
Customer Contact Week January 2019 Workshop Presentation
When customers choose to give a particular brand their business, they generally have several options. Companies should never lose sight of the fact that their customers are choosing them. Empowering customers makes them feel like valued individuals. What do your customer’s need? The customers put in “High-effort experience”. Customers need to feel that brands go beyond merely delivering products or services and truly value their customers’ feelings and experiences with the brand they support. In today’s era, contact center’s attempt to improve the customer experience, where customer loyalty remains flat because service quality initiatives ignore the primary driver of disloyalty. Artificial Intelligence has some viable users in the contact center sphere that managers can employ to improve their customer experience and the efficiency of call centers. With AI still being a young technology, some people are not familiar with how it works. But how to make sure what valuable information should be shared with your customers? In this interactive workshop, learn how without human intelligence, the results derived would give no insights.Key Takeaways:
- What is Customer Experience
- How to approach implementing Customer Experience today?
- Human Intelligence meets Artificial Intelligence

Customer Contact Week October 2018 Workshop Presentation
Many companies only analyze a small portion of their interactions – typically less than 3%. Unless you analyze every interaction it is not possible to get a full view into the voice of the customer. Great customer service can set your business apart from the competition. That’s why it is so important to evaluate customer satisfaction in every interaction. Speech analytics looks for particular words or phrases that signify a very unhappy or angry customer. Bringing all of these insights together shows you how the customer feels during their conversations and assigns a customer satisfaction score. In this interactive workshop, learn how a combination of human intelligence and artificial intelligence helps to overcome the challenges of contact centers while dealing with a massive amount of customer interactions.Key Takeaways:
- How to get a 360-Degree View of Customers
- Why focus on CX & How to Improve it
- How to take unstructured data and make it actionable utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

CCW June 2018 AI Workshop Presentation, Vegas
Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with Human Intelligence (HI) can eliminate the restrictions accompanied with the antiquated QA approach of manually listening to calls, to now being able to analyze 100% of every interaction enabling customers to capture invaluable business insights from their customers. Bygone are the days when customers were simply feeling satisfied if someone listened to them. Those customers were so in the 90’s, where man and machine coexistence was simply a notion. Before the age of mass production, the interactions between businesses and customer were mostly one-on-one and had a personal touch. Customer service was more about a relationship, and the numbers of customers were limited. Learn how to combine People + Artificial Intelligence to extract invaluable data and equip your teams with performance-enhancing coaching recommendations and customer experience intelligence with Etech’s presentation.Key Takeaways:
- Why is CX becoming more important than traditional Quality Assurance?
- How to Transform from a check box-centric to Customer Experience Quality program
- How to Generate Better Customer Experiences with Quality Monitoring and Artificial Intelligence

Customer Contact Week Winter January 2018 Workshop Presentation
You know there’s a goldmine of information buried in your customer interactions, but manually listening to and analyzing every phone call, isn’t time or cost effective, and leaves your data open to human subjectivity and errors. How do you solve this problem? Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning and other industry trending technologies that supplement human efforts, are the key to better capturing customer insights from every call. Discover the steps you can take today to transform your organization by downloading Etech’s presentation. Learn how to use AI + HI (Human Intelligence) to put quality back into your customer service.Key Takeaways:
- Customer Experience is the new Quality Benchmark
- Customer Loyalty Journey
- What is AI?
- How to Implement AI
- Artificial Intelligence Meets Human Intelligence

Call Center Week *Winter* 2017 Workshop Presentation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications offers a solution for dealing with massive amounts of data. As a form of cognitive technology, machine learning takes artificial intelligence to a whole new level. AI’s role in finding real solutions to customer problems or identifying sales opportunities is more substantial than simply personalizing the customer experience. Discover how to find patterns in your data and automate descriptive, and prescriptive analytical tasks. Download Etech’s presentation and learn the true power of AI.Key Takeaways:
- How Speech Analytics is used in Quality Monitoring
- How to use Artificial Intelligence
- What Artificial Intelligence will do for you
- How does Artificial Intelligence work

CCW Fall Oct 2017 AI Workshop Presentation, Austin
Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) become more efficient with the use of human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence alters customer support experience in many ways but it is not an alternative or replacement for humans. Instead, it is utilized as an advancement in technology that can be helpful in handling large volume of data complexities. A balanced combination of People, Processes, and Technology gives your Quality Monitoring programs the ability to gain deeper insights into customer interactions. Download Etech’s presentation and learn how to balance technology (AI) with humans in the customer experience environment.Key Takeaways:
- Evolution of Customers with Technology
- What is the need to enhance CX
- AI complements the Quality Monitoring
- What AI and Humans can do.

Call Center Week June 2017 Workshop Presentation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a natural fit for contact centers as it offers a solution for turning massive amounts of unstructured data into actionable, structured feedback for your contact center. AI applications helps to reduce costs and efforts, all while improving customer experience and contact center efficiencies. Download presentation and learn more about AI’s integration with Quality in contact centers.Key Takeaways:
- Quality drives Customer Experience
- AI to supplement not replace
- It’s all about the people
- Culture + People + AI = Results

Call Center Week 2016 Workshop Presentation
Discover how to transform customer intelligence into actionable insights that can be communicated and turned into process improvement plans to drive any needed change.Download the presentation by:
- Matt Rocco, President & COO, Etech Global Services
- Jim Iyoob, EVP Customer Experience, Etech Global Services
- Manny Marrero Jr, Senior Account Manager, Get A Room
- What is quality and how to define and measure it
- Risks of having just a “Check Box”
- How to build a successful CX program
- Scoring Exercise (break out)
- Case Study – Get a Room
- Guiding Principles of a CX focused Quality Program