking to begin working in an exciting atmosphere. Team Leader The initial experience and knowledge learned in an agent role can often be what springboards our employees into a fulfilling managerial career. Once an employee has gained experience as an agent, they can begin to move through the ranks of the Call Center. Our centers offer the position of Team Leader which gives the employee a chance to manage a small group of agents by overseeing call center quality assurance to the customers being served. Team Leaders work closely with the agents which gives them the first hand experience of what it’s like to manage a team of their peers. This hands-on experience equips our Team Leaders with invaluable life lessons and managerial knowledge. Account Leader The next step up from Team Leader is that of the Account Leader. The Account Leader oversees all of the Team Leaders and agents on a specific campaign and has the ability to work directly with our clients. The Account Leader role is one with great responsibility and is one that comes with great experience and knowledge in the Call Center industry. We have seen some of our most successful and satisfied employees start as agents and move up to this role with immense success. We ensure that each one of our Account Leaders is fully equipped with all the tools and experience needed to be successful and that we are there for them each step of the way! While all careers have their own unique path, finding one where the company providing the path genuinely cares and invests in their employee’s journey is truly an added benefit. Whether it may be a young professional looking to start their career or an experienced member of the workforce who wants to continue to grow, Etech is the perfect fit for you. We here at Etech firmly believe that our employees are our biggest and most important asset so come apply today and start your exciting career with us!

How to Select A Contact Center

Businesses are growing and their decision makers are constantly on the look out to find how they can have a competitive edge over their competition. One area that is of growing importance due to the burst and global reach of social media, is a businesses Customer Service and overall Customer Experience. While businesses grow, this area tends to be put on the back burners and it can prove to be detrimental to the overall businesses image if the customers are being mistreated in anyway. This is where outsourced Contact Centers step in. When a business is able to successfully select and partner with a third party Contact Center who is able to provide them these services such as Customer Service, Lead Generation, Inbound Sales Calls etc., that business all of a sudden has their competitive edge. While other businesses struggle to meet their customers where they want to be met and fail to provide them with the attention and care that the customer deserves, the business that chose the correct Contact Center is able to experience stellar Customer Service numbers as well as increased time to focus on the continuous growth of their products and services. In this blog we will take a quick look at some of the key characteristics a business should look for in a Contact Center in order to help ensure that they have the best experience possible. Experience Companies should make sure that they choose a Contact Center who has deep experience in Call Center services. Given the dramatic changes in the way we all communicate just within the past 5 years, choosing a Contact Center that has proven successful through these times of change proves that their foundation and processes are secure and stable. Contact Centers with experience are able to meet issues head on and even can help companies see a potential issue before it is on other companies radars. Track Record A look into the previous works undertaken will help give a brief idea about the company that proposes to provide you inbound call center services. Feedback given by previous clients on the quality of service, impact on customers, and achievements prove invaluable when a company is trying to get the most accurate information. Companies should always ask for references by the company providing the service in order to help them increase their knowledge on that Contact Center and the way they do business. The Employees One of the biggest possible set backs or advantages a company could see when working with a Contact Center is the employees. These employees whether they are answering customer questions over the phone, responding to an email, or Live Chatting with a customer, they are the voice and face of your company. When selecting a Contact Center, the business needs to ask in depth about their hiring and staffing process. The ideal Contact Center is one where they work with you to help build out the “ideal employee” based on the requirements of the campaign. Contact Centers who practice this tend to see the most success because they are able to place their employees where they have the best chance to succeed. Efficiency Based on the type of work and type of campaign that the Contact Center would be handling, efficiency can have multiple meanings. Whether it is an inbound voice campaign where the company doing the outsourcing is looking for minimal time spent on the phones, or an online retailer who is looking to implement a Live Chat feature, efficiency is a key characteristic for the Contact Center. The Contact Center must be able to meet the customers need and help resolve whatever issue or concern they may be having on the first contact. After reading this brief blog I hope that this information provided as been able to serve as a starting block for selecting the perfect Contact Center. We here at Etech Global Services feel that we are able to provide companies that competitive edge that so many companies are looking for so stop by our website and see how we can help!

The Importance of Professional Inbound Call Center Services

As businesses continue to grow, key decision makers are finding it increasingly difficult to dedicate the appropriate amount of attention to each area of their operations. Whether it is because they are not sure how to allocate the time or that they simply do not have the man power or resources on hand to meet their growing customer base, businesses are looking for a cost effective and quick response to this growing issue. Companies all over the world are finding that turning to a trusted inbound call center is the best answer to this dilemma. When companies choose to outsource certain services to a trusted third party, this allows the company to really focus on their core competencies. When companies are faced with the decision of choosing a third party contact center, they need to ensure that the company they choose has processes that work in an organized and coordinated manner. The range of services outsourced generally includes technical support, customer service support, inbound sales and essential call answering and forwarding services. In virtually every instance, regardless of the service outsourced, businesses are looking to save money while still growing their business. Contact centers that have professional quality services and documented processes are the ones that are able to provide companies with what they are looking for. Types of Inbound Contact Center Services There is no limit to the number of services that can be outsourced, as long as you have the right vendor! Below we will give brief descriptions on the most common services outsourced: Customer Service: as the name suggests, customer service is providing services to customers to satisfy the various issues they have about the products and services offered. In today’s social media world, having a phenomenal Customer Service experience is at its highest demand. Outsourcing this service to a proven outsourcer can prove invaluable for businesses and the way they are viewed in the eyes of their customers. Help Desk: this includes providing assistance, guidance and troubleshooting services to customers. The help desk service can even provide information about hotel room bookings, ticket fares, service related queries, etc. for customers over the phone or through emails. Technical Troubleshooting: is the advice or guidance for the service provided to a customer over the telephone or email for their IT or computer related issues. Technical troubleshooting requires the agents to handle multiple roles and is quite a bit more in depth as far as skill level is concerned when comparing this to other services outsourced. Inbound Sales: Like most online retailers, there is a number for customers to call and place their order over the phone with a helpful representative. Having someone there to talk directly with the customers has a significant impact on abandoned shopping carts and overall sales. Most consumers abandon their cart because they simply aren’t sure about their purchase. Having an agent there to guide them and reassure them in their purchase is something that every skeptical shopper wants and will greatly improve their overall experience. Contact Centers are being utilized more and more each and every day. Businesses who outsource such services mentioned above are finding that they have much more time and resources that they can direct to their main “money maker” services. Find out what potential your business could be missing out on and contact us at Etech Global Services!

Etech Global Services: A Multi-National Provider of Best Shore Solutions

As the Founder of a large, multi-national corporation, I get asked many questions. Some questions are very specific and deal with minor day to day issues while other questions are much larger in scope and require a bit more to answer. Such was the case when I was posed the question: “How does a company with humble beginnings, become a multi-national provider of Best Shore Solutions?” Before I get to the specifics, let me provide some background information about Etech Global Services. Etech originated as a division of L.M. Berry and Company in June of 1997. L.M. Berry and Company was one of the nation’s leading telephone directory advertising firms, headquartered in Dayton Ohio. Etech acquired Berry Direct from the L.M. Berry Company in June of 2003. Since then, Etech has grown to more than 2,500 team members in nine state-of-the-art solution centers in the US, Jamaica and India. Etech attributes much of its success to the foundational principles that govern our company and define our corporate culture. Those principles are: Integrity, Valuing People, Teamwork, Accountability, Communication, Vision, Adaptability, Humility, Creativity, Teach-ability, Positive Influence and Courage. Not only do we practice these principles within Etech, but we also practice these principles with every company we serve in the area of call center support. We train our employees to understand the processes, and structures of each company we support and we strive to provide seamless 24/7 customer support. In the early days, Etech had one customer to support. This proved to be a great training ground for developing our processes and working out the “kinks” so to speak in providing the services they needed. In 2003, Etech began to expand our market share by acquiring new companies to support. In 2005, we helped one of our clients launch a first voice campaign which proved to be very successful and eventually we expanded into non-voice campaigns such as web-chat services, data cleansing and e-mail services. Today, Etech is one of very few US companies having our own global infrastructure and capabilities on-shore, near-shore and off-shore to meet our Client’s requirements and offer competitive pricing. Our motto of “Playing by the Rules” and adhering to the highest standards as enabled Etech to emerge as the leader in Best Shore Solutions in the contact center world. While there have been challenges along the way, the successes have far out-weighed them. This blog was written by Dilip Barot, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Etech Global Services. Etech employs 2,500 team members across the US, India and Jamaica. If you would like to learn more about Etech, contact for more information.

The Success Story of Indian Inbound Call Center Service Providers

With a wide range of services in their arsenal, inbound call center services in India is witnessing overwhelming growth. With their professional expertise and talent pool, call centers are able to service their clients in the best possible manner. Although most of the customer support agencies provide both outbound as well inbound services, inbound services are most preferred due to their convenience of management and appraisal procedures. Inbound call center services are mainly about customer support related to both technical as well as non-technical issues. Customer service executives receive calls from customers located all over the world with questions about the client’s products and services which have to be resolved in the best and quickest possible manner. Since customers can call from any corner of the world, usually inbound call center services hire employees who are proficient in multiple languages as it helps them reduce costs for additional staff for various language capabilities. Corporations Seek Inbound Call Center Service Providers for Cutting Costs It is not feasible for major and large-scale business corporations to set up separate departments for reviewing customer feedback and taking preventive measures. It is here that the inbound call center services come to the rescue with their professional infrastructure of space, personnel and equipment which are ready to take on any assignment of any size to satisfy their client requirements. This makes interactions with customers a cake walk for big corporations which can use their valuable time for other tasks. Inbound call center services provide monthly and periodical reports to their clients stating various figures of customer inbound calls, successive resolutions and even conversion rates of sales. Sometimes calls come into these services with inquiries for other products offered by the client. Hence, inbound call center service providers are able to cut down costs which otherwise would be required for marketing and promotion. Outsourcing Inbound Customer Service Calls India is considered to be the home of inbound call center services. With its mammoth population of English speaking graduates, the country has been approached by corporations across the globe to provide inbound customer support services. Apart from Asia, many western continents are also approaching the country’s widespread call center services for giving high quality customer care services. The quality of staff employed by Indian companies are really the best in the industry and that is the reason why, despite stiff competition from Japan, China and other eastern countries, India has been able to mark a high success rate in this industry within very little time. Since the time outsourcing became a common practice, India has won a large share of the call center market which offer inbound call center services as well as outbound call center services. With its abundant rural space and highly efficient English speaking population, the country is yet to gain more success in the field over its counterparts.

Features that Make a Chat Service Stand Apart

“Bring home the customer”, is a widespread proclamation that we often hear from companies. With numerous options that exist today along with a savvy consumer base, customers are demanding better call center services and don’t hesitate to walk away from a company that does not provide superior customer service. So what makes a call center “stand out” so that customers keep coming back? The ability to have their questions or problems resolved quickly. How does this happen? By a convenient new technology known as web chat service. Chat service or chat support is the latest addition to the Call center function and enables the company to provide instant support to their customers. A “must have” in our highly mobile and competitive marketplace. Chat service is quickly becoming the preferred interaction mode, generating increased levels of customer satisfaction. When we compare chat services, there are a number of things to look at in order to determine if the service is well executed. Let’s take a look at a few: Length of Chat Times– It is important to customers that they feel their issue is handled quickly and efficiently. Chat times can range anywhere from 8-15 minutes but the more quickly the issue is resolved, the better. The Chat rep should strive to solve the customer’s issue in the first interaction. Knowledgeable Chat Team-The chat support team should have the same level of knowledge as other email or phone team members. They should be well versed in all aspects of the company in order to provide quick on-the-spot assistance. Reporting– Your chat service should document all customer interaction without error along with the amount of time taken to support the customer’s need. Reporting should cover the following: Average Handle Time Average Speed Of Answer Concurrent Chat Time Offline Chat Requests Proactive Chat Support– Proactively offering your customer a chance to chat instead of waiting for them to ask can often eliminate customer frustration. Even if the customer initially declines the offer to chat, knowing that the live chat option is there can go a long way in preventing frustration. While this list doesn’t cover everything, this is a great starting point when evaluating your live chat services.

Customer Service Chat Helps Online Stores Reap Profits

Ecommerce is the backbone of online retailers. These companies do not have a brick and mortar set up to attend to customer calls, queries and grievances. They rely on customer service chat for quick resolution of customer questions without having to set up physical offices that need space, time, money and maintenance. Online tech support chat is the trend of today’s way of attending to customer questions and issues. It is easy to establish and very efficient since customers are able to reach out to manufacturers and business organizations directly without the hassle of long lines and endless traffic. It is not easy to provide excellent customer service without having some sacrifices. Highly trained and experienced customer service executives are required to handle hostile customers who are disappointed with the slightest problems with their products. Customer service chat is more efficient Customer service chat is a direct one to one interaction with a customer with the aid of an internet connection. The interaction could be voice based or non-voice depending on the service extended by the company. Usually major corporations seek the service of outsourcing agencies to carry out live chat services. With the help of product manuals and descriptions, executives are able to resolve customer grievances quickly and efficiently. When it comes to business the old saying “The Customer is king” still prevails. In customer service chat, companies have to ensure that enough importance and relevance is given to the problems faced by the customers before jumping to conclusions about the mistakes made by the customer. Difficult customers should be handled with care and delicately since they can potentially tarnish the company’s reputation through word of mouth, whereas, high quality customer service will result in more positive publicity yielding more business. Outsourcing customer service chat assignments It is a feasible business decision to outsource online tech support chat assignment considering the cost, time and labor involved in setting up such an infrastructure. There are many call centers and agencies that provide exclusive services to meet the requirements of clients who want to take care of their customer grievances without having to spend a lot of time and money. Outsourcing live chat services is cost effective in the long run since the company has to pay only a fixed amount without having to incur additional costs for more personnel and equipment. While appointing a customer service chat, care should be taken to ensure that the company has a proven track record of providing high quality services in the industry. Experience and expertise will ensure that the customers are offered the best solutions for their problems without much delay. This will lead to increased business and goodwill as customers see that they are treated in a courteous and efficient manner when dealing with problems. Customer service chat is essentially the best way to hear to your customer’s grievances. It provides a great platform for interaction which can even lead to better products and services.

Enhance Customer Experience and Engagement with Online Tech Support Chat

Customer aspirations are forever increasing with the constant introduction of new and innovative products. We live in an era where the customers are more internet savvy and web oriented than ever before. With the availability of so many options and choices from web stores and retailers now, customers have become more powerful in selecting the products and services of their choice from any retailer. Competition has become stiffer and more new companies are coming into the field with products and services that sweep customers off their feet and rush to the payment portals. Hence, getting customer engagement and enhancing their satisfaction has become more challenging but possible with the help of web tools. Online tech support chat, although old, is the newest trend in the IT sector with the help of communication equipments enabled with internet and telephone lines. The Internet has brought customers and retailers together.Today customers find it easier to approach any retailer and buy goods and services over the internet. However, when it comes to post sales service, not as many retailers show as much enthusiasm for this part of the transaction as they did in getting a product sold. It is here that companies that have enabled live chat services for their customers have gained a competitive edge. Customers appreciate the convenience of having a live interaction with a customer service rep in order to get their product queries solved. More than a recorded voice; a live customer service chat is much more effective in resolving customer questions. It offers the flexibility of solving customer grievances on the spot, without having to make them wait, which can be frustrating for customers and often cause them to turn to your competitor. The following points will ensure that the online tech support chat service of an organization gets the best response and approval from any customer: Proactive support chat request: Online customer support representatives can set up a one-on-one interaction with customers with the help of a chat window on the company website. They can volunteer to start conversations with the site visitors, whose requirements can be understood and service provided accordingly. Address Customers by their names: It is very important to ensure that customer support executives are using the customer’s name in order to make them feel important and valuable by the company. All of us like to be addressed by our names and a customer is no exception to this. Pre-Chat study of customer profile: helps a customer service executive to better understand the requirements of a customer and guide them accordingly. The customer does not have to waste time explaining his preferences and tastes, each time he visits the website. Tracking chat History: Using this feature in a customer service chat will enable chat operators to study the previous problems faced by the customer and help them diagnose the present situation and take suitable actions. They don’t have to rely on additional information from other sources which can make the customer impatient.

The Benefits of an Online Tech Support Job

The internet and information technology sector has opened a wide range of exciting job opportunities for many engineers, artists and businessmen. It has something to offer everyone who wishes to grow their business using its various tools and services. The internet offers jobs on both the technical as well as creative sides and one need only choose the one he or she prefers. Of all the sectors, the technical industry provides the best opportunities for software engineers, technical support executives and even online tech support chat professionals. This is a new branch of internet jobs that is growing exponentially. Online tech professionals extend their valuable services with the help of internet connectivity. They are able to help clients sort out technical issues with computers networks and even peripheral devices through wireless connectivity. Without a face to face conversation, live chat services can help people sort out issues with their computers and get them repaired quickly. Online tech support offers the comfort of working from home Online tech support professionals are considered to be the best and the smartest among IT professionals. They come in the form of system operators, code programmers, hardware engineers and even ethical hackers who can hack into any network and relieve vital information. The working environment of a customer service chat professional is quite comfortable since they have the flexibility of working from the comfort of their home without having to go to the client’s place of business and spend hours commuting. An online tech support chat professional is sometimes known as a systems programmer since they have to use technology and software together to make things work quickly. They bear the huge responsibility of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of any system and to improve it by closing any possible loopholes. The varied roles of an online tech professional The job of a customer service chat professional does not end with giving solutions for system breakdowns and troubleshooting. At times they are also consulted to give suggestions about IT infrastructure, software platforms, hardware recommendations, and sometimes even suggestions on improving an entire program. Hence, it is very important that an online tech professional stays on top of the latest trends and innovations in technology and information technology, other than just basic troubleshooting problems, in order to provide the best possible services to his clients. The qualifications for a live chat services expert may differ from firm to firm. Some might require a college degree while others may value experience and expertise much more. However, the more technical experience a person can gain, the greater the demand will be for your online services.

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