How to demonstrate accountability in leadership?
At Etech, being accountable is having the self-discipline to work effectively and efficiently and being results-focused.
At Etech, being accountable is having the self-discipline to work effectively and efficiently and being results-focused.
At Etech, creativity is defined as purposefully seeking to think outside the box to solve problems; finding new and resourceful to do things.
At Etech, leading with courage is taking risks boldly; making decisions confidently; taking initiative; and having resilience and security during tough times.
Etech’s Succession Planning framework is an excellent example of a structured approach to creating a succession plan.
At Etech, we define teamwork as being committed to working as a team to solve problems and resolve conflict.
Learn how data analytics enhances customer experience through personalization, feedback, prediction, omnichannel support, and real-time insights.
I believe that it all starts with integrity. Below are some tips to help you on your journey to enhancing your integrity.
In today’s fast-paced world, active listening plays a vital role in effective communication. Without being a good listener first, communication becomes a daunting task. But how does one master active listening?
Our vision is to make a remarkable difference for each other, our customers, and within our communities.
There are three ways to identify a mentor. You can ask your leader, sign up for the company mentorship program, or join professional communities.
Below are some tips to help you on your journey to becoming an even more adaptable leader!
Here are some tips on how to optimize the customer experience for your business:
Today I will address Communication. Below are some tips to help you on your journey to becoming an even better communicator.
At Etech we have embraced teachability or “being a lifelong learner” as one of our character commitments. Below are some tips to help you on your journey!
Here are some ideas on finding the ideal work-life balance in your leadership journey.
At Etech, humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of others more often. Here are some examples of what it means to demonstrate humility at Etech.
Enjoying digital devices and enjoying the comfort of having the internet at your fingertips opens wide doors for being a target for cybercriminals.
Here are some examples of what it means to value others at Etech.
Here are some examples of what it means to be a positive influence at Etech.
Here are some major benefits organizations can expect by building a diverse workforce.