Exemplifying the Servant
Leadership Culture
in Everything What We Do
Etech’s success can be attributed to these 12-character commitments. They are the very foundation of our company. Each employee in our organization, regardless of position, is trained and strives to exemplify these characteristics in everything they do.

ETECH defines INTEGRITY as doing what is right, being trustworthy and truthful. An ETECH employee is expected to consistently do what they say, use their power ethically, work diligently, and pursue excellence. A person with INTEGRITY will do the right thing even if those around them do not. Remember, your actions speak louder than words.

ETECH employees always look forward toward the “big picture” of the company show VISION. They do this with discernment, wisdom, focus, and determination.

ETECH defines COMMUNICATION is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts or messages; as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. An ETECH employee must be committed to attentively listen to others and have intentional conversations. ETECH employees ask purposeful questions, resolve conflict quickly, and freely provide information and knowledge. Being deliberate, transparent, and honest in communication is an integral part of COMMUNICATION.

An ETECH employee who is committed to respecting and honoring others; demonstrates emotional intelligence. By holding others accountable in a positive and nurturing way, one shows that they truly VALUE PEOPLE. A person who VALUES PEOPLE will put others’ needs before their own. By developing and encouraging those around you, people will feel VALUED. Remember the Platinum Rule to treat others as they wish to be treated. This can only be accomplished if a personal relationship exists.

ETECH defines TEAMWORK as being committed to working as a team to solve problems and resolve conflict. An ETECH employee exhibits TEAMWORK by demonstrating loyalty and taking time to encourage others.

ETECH defines ACCOUNTABILITY as having self-discipline to work effectively and efficiently and being results-focused. Blaming others is not a response for those who claim to be personally ACCOUNTABLE.

ETECH defines ADAPTABILITY as being flexible and willing to positively and purposefully introduce, embrace, and patiently lead the way through change. An example of ADAPTABILITY at ETECH is showing willingness to change campaigns or schedules in order to meet the company’s business needs.

ETECH defines HUMILITY as being sincere, transparent, open and honest. An employee who can admit imperfection and has a need for others to succeed shows HUMILITY. An example of showing HUMILITY at ETECH is accepting responsibility when goals aren’t met and creating solutions to overcome challenges.

ETECH defines CREATIVITY as purposefully seeking ways to think outside the box to solve problems; finding new and resourceful ways to make processes better; and encouraging others to brainstorm, think creatively and share their ideas. An employee who consistently looks for solutions to problems is one who thinks CREATIVELY.

ETECH defines TEACHABILITY as being teachable; accepting feedback and instruction; taking personal responsibility; and seeking knowledge and competence. Those who are committed to life-long learning exhibit TEACHABILITY.

An ETECH Employee displays POSITIVE INFLUENCE through attitude and behavior. One exhibits POSITIVE INFLUENCE by being enthusiastic and passionate; having fun and laughing; and being high-energy and approachable. These employee’s model personal warmth and manners; and look for the positive in each person and situation.

ETECH defines COURAGE as taking risks boldly; making decisions confidently; taking initiative; and having resilience and security during tough times. An ETECH employee displays COURAGE when they address disciplinary issues. An employee, who practices what they preach and always does the right thing even when it is not the most convenient, shows COURAGE.